Katana by POC ~ Show and Tell :)

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 17, 2011
Ireland, TX
there is a screw under the tank that I unscrewed and it had a coil wrapped around it. When I unscrewed it, it snapped.

OK...get on UK V_a_p_e_r_s ..... you know the site and ask POC what is up with the wire....he sent extra tanks, screws etc.... so the tank is suppose to be able to be completely disassembled.....I'll wager it's an easy fix


Ultra Member
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Mar 6, 2011
I am a idiot.

It happens, you were just the one to do it :)

That part was not intended to be removed. I'll check with POC if you have not already on how he wishes to replace that part. He may just send you a replacement and walk you through the repair or he may have you send it back to him while he sends you a new top section or he may have you send it back for him to repair.

For future reference though. To remove the tank for cleaning, all you have to do is remove the electrode screws from the vapor chamber, put the cap back on and putt the top off. Wiggle it very slightly if it is stuck, but you want to pull it as straight a possible.

Now that the top cap is remove you can gently pull the tank off and clean to your hearts content.

The tank is made of plexiglass (acrylic) so use only warm water with very mild soap to clean the tank itself.

Sorry this happened, but I'm sure POC will make it right.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 17, 2011
Ireland, TX
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 17, 2011
Ireland, TX

the ob

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 31, 2011
Hi all.

So you want to hear a sad tale?

So I ordered several months ago and it was not supposed to be here until the end of March. I got really excited when I was told that it would ship early.

I am leaving town tomorrow and originally had really hoped that I would have one of these devices to take with me. Mind you this is the first time I have left town on a real vacation in well, maybe ever. I too own my business and the chances to leave town are few and far between. I finally snapped a couple of weeks ago and made reservations to somewhere sunny. My employees were actually the ones that encouraged me as they probably just want me to leave them alone

Suddenly last week I found out that the device had been sent and it seemed like it may just hit before my trip. It was going to be close. Even yesterday I thought I would probably just miss it as it seemed like it would come monday after I had left already.

I checked tracking on the device this morning. It was still in Jersey. I called and the PO said it had not come. then later this morning I hit refresh on my USPS shipping update on the device and it was in town!

Holy cow! I thought.
I called the PO and ran over there to pick it up. I was excited to have my hands on a genesis device. I was excited to get started learning first hand about this world. I better.

I get home rip open the package and begin to examine. I notice some oil and look online for instructions as to how to clean it. People tell me it comes apart easily and that it should not be a problem

I see a screw below the tank that looks crooked. I assume this releases the tank. I turn, SNAP! Hmm. that sounded weird. On inspection, I realized I literally snapped the screw off something that should not have been undone.

I panicked. I researched. I emailed the maker. Yup, I broke what no one thought was possible to break. Yet, somehow, I was not done.

I went to the hardware store. I found what was a temporary solution that would allow me to use this device while I was out of town. At least get some pleasure from it.

I was excited that at least temporarily I had a fix. I came home. I read how to remove the tank. I did it. Perfect. Then I went to put it back on. Hmmm. The screw was not going back in one of the holes. I realized there was some epoxy in the bottom holding one of the tubes in and while putting it back in, I pushed the tube through loosening it up. I broke something else.

It is just my sad tale and because you are my friends, I thought I would share and maybe get some sympathy. Also, to highlight what a novice (read idiot) I am.

also, this is written for another reason. I am writing as a thank you to lorderos33. He has helped and offered to help in a way that is unbelievable to me. He is helping so that the wait on the return of this device is not nearly as long as it could be. He is a amazing person and a wonderful resource. We are extremely lucky to have him around.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 6, 2011
Hi all.

So you want to hear a sad tale?

So I ordered several months ago and it was not supposed to be here until the end of March. I got really excited when I was told that it would ship early.

I am leaving town tomorrow and originally had really hoped that I would have one of these devices to take with me. Mind you this is the first time I have left town on a real vacation in well, maybe ever. I too own my business and the chances to leave town are few and far between. I finally snapped a couple of weeks ago and made reservations to somewhere sunny. My employees were actually the ones that encouraged me as they probably just want me to leave them alone

Suddenly last week I found out that the device had been sent and it seemed like it may just hit before my trip. It was going to be close. Even yesterday I thought I would probably just miss it as it seemed like it would come monday after I had left already.

I checked tracking on the device this morning. It was still in Jersey. I called and the PO said it had not come. then later this morning I hit refresh on my USPS shipping update on the device and it was in town!

Holy cow! I thought.
I called the PO and ran over there to pick it up. I was excited to have my hands on a genesis device. I was excited to get started learning first hand about this world. I better.

I get home rip open the package and begin to examine. I notice some oil and look online for instructions as to how to clean it. People tell me it comes apart easily and that it should not be a problem

I see a screw below the tank that looks crooked. I assume this releases the tank. I turn, SNAP! Hmm. that sounded weird. On inspection, I realized I literally snapped the screw off something that should not have been undone.

I panicked. I researched. I emailed the maker. Yup, I broke what no one thought was possible to break. Yet, somehow, I was not done.

I went to the hardware store. I found what was a temporary solution that would allow me to use this device while I was out of town. At least get some pleasure from it.

I was excited that at least temporarily I had a fix. I came home. I read how to remove the tank. I did it. Perfect. Then I went to put it back on. Hmmm. The screw was not going back in one of the holes. I realized there was some epoxy in the bottom holding one of the tubes in and while putting it back in, I pushed the tube through loosening it up. I broke something else.

It is just my sad tale and because you are my friends, I thought I would share and maybe get some sympathy. Also, to highlight what a novice (read idiot) I am.

also, this is written for another reason. I am writing as a thank you to lorderos33. He has helped and offered to help in a way that is unbelievable to me. He is helping so that the wait on the return of this device is not nearly as long as it could be. He is a amazing person and a wonderful resource. We are extremely lucky to have him around.

It's my pleasure to help you out with this ob :) Thank you for the kind words.

the ob

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 31, 2011
ob I really hope you're able to get it working!!! I can only imagine how devastated you must be feeling, especially with wanting to bring it on vacation! :(

literally did not even get to fill it with juice.

if I did not feel so much like crying, it would almost be funny. how is yours working?
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