Lounge Lizards / Misfits / Free Thinkers / Bohemians & the Forgotten :: Young at Heart Only


Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
Finishing touches. It's been framed.






Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
My son asked if I could make him covers for the radiators in their house. I said sure, whoops! What did I commit to. So last week I picked up a 'fluting' jig for my router. And today I set it up and did a practice run. Turned out dang good for the 1st time. It'll make a fine top for the covers to let the heat through. Figured if I start now I might get them all done by the next 'heating' season. :)





ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
Hey to all. I have been so darn busy the last week. I have been helping a friend at the Moose tear up his floor. The house is around 100 years old and it had 3 layers of flooring. We took 9600 lbs of wood and oak flooring to the pound this week.

Once again my guardian angel was on duty. Silly me accidently stepped through the insulation that I thought was wood. I only got a bruised booty and a slightly sore knee. I was so thankful I did not break anything since I do not have insurance. It was nice that my friend did not laugh. Dad always split a gut laughing when I hurt myself.

Here is what we were working on.
before.jpg From this to after.jpg . Because of a leaking wood stove, there is damage that needs to be replaced. I love helping someone who appreciates the help. Perry said he has never seen a woman that could work as hard as me and could hand him what he needed without him asking. He does not realize what all dad made me do. I am not complaining because he did teach me quite a bit.


ECF Guru
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Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
Morning, lizards.

No big change in the weather here, although the "scattered showers" did look to be staying to the north of us. For now?

Good you're staying busy, Rat, but, uh,
Because of a leaking wood stove, there is damage that needs to be replaced.

Dang, what was a wood stove leaking that didn't burn down the house?



ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
I got the yard mowed for the 9th time yesterday. Just as I was finished, I felt a raindrop. First time I have ever put the mower up without cleaning it off. I did the edging in the rain and will get the trim work another day. I had another productive day.

It has been raining this morning (again) and is cloudy. It would be a good day to crawl back in bed and nap, read, or canoodle.

I did have a wonderful week. Keeping busy is just what I needed. I love helping anyone that appreciates my help but it benefited me just as much as it did him, if not more. He has 3 more rooms to do and I may just help him with those too. I have never torn down a wall so that will be a new task. I find demolition quite therapeutic.

No big plans for the weekend and that is okay with me. Hope everyone has a great day and weekend too! :wub:

Janet H

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Sep 3, 2011
Good morning people. It's going up to 85 today with cloud and sun. Looks beautiful out there.

Yesterday I stopped at the Ashley Furniture store near us and ended up buying an accent chair for our living room and then Mike talked me into getting a desk for my work room upstairs. It's frustrating to buy a piece of furniture and then have to wait 4-6 weeks for them to deliver. Ugh.

Today we're going to stop in and get a tour of the community pool. There's a waiting list to join so we can't get in till next year. We thought it would be good to be able to take the boys swimming during the summer. It'll be nice to spend some fun time with them without having to drive very far and we don't have to deal with having to take care of a pool.

We have to figure out the best way to stake our tomato plants before they get too big. Our lettuce is doing great and the radishes have sprouted. I love watching the plants grow and it's satisfying to pass up the veggies in the grocery store. Just walk out to the back yard and pick my own fresh ones.

Janet H

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Sep 3, 2011
@Rat2chat2 Good for you that you found some interesting work to do that keeps you busy and also helps a friend. I love demolition too. The transformation from a total mess to something nice is great.

I'm with David, what was the wood stove leaking that didn't burn down the house?


ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
Morning, loungers.

Maybe a lounge day here, still scattered showers, so the needed mowing gets moved a few more days.

Did get a nice fire going yesterday, before the rain came back, and not enough to put it out. Latest debris gone, so done with that until after the next round of storms ;)

Just walk out to the back yard and pick my own fresh ones.

And taste a LOT better than what you can get at the market, unless a local "farmer's" market! :thumb:


Janet H

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Sep 3, 2011
So far this year I've potted up 18 flowering plants, most of which are on our deck. Looks lovely. The we got a severe weather warning with possible high winds and all I could think of was having to bring them all inside! Ugh! Fortunately we didn't get that storm, but the season is young.

Janet H

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Sep 3, 2011
Good morning. It's overcast and going to 79 today with the possibility of severe thunderstorms this afternoon. Well, we could use the rain, but could do without the rest of the weather.

Our daughter just invited us to their house for dinner today. Brian is smoking some spareribs, Yummm! Her MIL is flying in this afternoon so it will be nice to get to visit with her. I guess we'll be having them over here later in the week to see our new house, yikes, gotta get cleaned up.

I hope everyone has a thoughtful day of reflection on this Memorial Day, and appreciate the blessings we have because of the sacrifices of those who have given their all.


Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
Just had a tornado warning, downgraded to a watch now. Everything blew off the deck and went flying across the yard. Might as well give up on container gardening here.
oh my, oh my ... I hope that's the worst you get. First thing this morning I saw the news about the devastating storms.


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
Howdy, howdy! Was another busy weekend but a very good weekend also. Grilled out some Ribeyes and even ate my first deer meat. I fixed a deer roast in the crockpot and it turned out well. It did not taste anything like I expected. It was good. I can eat it as long as I don't think about Bambi.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day. :wub:

Janet H

Ultra Member
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Sep 3, 2011
Good morning. It's a beautiful morning here with blue skies an sunshine. We did get the rain yesterday in fits and spirts as the bands moved through, but we didn't get the winds thank goodness. i'm so grateful we didn't get the awful weather experienced by so many. I almost feel guilty when so many are waking up to total devastation.

Anticipating the high winds predicted I bunched the pots of flowers together on the deck and moved both hummingbird feeders inside. About 30 seconds later a little hummer was hovering around where the feeders should have been. I rushed out and put one of the feeders back and within 30 seconds the hummer was back drinking his fill. You'd think they would have been scared away. Last week while I was on the deck a hummer hovered and flitted about 12" from my head! Made my day!

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