I just want to have the look and taste of a cigarette that isn't a piece of garbage

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Jul 29, 2012
everyone wants one that looks like a cigarette at first... a month or two down the road you'll find yourself vaping moose antlers or bagpipes... volt, bloog.. v4l... etc..

This is really how it ends up. Once you try out something bigger and more powerful you will never want anything else. I find my eGo C 1000mah with drip atom is as small as I will go now!

As per others suggestion, Volt and Volcano's Volcano ecig and their Magma line is good for the smaller sized ones as well.


Ultra Member
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May 13, 2012
Deerfield Beach, Florida
This is really how it ends up. Once you try out something bigger and more powerful you will never want anything else. I find my eGo C 1000mah with drip atom is as small as I will go now!

As per others suggestion, Volt and Volcano's Volcano ecig and their Magma line is good for the smaller sized ones as well.

To a point, I agree, but some minis like the volt, halo g6 and bloog provide they same voltage as the kgo and more than the standard ego. The battery just doesn't last as long. Until recently a mini user would have to give up their 808 mini to move to an ego because of different threads. I mean no one wants to have 808 cartos and 510 cartos. But now, with the volt x2 and others, you can have both and continue to use your cartos and clearos on both the mini and the larger ego style battery. You don't get more voltage going to an ego or kgo, just longer battery life. But sometimes, it's nice to have a small pv you can slip in you pocket and stealth with.

Though I love my X2 batteries, I have and will continue to use my 78mm volt battery when I'm out of the house. The small 78mm combined with a 2.4-2.6ohm bottom coil ce3 provides me with just as much vapor and watts as a joyetech ego with a 2.0ohm carto


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2012
Here's my take on your situation. I'm going to give it to you straight - no holds barred. You might think I'm an opinionated jerk, but what I really am is a person who's trying to get you to succeed and be happy in knowing you did the right thing.

No cigarette sized PV exists that can compare to even an EGO type battery, especially the twist. Not in battery life, not in vapor production, not in satisfaction. There are flavors that are passable but there is no such flavor that exists that will replicate an actual analog. That's okay because once you've vaped properly for a week you will think cigarettes are gross and lol at people who still smoke. Few are the people who stick with this small PV's and many are those who go back to smoking when they start with one. You see it every day right here on this forum. OMG I hate blue, OMG I'm charging all the time, OMG it's expensive... look around and see for yourself. IMO the only people who like them are people who never smoked a lot in the first place, like social smokers who drink at the bar and have a smoke or two a week. Then there's the cost. By the time you get a full setup in a Volt you will have paid as much if not more than an Ego Twist which will school it in every category. Plus you'll have all this junk to carry around. You might charge a volt 3 times a day, you might charge an Ego Twist once every 24-48 hours depending on your habit.

Here is a video review from a 3 year veteran (IIRC - anyway he's been vaping this side of forever). He has just about EVERY ecig on the market (both past and present): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ol-Ol8qWPic.

It's ok, every noob goes through this. What do I tell them? Isn't the idea to quit? If so, get away from that garbage taste and garbage smell and you'll see that you'll be just fine. Why would you want to replicate the very thing you are trying to stop doing? Go for fruity or dessert type flavors, they are the best, after all. If you go ahead with this you will have an ecig that has less than satisfying vapor, you will be charging it constantly, and you will be broke from trying all the tobacco flavors and finding that it would be easier to find the Fountain of Youth. Save yourself the money, the angst, and the stress and do what works. Go with the flow and you will be just fine. Sure, you might get a Volt or whatever and that might work for you for a little bit, but then you'll be back on the ECF looking for the next PV in no time. Skip the kiddie pool and go head first into the big kid pool.

I just watched the steeljan video (more like advertisement) and watched how much vapor she pulled with the Volt, that's like 25% or less of what you will pull with an EGO style battery, like a twist. Those things come with 2.8ohm cartomizers on that low voltage device? WOW. It should be a 2.0ohms or less. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMKBn_tkMcI&feature=channel&list=UL Compare this to the other video I posted earlier and pay particular attention to the vapor clouds that both people blow out.

