Is it safe to use mechanical mods - to subohm?

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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
A man's worth is measured by the sweat of his brow and integrity of his heart, not the accumulation of his possessions.

What does it profit a man to gain the world if he loses his soul in the process?

Yes agreed.. Possession is meaningless. My possession is defined to employee to 500 factory workers to build a beautiful car to put dinner at the table. Yes I drive it off but doesn't mean without meaning. We all have jobs, but some have more to keep an economy working. "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s." You know where that comes from.

I think if that didn't stand, we would all be homeless. Why work? Why support each other? We know what the end is... Why waste your time if you know the end, sit on the corner and just waste your life away...

Sorry for being biblical in no way trying to offend you brother.

Sorry I need to stop posting when drinking beer.... I'm sorry If I offended anyone...
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2013
los angeles, california, USA
Recently I purchased a second Skeleton Key mechanical mod and gave it to my son. I started him on an Itazte SVG shortly after I started vaping myself to help him quit chewing tobacco. About a month after he had been using the SVG, he expressed a desire to move up to a mechanical mod. This prompted a question from my wife Debby that I have been pondering for weeks now. Is it safe to use mechanical mods; to subohm?

I purchased my first mechanical mod, a Chi Megan with a Tugboat dripper, about four weeks after I first started vaping. I have been vaping now for about four months and I own over 200 authentic mechanical mods and about 250 authentic drippers. About two weeks ago, I started building my own coils. Have I gone off the deep end? Am I fooling around with potential pipe bombs?

Concerning the aforementioned questions, I really don’t know if I can promulgate intelligent answers to said questions, however I believe that there are some do’s and don’ts that anyone who uses mechanical mods should follow.

Don’t: I don’t buy clone mods and or RDA’s. I will not debate the subject with people who choose to buy clones but will say that I believe that you get what you pay for and if you are going to use a device that can be a potential pipe bomb, buying cheap knock off clones is not a very smart idea.

Do: Buy good quality batteries. There are many cheaply made batteries sold out of China that could potentially explode on you. I prefer to buy Sony batteries whenever I can get my hands on them. I also suggest buying enough batteries so that you always have fresh ones ready to use. It is not smart to run a battery in to the ground because you are needing to vape and don’t have a charged one ready to switch out.

Don’t: Build RDA’s for cloud chasing (creating big clouds of vapor). I never build subohm coils for the purpose of creating big clouds of vapor. Subohming at different resistances provides a different taste to your juice. I normally try not to go below .16 because anything lower than that and I am burning off all the flavor of my juices in favor of creating a bigger vapor cloud.

Do: Clean the contacts of your devices regularly. The last thing you want going on inside of your tube is sparks created by dirty contacts. I clean my contacts of my mechanical mods on a weekly basis. When I change batteries I inspect both the upper and lower contacts to make sure they are clean and that they are not damaged in any way. Keeping your contacts clean prolong their lifespan and reduce voltage drops within your device. Drops in voltage change the way your device hits, thus the flavor of your juice.

Don’t: Put your mechanical mod in your pockets. It is real tempting to want to carry you mechanical mod in your pocket. This is a very fast way to cause you device to fire without your knowledge. I made this mistake once and did not notice it until my device got hot enough to burn my leg. I have never made that mistake again.

Though the do’s and don’ts I have mentioned are just a few of things I practice to make subohming as safe as I can make it, there are many other do’s and don’ts a person who subohms should take in to consideration. My best advice to anyone who uses or is considering using a mechanical mod is to learn from someone who is sober and not reckless.

I was taught by a guy who has been doing it for years. I learned quite a bit from him before I ever started regularly using mechanical mods and building my own coils. I highly suggest that if you are considering buying and using a mechanical mod, that you only do so after spending some time to learn how to use it safe.
There are so many things I could choose to critique about this post but just the strangest seeming one to me would have to be:" sober"...what does sobriety have to do with VAPING? You're not choosing a sponsor for at an AA meeting, you're talking about finding someone who can explain battery safety, coil wrapping, ohms law, equipment upkeep, wicking, etc
Why would it matter if they have a glass of wine in the evening after a long day of work to unwind? It's not going to detract from their vaping knowledge, in fact, theoretically I see no reason why the leading expert on everything Vape related couldn't be a huge ...... does not in any way I can see, preclude the other.


optimistic cynic
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 25, 2010
Birmingham, Al
though the most common is related to the use of alcohol, "sober" has several meanings,
1. not intoxicated or drunk.
2.habitually temperate, especially in the use of liquor.
3.quiet or sedate in demeanor
4.marked by seriousness, gravity, solemnity, etc., as of demeanor, speech, etc.
5.subdued in tone, as color; not gay or showy, as clothes. from excess, extravagance, or exaggeration
7.showing self-control
8.sane or rational.

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
I'm trying to read the thread, but I just can't; my mind keeps wandering. I apologize if this has been noted before, but considering the title of the thread and the OP's insistence that his intent is to facilitate a discussion promulgating the importance of safety when sub-ohming, rather than gasconading about his extensive collection of vaping gear, I found the following disconcerting:

...I normally try not to go below .16 because anything lower than that and I am burning off all the flavor of my juices in favor of creating a bigger vapor cloud.

