Setting the record straight!

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2010
Dartmouth, NS Canada
Not to further derail the IO6 thread I will do so here.

switched is the only one who knows anything; everyone else is stupid--that means you, me, everyone else. I have gotten where I rarely post here anymore, because if I have a legitimate beef with an Ikenvape item, then the fault is always mine, and none of Issaac's products could possibly have a defect. And even if I make a nice response about something, then switched feels the need to one up it.

Sorry Issac; I responded before I scrolled down and read your post; I should have kept my steam to myself.

Whoa whoa, let's slow down. Iken didn't leave yet! :laugh:
I don't know how accurate a Provari is as mine has been lying dormant for the past few weeks, but I'm sure it's close. Let's not argue or bring any hostility here. Here's a fun fact: In the 2 years we been in business on ECF there have been NO deleted threads or posts here in all the sub-forum. Well there's 1 in the Help center but I'm sure it was a Moderators doing as I usually catch it. Mostly all sub forums have 100 to 500+ deletions. I do not plan on having to find a post necessary to delete so please don't make it happen. This goes to no one directly but to all. I like to run a tight ship here where truths can be set free, but hostility and violence is something that is not tolerable.

As mentioned in Isaac's post probably the only sub where nothing gets deleted is here. I read in frustrations at times feeling the pain of the individual who is struggling and at the same time does very little to help themselves. Normally this can be associated with nic withdrawals. God forbid they should be doing anything wrong. Well the cold hard facts (stuff that folks do not want to hear) is that indeed perhaps they be doing something wrong.

Are Isaac's products infallible? Absolutely not!

Will everything at IKV cure what ails you? Absolutely not!

With all the hype that has been generated across the forums, folks expect to go to 7th heaven when vaping an IKV carto or atty. Some expect unprecedented performance and longevity 2nd to none. Heck I don't even know what folks expect. In the same vane come expect Isaac to take the crap out there and make it better. This video sums it up rather well...

That video has 15 dislikes at the time of drafting this response. Why is beyond me? Folks do not like hearing the truth??

The hype (not just hype) of the IKV line has hindered the ability to properly BETA test devices for you folks. When is this coming out etc... I am ...., I recommended to Isaac to discontinue posting BETA tests on the open forum. Not to hide what is said, but to allow the unhindered process of accurately testing equipment and ensuring that the equipment is ready and performs to Isaac's high standard prior to release. BTW this is one of a few sites where BETA testing is public, most are done off line between the testers and mfr/vendors and usually under a 2 year non disclosure agreement. This is what normally goes on behind the scenes. Then when the unit his ready for market a few are sent out (not the protos but full production models) to be reviewed etc...

Now I do take offense to certain facts posted by Player 30. I do not know it all but I do know a fair amount of data, that anyone can find themselves with a little research and experience, and experience is key IMMHO. During a video conference with Isaac he showed me the eGo LCD. I was sent the unit for BETA testing because of my vast experience with the eGo and somewhat good knowledge of the eGo T (5 months).

We have seen the pros and cons about the eGo T. I have been using the same atty daily for 5 months. Am I someone special? on the other hand perhaps, just perhaps I just may know what I am talking about. Who in his stable of BETA testers was more qualified to test this unit? I am not trying to be conceited here.

It has been seen here on more than one occasion - well I am not about to give up the juice I vape to use your atties/cartos! Fine, no one has to. At the same time we have said it many time before, liquid is probably the biggest culprit wrt performance and non performance of equipment. Oh, that can't possibly be.

Of late someone went through 26 atties in a 2 week period. Is this normal? When I get 4-6 months out of an atty on avg without ever bothering to clean them. Am I special or is this particular individual's vaping practices/technique out of wack. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine in this particular case what the problem was, when all carts were melted at the end. Clear evidence that the cart were not indexed on the atty and the atty was getting way to hot by continuously hitting it, and then dripping on this extremely hot atty, which causes thermal shock and subsequently a dead atty. No it was simpler to blame the product.

