Katana by POC ~ Show and Tell :)

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Ultra Member
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Mar 6, 2011
Haven't been using it, am in the process of ... well, trying to make a new wick and coil. Skeptical to say the least but we will see.

You are literally at the 2 yard line with your setup. The one you took pics of just needed a minor tweak :) Don't give up on it, just remember, it is not as complicated as all the explanations make it seem. I just go into minute details on alot of things so that I cover all the possibilities.

Honestly, you have the skills to get this working, your pics say that loud and clear. Don't get frustrated though, seriously, I can't say this enough, you are right there.

the ob

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 31, 2011
Haven't been using it, am in the process of ... well, trying to make a new wick and coil. Skeptical to say the least but we will see.

you have to power through. You will get it. from what I understand, it sometimes takes time to figure these out. when you do, they are the best.

do not give up!


Vaping Master
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Dec 17, 2011
Ireland, TX
How are people wrapping their coil? While the wick is in/on the Katana or before they put the wick in?

I am wrapping the coil after the wick is inserted in the Katana...............

lord suggested a clever trick to aid in wrapping the coil about the wick

Take the pin, needle, paperclip....whatever was used to wrap your wick (if you used anything at all) and to re-insert this pin, needle, paperclip and wrap the coil.. This helps keep the wick rigid as you wrap your coils :)


Full Member
Aug 24, 2011
Preston, UK
I am wrapping the coil after the wick is inserted in the Katana...............

lord suggested a clever trick to aid in wrapping the coil about the wick

Take the pin, needle, paperclip....whatever was used to wrap your wick (if you used anything at all) and to re-insert this pin, needle, paperclip and wrap the coil.. This helps keep the wick rigid as you wrap your coils :)

I use a syringe tip which I put inside the wick to keep it's shape but I wrap the coil before I place the wick inside the Katana.
Just had my first fully working setup after about 7 or 8 tries. I think I'm getting there.

I have a Genesis Line so I'm no stranger to making wicks and coils but I'm still learning every day! :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 17, 2011
Ireland, TX
........................Just had my first fully working setup after about 7 or 8 tries. I think I'm getting there.

I have a Genesis Line so I'm no stranger to making wicks and coils but I'm still learning every day! :)

wooooot...............Katana is sooooooooooooo good


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
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Apr 25, 2011
Napa, California
Well, first I just wanted to give a big thank you to POC for this amazing PV. The craftsmanship and look of the katana is just outstanding. All the threads are really good, and smooth when put together. And I really like the finish too. I have had it now for almost 3-4 days, been vaping on it since late Wednesday afternoon. I just wanted to give my impressions, and how the learning curve went for me with this, as this was my first genesis setup.

First of all, I LOVE the flavor of my juice again, and the vapor is almost where I want it. I have been following the steps/tips and instructions posted here on this thread, as well as on the other thread at ECF, with most of the tips given by lorderos. A big thank you to lorderos also for his extensive knowledge of the genesis atty, and troubleshooting. A quick summary of my setup: I have been boiling the mesh first, (325x325 mesh) then rolling it with a needle/paperclip. The dimensions started with 20mmx45 mm, then I tried 15mmx40mm....and ended up with 15mmx40mm with the outside edge folded in to avoid any frays or shorts. This last one seemed to work the best. I am wrapping 4 coils (3 on one side 4 on the other) as this seems to be the most used setup by everyone. Oh, and also I am vaping AVE juice Boba's Bounty, which is 100% VG, but is not really sludge or really thick.

Now, the only problem I am having is a wicking issue. Do I have to always tip the katana upside down for the wick to get wet? Once the wick is wet I can get 3-4 good long pulls from it, with good flavor and good vapor. After that, I might get a dry-hit or a little taste of it, and it doesn't produce as much vapor. So, then I tip it over, and let the wick get wet again, for maybe about 10 seconds or if I see air bubbles in the tank as it fills the wick. This seems to do the trick, if I tip it whenever I sense the flavor change/vapor change. Is this just a process of the wick still breaking in? Will it get to the point, when you don't have to ALWAYS tip it over upside down to feed the wick? I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I should try another wick and coil, with 5 wraps instead of 4? I don't want to try another wick and coil setup, if the one I have is working good and possibly going to get better.

I have now made 4 wicks/coils setup, and finally am satisfied with this 4th one and have been for two days. I think the first few I wrapped, the coils were too tight, and constricted the mesh too much, one actually cut/burn through the mesh. Anyways, once I got the coil wrapping down, not too tight/not too lose, it seemed to work really really good. I am getting a lot of vapor now, compared to when I started it. I've learned to adjust the coils now, and move the hot spots, so to have an even glow. I have also done the tip of, holding the katana upside down, firing, until the liquid comes out the wick....seeming like the wick is breaking in/seasoning well.

I've attached some pics of it, just for show, as well as my setup. I have been vaping this setup now for two days, and have a pretty descent amount of "gunk" built up on the coils. I wanted to know if this is normal, and how it should be? The pics aren't great, but I don't know if you can see the detail of the coil, it's very close to the post, but not touching. It seems like when there is a build-up on the coils, it almost seems like the build-up/gunk is touching the post, is this okay? The coil doesn't appear to be touching, I run a thin line of kanthal between the two to try and keep anything from touching. This 4th coil I made here, seemed to oxidize and season pretty quickly for me, and I had a really good flavor and the vapor is almost where I want it. Once the flavor starts coming through better, does the vapor also increase as well? It seems to start out with less vapor, and it has gotten better now with 1-2 days of vaping on it. The flavor keeps getting better as well. It seemd like I was having similar problems that loft was mentioning on here and on the other thread. I have been following all the troubleshooting pretty closely, with him and lorderos.

This is quite a rambling post here, but any other help/tips or opinions are appreciated. Specifically, any helps/tips on the wicking issue, and how to get it to wick better/faster. Again, thank you POC for an awesome PV, LOVE MY KATANA. And thank you to lorderos, and others here, who are so willing and informative to help all the beginner-users of these genesis setups.


katana1.1.jpg katana2.1.jpg katana3.1.jpg katana4.1.jpg katana5.1.jpg
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