...Additionally, I have not been checking ohms after I have finished my builds. I can usually tell by the taste of the juice about what ohm I am at with my RDA.


Vaping Master
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Sep 11, 2013
Sugar Hill, Georgia
I'm trying to read the thread, but I just can't; my mind keeps wandering. I apologize if this has been noted before, but considering the title of the thread and the OP's insistence that his intent is to facilitate a discussion promulgating the importance of safety when sub-ohming, rather than gasconading about his extensive collection of vaping gear, I found the following disconcerting:
I love when you talk all fancy like!


ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
I'm trying to read the thread, but I just can't; my mind keeps wandering. I apologize if this has been noted before, but considering the title of the thread and the OP's insistence that his intent is to facilitate a discussion promulgating the importance of safety when sub-ohming, rather than gasconading about his extensive collection of vaping gear, I found the following disconcerting:

May I add one more quote to your list?

It stands to reason that subohming is probably harder on your lungs. When you get down below .3 ohms the vapor gets pretty hot. Anyone who subohms as probably had hot oil come out of a vent hole and burn their arms or leg. After a while you don't even notice the heat anymore. I don't know the effects of hot vapor on the lungs. Who knows, maybe one day a doctor will come out and say it has some kind of health benefit.

Hello Kitty!

And why am I back on this thread??? :facepalm:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2013
Cold Norway
I'll take the arrogant approach this time:

If you have to ask, the answer is no. In fact, if you have to ask, and believe a mech mod is capable of distinguishing between a 0.9 ohm build and a 1.1 ohm build, you lack the very basic knowledge to use mech mods safely - period. Their only safety feature is you.

(Need I point out I have not read a single word in this thread?)
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Do you even squonk, bro?
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 19, 2014
I'll take the arrogant approach this time:

If you have to ask, the answer is no. In fact, if you have to ask, and believe a mech mod is capable of distinguishing between a 0.9 ohm build and a 1.1 ohm build, you lack the very basic knowledge to use mech mods safely - period. Their only safety feature is you.

(Need I point out I have not read a single word in this thread?)

You have deprived yourself of some quality entertainment.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 11, 2013
Zagreb, Croatia
Gummy Bare, you may be right on the nose. The problem with stories is that each time they are told, something either gets added or taken away. I am not sure what the real story is. Who knows, the original story may of just been a clever marketing idea for selling the mod. Regardless of its origin, I really like the mod, especially for the price they are sold at. I would love to see more mods with its quality for under a hundred dollars.

Buy more clones.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2013
Cold Norway
Made it halfway through... yay me!

Just one thing something puzzles me. If OP goes through batteries at this pace ... why not just get a quality hobby charger that can monitor and log battery health (internal resistance) rather than chuck anything at the 90 day mark?

I don't mind people spending their money anyhow they like. I just frown upon wastefulness.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 11, 2013
Seligman, MO
It's been an entertaining thread. While I've been on the side of the OP, for the most part, I did find it a bit ironic, that a thread on safety included a story about racing a cop, on a public highway, at 213MPH. The force generated from impacting something at 213MPH would greatly exceed any force generated by a venting battery used for vaping. At 54 you should know better.


Ultra Member
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Oct 11, 2013
Seligman, MO
Also, just out of curiosity, how do you amass such a large number of mods, be so involved in this hobby and post over 500 times here, without knowing what PV is an acronym for? This forum we are in is even a sub-forum for the A"PV" (Advanced Personal Vaporizer) forum. This is a very common term. I guess you just missed it somehow. No offense, but it just seems odd.


Ultra Member
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Sep 5, 2013
United States
I have been reading through this fascinating and Yes, highly entertaining thread for a while. I have to say.....OP....I want an authentic mech mod, but I could not justify the cost of even one authentic, and so my mind is blown over owning hundreds.

I don't think you question the safety of what you are doing at all. I think you are an adrenaline junkie.

I also think you own too many mods to love properly, and you should PIF (pay it forward) to some of us!

Yep. Give some away. Be Santa. And put me on the nice list!
Just kidding.

Gummy Bare

Ultra Member
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Nov 2, 2012
San Diego, California
Gummy Bare, you mentioned a Manhatten clone. What do you know about the Double Ohm mod?

View attachment 387641

Don't think I've heard of that one.... Pictures kinda hard to see, but it looks like some kinda Manhattan copy with a different logo on it.

How is it? Who makes the thing? Does it have a solid, or telescopic top pin?

:: sent from android with tapatalk ::


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2014
First rule of subohm safety... Don't take advise given by someone who has only been vaping for 4 months as gospel and if you are that person who has only been vaping for 4 months chose your words more carefully to avoid others interpreting it as gospel. I'm not saying that someone who has only vaped for 4 months doesn't know anything, but they almost definitely don't know some very important pieces and in many cases probably know less than they think.

In fact, that rule can be applied to almost any part of life.

BTW, the picture of Tyger's Ferrari posted earlier shows up on multiple foreign sites in various sizes. Not saying there's no way it is his, but that certainly reduces the likelihood.

Anyways thanks for the laughs everyone
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