During the LCD tests all was fine until I switched liquids. I started to get dry hits. Sucking without pressing the button did not solve the problem. I gingerly lowered the wick in it's spike with a PC, and the problem was solved. I could have blamed it of the POS that Isaac sent me. No I troubleshot the problem and rectified it.

I will not have much to conclude in my final impressions of this device. What needed to be said has been said in initial impressions. It performs like an eGo T and is totally interchangeable with eGo T components. Those who did noy like the eGO T, then this device is not for you, regardless if it has a fancy LCD screen and is new on the market.

I believe in innovations because this causes the industry to seek greater products, but at the same time there are far too many rainbows out there. Folks need time to sit back and relax and wait for results before jumping in both feet and then posting all pissy about it. I have seen this far too often, and yes it becomes frustrating at times.

When the Missy's wet box came out, sight unseen I knew it wouldn't last. Why? It had a 0.5A switch on it vice a 3A switched. That problem was further exacerbated when folks started to use LR on the unit with IMR batteries.

I am cool with which ever way folks use their equipment to keep them off cigs, it is whatever works for you, and that is all that matters. However, if someone points out the errors of their ways, please don't come back and ..... about it after the fact when the advice provided was ignored.

Many use LRs on eGos = a no no. They were not designed to be used on them. Using LRs on an eGo batt will more often than not lead to a mofset failure and a dead battery. This is widely reported. Well the vendor said I could - yes and he will be there when your battery goes dead and sell you another one.

I have been using this set up for a couple of months know without problem - yes come back in 14 months and tell me you are using the same battery(ies).

Some folks are willing to assume justifiable risk with the aforementioned set up, I wasn't. To me $30 for an eGo batt at the time lost to a $6 IMR 14500 capable of doing the job. I have all the respect in the world for folks that have weighted their options prior to embarking on a decision, vice some of the mis-information out there.

Enough ranting...

In closing I do have a certain way with words that may ruffle a few feathers at times. I am not here to coddle you and will call shenanigans when I see them. As GG said it is merely my opinion and I am entitled to it. You do not have to accept it, nor the advice provided, there is always the ignore feature. Many have benifited from my participation on the forum in some form or another. The good of the many outweigh the need of the few.

That is all I have to say on the subject. Isaac provides quality stuff and if it is not for you, then move on to something that is better suited in providing the Nirvana you seek. Should you have a problem then address it with the vendor, it is the proper way to do things. It all else fails and you can't get satisfaction post your concerns here Reviews of Suppliers if your problem has not been resolved or you feel the need for attention <---- yes we see this at times.

I will not deny that Isaac and I are like brothers, however I wouldn't be here after more than a year if his product was crap.


PS: The atty used at minute 0.14 in now 1yr old as of 10/8. It still vaping like a champ, on a cart and has only been cleaned once. I also do not believe in dry burns :)
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Ultra Member
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Dec 13, 2010
Laurel, MD
I am full of errors. I don't doubt that. I am fairly new to vaping and I've screwed up a lot of cartos and I have no idea how to clean an atty. One thing that would be really nice is to have instructions printed on the box for us noobs for proper filling and refilling and tips for maintenance. While I'm not positive on this, I believe part of my problem is overfilling on refills which leads to clogged cartos (I feel lucky if I can get a carto to last more than a day). I could also use tips on dripping as well. Tips like this and the ones you mentioned on proper use of products to help insure a good experience for those that are less experienced could solve some of these issues if they were included with the products.

This is just a thought. The vaping world is expanding and more and more issues like the one you describe are going to start popping up because people don't know how to use the stuff they buy.

Having said that, I do like Ikenvapes products and I'm really looking forward to the Ikon. This post was not aimed here but at the industry in general.

Also, sometimes having less experienced users test products can be a good idea as well. Whenever I design a data entry form or a process at work, I go straight to the least experienced people to see where they get hung up so I can make the process easier for them (be it a more simple interface, better instructions on the form itself, etc.). I do check with the experienced people as well to make sure nothing is holding them back.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2010
Dartmouth, NS Canada
I am full of errors. I don't doubt that. I am fairly new to vaping and I've screwed up a lot of cartos and I have no idea how to clean an atty.
Atties outside of a periodic blow through do not require celaning. IMMHO it is all the fussing procalimed on the forums that lead them to premature deaths.

