HELP...still crave cigarettes

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May 11, 2014
Hello gandymarsh how do I get that banner you have saying how long I have not had a cigarette?
Thanks for the help
I think you need 15 posts to get a banner, not sure though it might be more. When you get the required amount of posts, click on any banner and it will take you to a site where you can create your own. There should be instructions there about putting it in your signature.

To start a new thread, go here New Members Forum | E-Cigarette Forum You should see a red box near the top that says Post New Thread, click that.
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Jan 24, 2014
Thanks, I'm new to the vape world,what kind of ecig would you suggest? I'm from winnipeg canada(just mentioning this if certain ecigs aren't available here)

I see you're almost at the 5 posts you need to escape the new member forum; there is a Canada-specific thread or forum here, where you can get more specific info about what's available up there -- once you get your 5 new member posts in (and the forum updates -- I think it does it on the :25 of every hour), you can find out in there, probably a lot more quickly, and specifically to your area.

Also -- not everyone is able to quit smoking all at once, no matter how much or how little they smoked -- the addiction is very individual, and for some it takes weeks, months, or even years. But you've already cut down substantially, and that's a good, even great thing -- it shows you a little glimmer of possibility; vaping is all about Harm Reduction, and every cigarette you can eliminate is a little bit less harm. :thumb:

Hang in there!


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Jan 24, 2014
This is very confusing I can not find where to start and say hello can anyone help me out.

Look at the top of the page, you'll see something that looks like this:


click where it says "New Members Forum" and it will take you back to that forum, where it will show all the threads in this forum -- you can start your own, when you're a new member, in this forum only. After you get 5 posts, you can post elsewhere also.



Vaping Master
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Aug 12, 2012
Lawrence KS
I started when I was 60 years old. I was a 42 year up to 3 pad full flavor smoker. I started with 24mg liquid and used that for 2-3 months before I started cutting back. I was able to quit cigs after 3 days, but the cravings didn't go away for several months. I just had to vape thru the cravings. I had already cut back some with nicotine lozenges, so I was actively trying to quit.

My wife had it harder. She continued to smoke 4-5 per day for several weeks, but she finally gave up the smokes. She was a 1 1/2 pad smoker and also started with 24mg.

Everyone is different. As they say, "count the ones you don't smoke".
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Jan 22, 2015
West Virginia, USA
Hi Dwittick. As a former 2 to 3 pack a day smoker I dual used for 12 days before I hit my stride. When I first got my starter kit I started too low in nicotine and had to bump it up to the next level. I still had the "itch". One of the techniques I used to kill the cravings was to get a cheap clearo/tank and keep the next higher nic in it. When the craving "itch" came I would hit the cheap clearo/tank once then revert back to the normal nic level juice. It took me 3 days of this method to "lower" the craving so the normal nic was ample enough to get off the cigs. Over time (5 months) I used the same technique to lower my nic down to the 3 to zero I am now enjoying, just so I never have to worry about the cravings again.

Good luck in your vape journey. You CAN do it!
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Jul 5, 2010
South Carolina
I'm a 60 yo man, and I smoked up to 2 1/2 packs a day , probably about 60-70 smokes a day. I could be a poster boy for a nicotine addicted man. It costed me about $900 a month ( no-name brand) and coughed so hard in the morning ,I thought I would die. Anyway ,though I appreciate input from anyone ,I would REALLY like to hear from some real heavily addicted individuals like myself. I bought a kanger emow ECIG and have cut down to about a pack a day,vaping 18 mg eliquid. The problem is I still really crave analog cigs. I try to limit myself to 1 analog per hour, but even when vaping my head off, all I can think of is for the hour to come to have a real cigarette. I've been vaping about 2 months now, 18 mg ejuice. I started to think there was something other than nicotine in analogs that im addicted to ,that I'm not getting vaping? To anyone ,who sees a little bit of themselves in me, do you think I should start vaping at 24-36 mgs? That seems pretty high, but I'll never quit analogs still craving analogs like i do.