get 2 ego twist batteries with a charger and then either pick from cartomizers (such as Boges or Smoktechs, those being the best and most popular) or between Ego Vision Clearomizers aka the Stardust, or the even better Vision Vivi Nova.
AltSmoke.com | Personal Vaporizers | Electronic Cigarette | Ecigs | AltSmoke.com | eGo-C Twist Battery
this is the cheapest deal on the net. I recommend getting a 650 mah and a 1000 mah battery.
Here's the charger:
AltSmoke.com | Personal Vaporizers | Electronic Cigarette | Ecigs | eGo Series - USB Battery Charger - Chargers - Accessories
Here are the Stardusts:
AltSmoke.com | Personal Vaporizers | Electronic Cigarette | Ecigs | Vision Clearomizer - AltSmoke
And here is the superior Vivi Nova (you can buy replacement heads for it but it's better to learn how to make your own - see also YouTube):
AltSmoke.com | Personal Vaporizers | Electronic Cigarette | Ecigs | Search results for: 'Vivi'

I'd recommend 3ohm if you are going for the full voltage of the twist (4.8v).
2.0 to 2.5ohm for the mid range. (3.8-4.4v area). Maybe get some of each and try them out with different voltages. Boges last longer, Smoktechs vape better.

Altsmoke is a very reputable company and their shipping prices are some of the lowest in the business.
There you go. If you follow my advice and you hate it I will delete my account and never return here again, THAT is how confident I am in my advice (it's never gonna happen).
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 28, 2012
This is really how it ends up. Once you try out something bigger and more powerful you will never want anything else. I find my eGo C 1000mah with drip atom is as small as I will go now!

As per others suggestion, Volt and Volcano's Volcano eCig and their Magma line is good for the smaller sized ones as well.
That's true for some bur not for others.
I vape both my Volt and my Twist every day. The Volt is SO much more comfortable for out and about stick it in your pocket vaping.


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Jul 29, 2012
That's true for some bur not for others.
I vape both my Volt and my Twist every day. The Volt is SO much more comfortable for out and about stick it in your pocket vaping.

Oh I hear ya.

I just haven't had any reason to go back to my mini or my eGo that often. I find most vapers around my area just stick with their mods or eGo sized stuff rather than go back to minis or the like.

Agreed though, it is down to what you do and how you like it.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2009
Outside of the Philadelphia Burbs, NJ & Fla
Save yourself a lot of time and money, Ego-Twist 900 or 1000mAh Batts will get you there as far as the Batts go. As a starter you would probably be good with a Carto like the Kanger T-2 or a Stardust, this way you dont have to be sucking on the filler stuff and they hold more juice. just my 2c

John D in CT

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Feb 27, 2012
Provarie is the best

It's "ProVari", and while the V2 and Mini are arguably the best-built, best-looking, and most reliable APV's on the planet, I have to take issue with the categorical statement that "they are the best". To me, that implies that it is "the best", period; meaning, to me, the best for all situations, places, and times, which I do not believe it to be.

It also implies that it outperforms all other devices in all categories, which it does not. The Smoktech VMax can put out more power in some instances due to its five-amp switch, and my "Version 1.0" VMax's can put out more raw voltage, allowing it to power higher-resistance coils than the ProVari. That said, if I could take only one device with me during a prolonged stay on a desert island with a 110-volt outlet and a barrel of juice washed up on shore, it would be a ProVari V2, gold-plated for protection from corrosion, with the 18650 end cap.

I agree with MWA that the Twist fills a vital role in almost anyone's collection of gear, and believe that it has caused the semi-retirement of many advanced personal vaporizers like the Provari. My friend Dan's ProVari, and my VMax's, sit largely unused as we vape mostly on Twists, both at home, and on the go.


I agree ego twist pretty good device for starting out

Well shoot, I could have saved myself a whole lotta typin' if I had seen this sooner. :)

Yep, I really do think it is a heck of a good device to try, especially for $22 or so for a 650, the size I prefer. (Still haven't tried a 900, but the 1000's are just wayyyyyyyy long).
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 15, 2012
melrose fl
i started off with a cheap e-cig and some parts for a mod to build. well i have 2 mods i built and just got in my first ego twist 650mah and i will say i was blown away with it. 8 hours of vaping and was still going strong did a volt check on my charger and it still had over half charge. well now i have 2 mods and a 3rd being built and most likely they will not get used as much as my twist till i build my first vv myself.


Vaping Master
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Jul 14, 2012
New Zealand
Good one. I used to smoke 45-50 a day and now I use 78mm Volts. When my Volt x2 arrives... still waiting here in middle earth... it will be my one for at home. 900mah. Congrats on your choice - hope you enjoy it.

I almost went with the blu but after a horrible experience with a pure smoke from a smoke shop I decided to do some research. glad I did as the volt got better reviews and is cheaper. I like it so far
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