One thing that would be really nice is to have instructions printed on the box for us noobs for proper filling and refilling and tips for maintenance. While I'm not positive on this, I believe part of my problem is overfilling on refills which leads to clogged cartos (I feel lucky if I can get a carto to last more than a day).
Although many prefer the condom method of filling cartos (used when the tips did not come off) I prefer dripping them. When filling a carto for the first time I drip until it leaks out the bottom, and subtract 5 drops from the total for future reference. When the vapour and flavour diminish, I drip about 10 drops.

I could also use tips on dripping as well. Tips like this and the ones you mentioned on proper use of products to help insure a good experience for those that are less experienced could solve some of these issues if they were included with the products.
IAH I believe folks retain more through trial and error than the written word. When it comes to dripping there are a lot of factors in play here - the size of the drop and the viscosity of the liquid and the vaping style of the individual. One size does not fit all unfortunately

This is just a thought. The vaping world is expanding and more and more issues like the one you describe are going to start popping up because people don't know how to use the stuff they buy.
Absolutely true. OTOH how many sit back and wait for round two before jumping on the band wagon. e.g the CE2s man what a fiasco they were. Some folks swear by them I quit at rev3 (they were gifted) and have absolutely no interest in CE2s. I waited 2 months to pull the trigger on the eGoT, by the time I got mine the bugs had been worked out. I needed battery replacement for my eGo batts and ordered a couple of tank atties and carts to give them a whirl, and a pleasant experience I got from the get go. Like GG stated, the perfect PV/atty is what works for you. I do not like the Ciscos, many do. Does that make 'em crap? No, the Ciscos are simply not for me. I did a review side by side of both IKV and Cisco LR 306s, I never shat on either one but did explain why I preferred one over the other. The fact remains to me the Cisco is too hot and diminishes the flavour. I am all for flavour vice TH. Other than that it is a good atty, just not for me. One size does not fit all.

Having said that, I do like Ikenvapes products and I'm really looking forward to the Ikon. This post was not aimed here but at the industry in general.
I know :)

Also, sometimes having less experienced users test products can be a good idea as well. Whenever I design a data entry form or a process at work, I go straight to the least experienced people to see where they get hung up so I can make the process easier for them (be it a more simple interface, better instructions on the form itself, etc.). I do check with the experienced people as well to make sure nothing is holding them back.
... absolutely and that is something that Isaac is considering, latest new kid on the block being Loft.

A point to note. If you discuss your vaping habits with Isaac he will kit you up with what you need or seem to want. He will often send one on either side with your order to try out. That's what he did for me with the 306s where I had certain reservations. The 306s are now part of my stable.


Ultra Member
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Jul 29, 2010
Gibraltar, MI

I have been vaping just more than a year now. This forum has been extremely helpful in finding the right juice FOR ME and the right set up (which is still evolving). I stumbled upon this forum a couple of months ago searching for a good HV atty as mine were continually blowing.

I did a search of the whole forum and read a lot of information out there. I then came to this sub-forum and found a couple of the members here gave very objective reviews of IKV products, with thorough knowledge of a variety of PV's (which is rare to find in other sub-forums). Needless to say I was impressed and made my decision to purchase from IKV.

I have not yet had the pleasure of speaking with Isaac as none of my orders have had the need for customer service.

My very first order was for a couple of HV 901's as I really liked the way they hit. Of course when I got them I couldn't wait to try them. To my surprise I blew the first one immediately. I thought I had read everything and knew what I was doing. NOT :facepalm: ........ I didn't blame IKV for my mishap....There is a lot of misinformation out there.....I read a little more and found my own answers.

When anybody orders from IKV I cannot suggest strongly enough to READ the description of the product as IKV puts on a full disclosure of how to prime/use the product upon receipt.

