an occasional cig?

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 30, 2010
does anyone smoke cigs still once in a while? makes me feel like im cheating, lately i have had real bad headaches, and the only thing that seems to take the edge off is smoking a real cig, i vape like a mad man and it doesnt cut it for these moments. i bought a pack to have a cig once in a while and just sore the rest in the freezer, i have no intentions of going back to being a full time
"smoker" i just need something to take the edge off these headaches.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Oct 28, 2010
my headaches are not from any kind of withdrawl, just migraines, i get them sometimes and i usualy just deal with them, but i had a smoke the other day and it just killed it... been getting them my whole life, just never noticed how much they suck till i "quit" smoking

There are alkaloids in tobacco that nic on its own does not deliver. I do see a lot of "bump up the nic" type recommendations but not so sure that will knock back the cravings/needs that an analog delivers. I've been vaping about 4 months now and still do a few analogs every day and it doesn't bother me a bit as I used to do 40 a day, I do make my own out of organic tobacco so it's a pretty good smoke, I haven't tried a corporate cig in a very long time.

I wouldn't sweat it too much, burn one if you have to. I've heard migraines can be pretty awful.


Full Member
Feb 8, 2011
Thats weird man. I have smoked a pack of analogs since I started vaping only becuase I lost my pv and needed to do something until I got my new order. I was using a 20mg juice and still had a strong craving although I never did it. I just vaped more frequently than I had been doing before. I since went up to a 24mg juice and that "craving" has gone away.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2011
I was scared about overdoing the nic at first until a helpful forum member (can't remember their name!) told me not to worry, I bought some 52mg pg nic juice to cut down with flavour and vg and I havent had a single craving!

Just try upping the nic, read up on the symptoms of too much nic so you're informed in advance and then vape away, if you try it then you can rule it out. And get some headache pills!

Note: I have never had a migraine, my mum used to get them terrible and made her very depressed, I don't really think anyone can comment without having experienced them and I for one am not making light of your migraines, well except the headache pills comment but thats a joke :) - hang in there I really hope you find a solution because even one cig a week is enough to kill you, avoid the cancer and the emphysema! My dad died of emphysema aged 55 and unless you've seen someone you love sitting dying in an armchair for months and years not able to move constantly wheezing (lungs drowning) on a nebuliser half the day and yet still smoking...and then you bury them, I was 14 when we buried dad, don't underestimate the fags.

Anyway sorry for the morbid tone, Happy Vaping! This vape is saving my life I've vaped 9 days or so and havent had a single craving or a single ..., haven't even thought about them! Work on getting your vaping 'right' and you will never need a ciggie, took me changing juice and pv until I found a formula that worked, 17 years smoking non stop and then I stopped with vape the first day I tried, trust me you don't need the fags!

Love to all!



PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
At the very least, ecigs will help you to cut down tremendously right at the outset. I went from over 2PAD to just a few the first week. If I hadn't had access (my wife still smokes) I probably would have quit completely. I tell myself that a few a day is progress. It's certainly better than 40 or 50 a day.

When you get a craving, vape like mad for a few minutes and it helps.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 11, 2010
Since there are places I can smoke but not vape, it was never an issue of completely changing over. My main reasons for vaping were, in order: 1) slow or stop the build-up of smoke/oil/gunk on windows and wall, 2) save some money. I'm down from 3 to 3.5 PAD to a pack or two a week.

I've become very alert to the signs that a migraine is on its way. I immediately gulp half a dozen asprin and a can of Coke. Tylenol, and its generics, do nothing, and even Pepsi isn't as effective. I guess I'm avoiding about 80-85% of migraines this way, and those which still come through after this regimine are never as severe or long-lasting as those which I miss the signs in time.

Smoking never had an effect, positive or negative, on my migraines. Just another example on how we're all different.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 11, 2009
I've been vaping for over a year now. I went for something like 4-5 months without smoking at all, then bought a pack when I was traveling and since then I've kept buying occasional packs. One pack normally lasts me about three weeks and when I do smoke now it's mostly out of nostalgia. I don't feel bad about it, considering that I used to smoke a pack a day.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2009
Trainer PA
I will admit that since I quit on the 20th of last month I have smoked 3 cigs....even more....I've given away 5...weird.

The plus is that when I got down to 2 cigs a day I got stuck...I would "jones" at night at a certain time and the claws of addiction would dig in. Somewhere between there and here that went away....which is just crazy as far as I'm concerned...I never thought it was possible.


Ultra Member
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Sep 19, 2010
Canandaigua, NY

I haven't caved but I keep some "911 Emergency" juice for situations that would normally make me cave. It's 50% stronger juice that what I vape normally at. It works like a charm. You vape 24mg so get one bottle of 36mg and ONLY use it when it's an emergency. It will calm you down and help with the migraine, if you only use it in times of stress or duress. Try to make it a flavor that you don't normally vape in 24mg. Make it something unique so your brain associates the new flavor with "relief".

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