I smoked 2 packs a day and I was not able to give up the cigs on 18 mg nicotine. It took 36 mg for me to give the cigs up and even then, I cut way back for about a week before finally putting the cigs down. Remember that we do not absorb nicotine from vapor the same as we would from a burning cig. It takes a higher strength for heavy smokers. Don't worry about the strength for now. Use what takes the edge off for now. You can always cut down later when you are cig free if you so desire. Do not let anyone scare you into thinking that 36 mg is too high. Heck, my mom used 48 mg. Some folks are more heavily addicted and have a higher tolerance than others. Even at 36 mg you may still have some cravings. There are all of those other nasty chemicals in cigs that you will be withdrawing from besides the nicotine.

I was ready to give up so many times. But, here I am 5 years later and still cig free. Hang in there. If I could do it, anyone can do it.


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Mar 21, 2014
Syracuse, IN, USA
I smoked 2 1/2 - 3 packs daily for about 20 years. I started at 24 mg nicotine and rapidly decided that was actually too strong for me. You may be different and need a little more than that, or you may find out that the next step down is better for you. Everyone is different and you'll do fine in the end. I didn't think I'd be able to quit smoking ever, but here I am a year and a half later still vaping away. Good luck!!!
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Mar 7, 2013
Southeast Michigan
I was a smoker for over 42 years and by that time I had worked my way up to 3 to 4 packs a day. I smoked roll your own for the last 5 years or so. It took me 3 separate attempts at ecigs over 4 years to finally quit. The first 2 times the equipment just wasn't good enough to work for me.

The third time I got a VV/VW mod and 24mg nic and I was finally able to quit. I'm now almost 2 years without smoking. I stayed at 24mg for well over a year before I attempted to lower my nic. I'm now at 6mg and thinking of going to 3mg. During this time I've also acquired more powerful mods to assist me with staying quit and I haven't had a craving in a very long time.

I think the previous posters are right on the money by suggesting you raise your nicotine level and get more powerful equipment. It certainly worked for me. Another suggestion is to get involved in the forum. Visit this thread Still smoking support and chat thread | E-Cigarette Forum and get helpful tips and suggestions from people who know exactly what you're going through. It's like going to a support group. Good luck to you.


Vaping Mistress
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Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
Welcome Dwittick and Alsion :)

Dwittick - you've cut down 2/3 of your previous smoke intake in the past couple of months. That's worthy of a "high-five" :headbang: (o.k. this was as close as I could get :) )

For some folks, it takes time. I agree with the others - kick up your nic and as Andria suggest, try to find the WTA. I was pretty lucky in that I didn't have the serious cravings, but I also had (have) my mod in hand as often as possible.

Good luck
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Apr 11, 2014
San Diego, CA, USA
Welcome to ECF, Dwittick and Alsion!

While much has been said about strength and devices, not much has been mentioned about flavors: One way to train yourself away from cigarettes is to pursue non-tobacco flavors. Fruits are usually a good class of flavors to go for (although I would suggest tasting some at a local vape shop, if you are able--just to make sure that you like the flavor beforehand). Why a non-tobacco flavor? It makes the cigarette begin to taste really bad in comparison. Used in conjunction with a higher nicotine level, WTA juices (like what Andria mentioned early in the thread), and a satisfying setup, this will help act as a deterrent from smoking. Just a thought...
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  • May 31, 2015
    Oregon, USA
    I'm a 60 yo man, and I smoked up to 2 1/2 packs a day , probably about 60-70 smokes a day. I could be a poster boy for a nicotine addicted man. I bought a kanger emow ECIG and have cut down to about a pack a day,vaping 18 mg eliquid. The problem is I still really crave analog cigs.

    I'm similar in age and amount of smoking I was doing. However I've mostly been successful with 18mg juice and a VV/VW vape setup.

    So I need to ask: how much vapor is your 'ecig' producing? Is it equal to or more than your smokes? Lastly, how is your 'technique'? Are you exhaling through your nose?

    Many of the 'cloud chasers' here seem to imply that the more 'cloud' produced the less nicotine needed (or can be tolerated because of harshness). I started on a small VV mod with the voltage turned all the down and was not satisfied. As I got used to 'vaping' I slowly turned the voltage up so I was getting much larger output (and using more juice) and in the end was more satisfied and stopped smoking all together.