Switched you have the knowledge I seek when looking for answers, along with 5card, mx and mw and quite a few others. I also know that AFTER I have looked for answers to my questions and can't find them I am confident if I ask here I will be lead in the right direction.

MOST of the problems with equipment is user error. There is a learning curve for everything and as long as things evolve so quickly in this arena there will continue to be learning.

I say most problems are user related, I do know that nothing is infallible. However, I would not hesitate in contacting IKV to get an issue resolved as I feel, even as a newbie to IKV, that I will be treated with the utmost respect and my problem will get resolution.

Please guys/gals, don't hesitate in sharing your knowledge as it is extremely helpful and needed!
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2010
Dartmouth, NS Canada
Heck even the vets make mistakes. I hadn't vaped at 6V for a spell. I popped a 3.5 at 6V is 1.5 days. Was it the atties fault no. I wasn't pulsing the button between hits.

With a sound foundation, anyone can attack the new gear that seems to be coming out in leaps and bounds quite confidently. But folks need to spend time doing research as well. There is allot of BS out there and it is only through exposure that one can then dissect the chaff from the wheat. It is indeed sad that today's society has become I want it yesterday and I want it fixed. I don't need to know the rest of the .... I just want this problem fixed. Tomorrow what you didn't read today will come back and bite you. Instant gratification!

Thanks for your point of view :)


Super Member
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Jan 20, 2011
Annapolis, MD
Heck even the vets make mistakes. I hadn't vaped at 6V for a spell. I popped a 3.5 at 6V is 1.5 days. Was it the atties fault no. I wasn't pulsing the button between hits.
I've never done 6V, but I expect to be doing 3ohms at 5V soon and have never heard of this pulsing the button between hits. What's this all about? Is it a pre-heating technique? A gradual cool down thing? Or a just 'cause it works kind of thing?

Also, I appreciate the fact that both you and Grimm both take the approach to reviewing of "This is what I like. This is what I don't like. And this is WHY I feel that way." I'm not a vaping guru, but I know more that most noobs and I always try to be clear when I'm giving my opinion and not stating something as gospel. I'm always glad to hear someone say "There is no best mod, but this is what's right for me."


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
Don't feel bad, Switched. Just last night I had some newb attack me in the New Members thread over an answer that I gave another new member. He accused me of bragging and pushing the IKV line and said that he was tired of it. The only reason I even mentioned the IKV line in my response was because the new member said that he had the best vaping experience with the Isaac's cartos and atties. All I did was ask this person which ones he was using and that I use IKV exclusively.

It really ...... me off that some other newb with a total of 16 posts had the audacity to accuse me of bragging when what I intended was advice and options. I'm not quite an ECF Vet, but I'm damned close. Does the Vet status mean that I'm always right? Hell no! But it does mean that I've been around the vaping block a few times and most people think that I do give good advice most of the time.

When I'm wrong or I miss the mark sometimes, I'm not afraid to admit it and I usually thank whoever for pointing out my mistake.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2010
Dartmouth, NS Canada
Thanks for the kind words, I do my best :lol:

Pulsing the button can be used at any voltage for folks who take longer pulls than 5 sec e.g 7 sec or more. Pulsing the button still maintains the heat at the atty but because the current is momentarily stopped prevents them from overheating. It becomes a habit after a while and you don't even realize you are doing it but your atties will thank you for it.

You will be fine with your 3Ohm at 5V AAMOF you may wish to go as low as 2.5Ohm and be perfectly safe, providing you do not over do it :)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2010
Dartmouth, NS Canada
Don't feel bad, Switched. Just last night I had some newb attack me in the New Members thread over an answer that I gave another new member. He accused me of bragging and pushing the IKV line and said that he was tired of it. The only reason I even mentioned the IKV line in my response was because the new member said that he had the best vaping experience with the Isaac's cartos and atties. All I did was ask this person which ones he was using and that I use IKV exclusively.

