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ECF Veteran
Feb 2, 2010
Dover, NH
I REALLY like the 2 box idea, so there's flexibility for the occasion esp. if it can be done so that both boxes match the eGo styling - simple, elegant. The only thing I'm not sure about is the description of the small "box" - it sounds above like the eGo would be held in a disassembled form....If I'm gonna have a case for my eGo, I want it fully assembled so I don't have to muck with it each time I take it out. And a cutout in the foam for the button to prevent activation or some kinda "safety" feature like that would be sweet. :) It'd be nice if the big version fit in most inside pockets on jackets e.g. sport coats.


Full Member
Feb 13, 2010
The multi-unit idea sounds really cool. :cool: The only challenge I see is making the eGo-only unit strong and ergonomic on its own without seriously increasing the size of the bigger case. Being able to take a bottle with me is important since I refill one or two times at work every day, so it needs to fit in my thigh pocket comfortably. I'd definitely purchase one if I didn't have to worry about breaking anything with it in my pocket.

Richie G

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May 15, 2009
Lawn Guyland, NY
What IF:

I made a design that was two individual setups. one of the "boxes" ( no it wont be box shaped) will be able to hold for instance a ego batt + atomizer + one cart - this would be the small one. You can take this on your own - OR - you can "click" this into the other "box", which is able to hold say one liquid bottle + one ego bat + 1 atomizer + one cart?

Or you can take the second "box" separately as well?

A "docking" box and an inner bare essential box? Include the MP3 player and Ethan's mind control idea and I'm in...

Seriously, the "box" thing is turning me off though -- I like the idea of the soft pouch (the General mini-screwdriver case) with an inner "docked" pouch that velcros in place, maybe? BUT, the whole thing HAS TO fit in a typical shirt top pocket -- roughly the size of a pack of analogs...


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Jan 3, 2010
My only comment about the 2 box idea and carrying a bottle of liquid is that when I am on the road, or out at a bar, the last thing I want is to start taking apart a cart, use tweezers to remove the blue foam and fill the cart. I just want to take one cart out and replace it with a filled one.. So would love to see a "box" that can hold a BUNCH of prefilled carts... UNLESS, you guys come up with a 3ml cart lol !


Ultra Member
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Aug 23, 2009
Hey Richie - i think its pretty safe to say that we probably will make this in hard plastic if we do make it - seeing as there are so many other options out there when it comes to soft carry cases. Also the hard case would be to protect the eGo - which a soft case cant do so efficiently.

But i have noted your request - all your requests and im working on it!


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Sep 27, 2009
Myrtle Beach, SC
From watching your ideas, i came up with something on my own.

What IF:

I made a design that was two individual setups. one of the "boxes" ( no it wont be box shaped) will be able to hold for instance a ego batt + atomizer + one cart - this would be the small one. You can take this on your own - OR - you can "click" this into the other "box", which is able to hold say one liquid bottle + one ego bat + 1 atomizer + one cart?

Or you can take the second "box" separately as well?

How would that sound? That way it could be made in a way so you can carry just the basics, - or you can attach your "travel" box onto it as well for longer journeys? Where the small version would fit in a pocket, and the big version would fit in a purse, or bag?

Now this sounds very good Mik..
But you really need to be able to make it one box..
Maybe something like you suggest, but double over on itself so the whole thing will still fit into a pocket..
We are men and we don't use purse's..:lol::lol:


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Dec 9, 2009
New York
A small, black, clamshell style case (think Pelican) around the size of a pack of analogs, molded rubber or plactic inside (so it could be wiped clean), with just enough room to hold an assembled eGO, a spare battery, and a 10 ml bottle of juice. Belt clip that fits over a belt or clips onto a belt loop with a mountain climbing style carabiner.


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This is hilarious. I was on shift today with some time to sit alone for a few hours and think...and I filled my head with eGo carrying case ideas. I was idly wondering if Janty had anything planned, and BOOM...this thread greets me tonight! What are the odds?

Anyway, I really like the two box idea. One daily case, and one travel case.

Daily Case - Ok, I don't know what kind of day you people are packing in...but some of these requests seem to be a little ridiculous. I typically use 1ml a day, and I believe I'm average as far as e-smokers are concerned, so a place for one 3ml bottle would be fine. No need for an extra battery...I suppose a spot for an extra cart would be nice, but I'm a 100% dripper. So the cart isn't completely necessary (because you could fill up the first cart with your bottle for the cart users), but the bottle definitely is. If the case doesn't come with a place to hold a small bottle of e-liquid, I can't see myself purchasing it. I also don't think an extra atty is necessary...once again, a daily case should be designed to carry enough supplies to last you one work day. The case should hold a fully assembled eGo...I don't want to separate my atty, because then it's probably gonna drain some liquid into the case. Naturally, it should be a hard material. The biggest carrying case concern with the eGo is designing it so that the button can't be activated, and so that it fits nice in your pocket. Rounded edges, and make it all pretty to match the eGo. Having the same color options as the eGo would be cool.

Travel Case - Excellent idea...make it a hard case, enough to hold quite a bit of supplies. One or two assembled eGos, extra attys, extra batteries, extra carts, and places for various bottle sizes of e-liquid.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2010
Personally I'd love a case that is still pocket friendly and easy to carry around without being too bulky, but offering a bit of protection.

All I'd really need or want is for it to hold a fully assembled eGO(easy to get in and out), one extra batt and one bottle of 3ml juice. I'd like a nice slimmed down no frills sort of case like that, real easy to carry without it feeling like a brick in the pocket.

Generally all I need to get through day is the above, 2 bottles of 3ml would be nice, but one is generally enough.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Apr 22, 2009
Coral Springs, FL
Like many here, I would love to see a case roughly the size of a PCC with rounded corners capable of holding a battery or two, a couple af atties and a 3ml. bottle. The addition that I would most like to see, though, is an external long pocket that a PV could slide into. That way, the PV could be pulled out of a pants pocket without removing the whole case.


Full Member
Mar 3, 2010
I second the idea of 2 boxes. If I go out for a few hours I'd take a small one with eGo and a spare filled card. If I go for all day, I'd take a spare battery, 3ml bottle and maybe an atty.

Maybe it's a good idea to have a small USB charger cord (with very short cord length) in the big box instead of the 2nd battery. It's not a problem to find a USB port around.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2009
Arlington, Texas
My perfect eGo case would consist of the following:

Storage for one complete eGo: Battery, Cone, Attomizer & Cart, assembled

One extra battery

a 10ml bottle of juice

A business card holder on the underside of the lid filled with Janty Cards
(The business cards would have Janty's website and a little F.A.Q. on the back about vapeing)

Ideally, the spare battery could screw into a charger that is build into the case. The exterior of the case would have a Mini USB port. Then you could take a MiniUSB to USB cable and charge the battery while cased. (This qualifies as NOT being a PCC, as there is no internal battery to the case)

I'd prefer a classic cigarette case look, a little thicker than the current ones on the marked for the 510, 901, etc...

I'd also prefer a metal finish with just the classy eGo logo etched into the finish as it is on the base of the battery. As the etching patinas it will make a pretty classy case.

My .02 worth.


p.s. I would forgo the storage for the 10ml of liquid if I get the charging capability....
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