    Maybe you do need stronger juice or maybe just need to up the voltage on your mod so its producing more vapor.


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    Jan 24, 2014
    I'm similar in age and amount of smoking I was doing. However I've mostly been successful with 18mg juice and a VV/VW vape setup.

    So I need to ask: how much vapor is your 'ecig' producing? Is it equal to or more than your smokes? Lastly, how is your 'technique'? Are you exhaling through your nose?

    Many of the 'cloud chasers' here seem to imply that the more 'cloud' produced the less nicotine needed (or can be tolerated because of harshness). I started on a small VV mod with the voltage turned all the down and was not satisfied. As I got used to 'vaping' I slowly turned the voltage up so I was getting much larger output (and using more juice) and in the end was more satisfied and stopped smoking all together.

    Maybe you do need stronger juice or maybe just need to up the voltage on your mod so its producing more vapor.

    Good points, all, and especially about the nose-exhales.

    If you draw very slowly, and let the vapor hang around in your mouth and throat before inhaling, then exhale thru the nose as much as the mouth, you'll get a GREAT!!! deal more nicotine absorption; unlike smoke, vaporized nicotine absorbs best in the mucosa of the mouth, throat, sinuses,and nose, rather than in the lungs. If you just inhale it deep into the lungs as with smoke, you get very little nicotine absorption.

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    Ultra Member
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  • May 31, 2015
    Oregon, USA
    Good points, all, and especially about the nose-exhales.

    If you draw very slowly, and let the vapor hang around in your mouth and throat before inhaling, then exhale thru the nose as much as the mouth, you'll get a GREAT!!! deal more nicotine absorption; unlike smoke, vaporized nicotine absorbs best in the mucosa of the mouth, throat, sinuses,and nose, rather than in the lungs. If you just inhale it deep into the lungs as with smoke, you get very little nicotine absorption.


    Thanks Andria for expanding on the concept of technique and absorption.

    Personally, if done right in a wrong way (chain vaping 18mg with large clouds) I can begin to feel the symptoms of nicotine over dose.

    I also agree with others on the idea of fruit flavors. After a few weeks of 18mg 'Strawberry Cream' my 'USA Gold' analogs tasted like crap.


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    Jan 24, 2014
    Thanks Andria for expanding on the concept of technique and absorption.

    Personally, if done right in a wrong way (chain vaping 18mg with large clouds) I can begin to feel the symptoms of nicotine over dose.

    I also agree with others on the idea of fruit flavors. After a few weeks of 18mg 'Strawberry Cream' my 'USA Gold' analogs tasted like crap.

    I find it difficult to get over the habit of inhaling, so I try to make up for it with nose exhales. But paying attention to the slow technique is what finally allowed me to turn my last 3 days of 1 cigarette a day into zero cigarettes a day. Just gotta slow it down a little... vapor is slower than smoke, but if you just take your time, the satisfaction is there, to the point that you don't really feel the need for a smoke.


    ETA: as for the flavors... if I hadn't found an ejuice that tasted a great deal like my cigarettes, I'm pretty sure it would have been a lot harder for me to make the switch, if I could have done it at all. I had to fool my stupid brain, give it something close enough to make it feel content. but after a few months of Virginia, I tried one called "Blueberry Muffin" -- my most favorite gnosh of all time, and it only took a couple weeks of vaping that and that Virginia tasted like CRAP. Now I can't abide it, and vape either strawberry & cream, or a coffee/sweet tobacco/chocolate/vanilla mix I make.
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    Jun 6, 2015
    Dwittick.. I was a heavy smoker.. 2 - 2 1/2 packs a day. I even woke up in the night to smoke. Had one hanging out of my mouth all the time. Never without my pack and lighter.Bought a carton of Winston Ultra Light 100's every 5 days.Got a Kanger Evod on May 12th because my sisters-in law were here visiting and we were taking them on a long car trip.I knew I would go stark raving mad and kill someone if I couldn't smoke in the car and they hate smoking.On the way to pick them up at their hotel, I ran in a little vape shop that had just opened and had them set me up asap. Started vaping the minute I got back in the car. Haven't had an analog ciggie since. I had a full pack in the drawer and on day 3, I lit one up. Got so dizzy after 2 drags I nearly fell over. That was it. Washed and put away all my ash trays because they smelled so bad. All of my doctors told me time and again I would die from smoking and I still couldn't quit. My blood pressure was so bad, I thought my BP monitor was defective. It wasn't.. it just couldn't go high enough to give me a reading.(299/125) I was petrified I would have a stroke even though I am on 6 BP meds a day.. and yet I still couldn't quit. I didn't want to quit and nothing would make me quit.As long as I can Vape, I will never go back to the stinkies.. I feel so much better, If I can do it.. you can, too. I promise.I'm using 18mg and only really like tobacco flavors. I went out and got a Kanger EMOW in case something on my Evod breaks. Probably will move on up as time goes by. Give the 24 mg a try.. Your cough will be gone.