It really ...... me off that some other newb with a total of 16 posts had the audacity to accuse me of bragging when what I intended was advice and options. I'm not quite an ECF Vet, but I'm damned close. Does the Vet status mean that I'm always right? Hell no! But it does mean that I've been around the vaping block a few times and most people think that I do give good advice most of the time.

When I'm wrong or I miss the mark sometimes, I'm not afraid to admit it and I usually thank whoever for pointing out my mistake.
Well said my dear. As I, how many times have I apologized on the open forum, I never feel ashamed in doing so and I am always a better man for doing it, besides it makes me feel good because no one is perfect.

Some folks haven't even contacted the Tshirt Coy yet :lol: As a vet it does become tiresome quashing myths and rumours day in and day out. Evry now and again it shows. On the other hand I will always openly discuss the merits of points raised but will turn away in a flash when folks start to argue. My time is to precious for that.


Vaping Master
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May 26, 2010
Epic Journey
Thanks for the kind words, I do my best :lol:

Pulsing the button can be used at any voltage for folks who take longer pulls than 5 sec e.g 7 sec or more. Pulsing the button still maintains the heat at the atty but because the current is momentarily stopped prevents them from overheating. It becomes a habit after a while and you don't even realize you are doing it but your atties will thank you for it.

You will be fine with your 3Ohm at 5V AAMOF you may wish to go as low as 2.5Ohm and be perfectly safe, providing you do not over do it :)

Hey Switched,

I want to make sure that Keith doesn't misunderstand what you are suggesting. You said "pulsing the button between hits." That can be confusing the way it was stated since I assume you were talking about pulsing the button while taking a hit to make sure that the coil doesn't get too hot at higher voltages. Right?


Ultra Member
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Jan 27, 2010
Wolverine Lake, Michigan
Thanks for the kind words, I do my best :lol:

Pulsing the button can be used at any voltage for folks who take longer pulls than 5 sec e.g 7 sec or more. Pulsing the button still maintains the heat at the atty but because the current is momentarily stopped prevents them from overheating. It becomes a habit after a while and you don't even realize you are doing it but your atties will thank you for it.

Thats the only way I vape and like you said its just how I vape now and it is a habit that I dont even notice it until someone asks me why I am doing it.


ECF Guru
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Jan 1, 2010
Great thread, it must be because I have nothing to add.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 2, 2011
North Carolina
I was reading this post and just wanted to throw my two cents in here. I have been vaping for seven months now and am still on a learning curve. I still make mistakes and still probably give out bad advice through no fault of my own and will admit it if I am wrong. I still mess up a carto and an atty every once in awhile. No vendor is 100 percent right all the time either and sometimes they do get in a bad product through no fault of their own. I have never known Issac to be anything other than courteous and very nice if I ever have an issue or question with one of his products. he runs one heck of a business and I have no problems buying anything of his and can't wait to try this new product out either.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2010
Dartmouth, NS Canada
I was reading this post and just wanted to throw my two cents in here. I have been vaping for seven months now and am still on a learning curve. I still make mistakes and still probably give out bad advice through no fault of my own and will admit it if I am wrong. I still mess up a carto and an atty every once in awhile. No vendor is 100 percent right all the time either and sometimes they do get in a bad product through no fault of their own. I have never known Issac to be anything other than courteous and very nice if I ever have an issue or question with one of his products. he runs one heck of a business and I have no problems buying anything of his and can't wait to try this new product out either.
Pretty much my sentiment as well.


Ultra Member
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Jan 31, 2011
Wish I could just 'like' this thread so far. I really can't say anything as I share a lot of the same views and I haven't even been vaping that long. I pulse hit everything, though (except the Ikon eGo) and I've not blown any atties. I had a rough time starting out but learned quickly through trial and error. I've only had one bad cartomizer from IKV and one mislabeled atomizer -- was supposed to be an LR306 that metered at HV ohm range. There were other issues which more than likely were issues with me, not the equipment. But that was from me jumping around all over and not settling down. Now that I've settled down and figured out my vaping style, all the hardware I use has a place and works as they are intended to.
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