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    Jan 24, 2014
    Dwittick.. I was a heavy smoker.. 2 - 2 1/2 packs a day. I even woke up in the night to smoke. Had one hanging out of my mouth all the time. Never without my pack and lighter.Bought a carton of Winston Ultra Light 100's every 5 days.Got a Kanger Evod on May 12th because my sisters-in law were here visiting and we were taking them on a long car trip.I knew I would go stark raving mad and kill someone if I couldn't smoke in the car and they hate smoking.On the way to pick them up at their hotel, I ran in a little vape shop that had just opened and had them set me up asap. Started vaping the minute I got back in the car. Haven't had an analog ciggie since. I had a full pack in the drawer and on day 3, I lit one up. Got so dizzy after 2 drags I nearly fell over. That was it. Washed and put away all my ash trays because they smelled so bad. All of my doctors told me time and again I would die from smoking and I still couldn't quit. My blood pressure was so bad, I thought my BP monitor was defective. It wasn't.. it just couldn't go high enough to give me a reading.(299/125) I was petrified I would have a stroke even though I am on 6 BP meds a day.. and yet I still couldn't quit. I didn't want to quit and nothing would make me quit.As long as I can Vape, I will never go back to the stinkies.. I feel so much better, If I can do it.. you can, too. I promise.I'm using 18mg and only really like tobacco flavors. I went out and got a Kanger EMOW in case something on my Evod breaks. Probably will move on up as time goes by. Give the 24 mg a try.. Your cough will be gone.

    Way to go, birdy! And welcome to ECF! :thumb:



    ECF Guru
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    Oct 23, 2013
    Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
    I'm a 60 yo man, and I smoked up to 2 1/2 packs a day , probably about 60-70 smokes a day. I could be a poster boy for a nicotine addicted man. It costed me about $900 a month ( no-name brand) and coughed so hard in the morning ,I thought I would die. Anyway ,though I appreciate input from anyone ,I would REALLY like to hear from some real heavily addicted individuals like myself. I bought a kanger emow ECIG and have cut down to about a pack a day,vaping 18 mg eliquid. The problem is I still really crave analog cigs. I try to limit myself to 1 analog per hour, but even when vaping my head off, all I can think of is for the hour to come to have a real cigarette. I've been vaping about 2 months now, 18 mg ejuice. I started to think there was something other than nicotine in analogs that im addicted to ,that I'm not getting vaping? To anyone ,who sees a little bit of themselves in me, do you think I should start vaping at 24-36 mgs? That seems pretty high, but I'll never quit analogs still craving analogs like i do.

    I'm 50+;
    I smoked 2 packaday for 30 years.
    I had to trialanderror for a few weeks with cigalikes till I found one that did the job.
    That was back in 2013.
    I'd try some 24mg.

    When I started I used to keep some 24mg in 1 tank or occasional use, but use a lower strength most of the time. Within 3 months I was able to drop down to zero nic; after that, I wasn't much concerned about being addicted to nicotine because I knew I could cut down fast if I wanted to.

    These days I actually vape 24mg for a little while in the evening after supper, but during the day, what I vape is more like 2mg at 15 watts.
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