Provari Radius

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Full Member
Oct 28, 2012
well the wait is over the new provari box mod is out.
I have no idea what they are thinking hitting the market with a 40w $199.99 US box mod at this point in the game.
Under powered over priced and no temp control,most of the body is made of plastic.
Do they have no idea where the market heading.dna 200,YIHI 350j v2.
Give your head a shake this is a newb mod worth about $50.00 CDN NOT $199.99 U.S.


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Jun 30, 2010
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Jul 12, 2015
Netherlands, groningen
Well..this seems like a troll thread, but let me respond (I don't own a Provari, and am not a Propvaniti or something):

I agree, for the specs itself I would never buy the device...but there is a whole group out there that don't want or need TC or high power...they just want a reliable device that works.
I think for them, seeing the Provari track record, it is an excellent I definitely see a market for them....plenty of people look for reliable instead of specs.


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Oct 13, 2014
I understand the draw of Provari, I loved the vape on the Provari I used and they make an absolutely rock solid product.

That being said, I think spec wise vs price that they are way out of line and I would not spend $200 on a 40w box that is lagging in technology. However I also know there are people who will buy them and be happy with them.

Love them or hate them it is all part of the free market and I am not going to disparage anyone for buying what they want even if it isn't the choice I would make.

I am sure people that get them will love them and the haters will hate on them for buying Provari just like it has always been with Provari vs whatever else, domestic vs import, For vs Chevy, Apple vs Android, etc.


Full Member
Dec 21, 2009
I understand the draw of Provari, I loved the vape on the Provari I used and they make an absolutely rock solid product.
That being said, I think spec wise vs price that they are way out of line and I would not spend $200 on a 40w box that is lagging in technology. However I also know there are people who will buy them and be happy with them.

I'd say the $200 can be worth it. I currently use a Provari P3 and a Vaporshark rDNA40. I've paid as much for DNA40 chipset mods in the past and build quality isn't even close to being as good. Take the vaporshark and it's piece of .... paintjob as an example. Another credit to Provari is anytime I switch a tank from the rDNA40 to the Provari, I notice it. Don't know what it is but the vape on the Provari just seems nicer with the same build. As far as specs being out of date, this isn't a freaking computer. Anyone who buys a mod based on specs vs what they need really needs to drop the habit all together.

With that said, see a lot of cons on the Radius. As much as I'd love the quality of the chip/mod, the battery removal is a lot more trouble then most mods. That's a big killer for me, Vaporshark is so nice with it's magentic battery compartment. Also not a fan of the extended ring on the top and the curved tube sticking out the side of the unit. Screen/Menu looks like it was recycled from their tube mod, could have been better.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2014
Milan to Minsk
Let me preface by saying I am a fan of Provari but I have been holding off on the P3 because I like to vape between 22 - 30W as my main setup and didn't fancy having a long tube in 18650 mode.
I really like this release and I think they've hit the mark with it. Yes, it doesn't have 'street' appeal for a 20 year old who spends probably three times as much on new mods in a year to satisfy a manufactured need to constantly own the newest thing that is being released at the highest wattage available. Yes, there are some quirks (battery removal) but honestly, once the battery is in it's in and you KNOW it's been designed to charge properly in its housing (looking at you P4U). It doesn't seem like it's a big deal the switch them out if you want to have another freshly charged one ready anyhow. The quality of the chip is fantastic and if you've never vaped with a Provari you won't understand that there IS a difference between the vape experience of cheaper chipsets and the Provari chip which is a clean, flat current. You don't even need to be 'experienced' to notice the difference. You can vape right up to 40W without any issue because their chips are designed to go to maximum power with complete accuracy and without taxing the chip at its limits.
Firmware upgradable - excellent.
Subjective opinion: I like the box mod form factor very much and the size is perfect. Half an inch taller than an IPV D2 and 25mm wide. It's elegantly styled imho.
Provari's build quality is beyond reproach. The $200 price tag reflects a mod where every aspect has been engineered to high standards and which will literally last you for years to come.
I think this release shows they have listened to their customer base, understand that their tastes have expanded and still given them a product that is true to their own values.
I want the red and the black one.



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Mar 17, 2014
Windy City
I said it in another thread but it got locked because the thread turned into a pissing contest.

Never owned a Provari, mostly SX and DNA chips. I was however impressed with the following Provape had and their user support because they build a quality device.

I vape both Kanthal and TL devices so I have a choice when I need it and very rarely use 40W. Quality devices are going to cost more, I paid a decent buck for the devices made by quality manufacturers.

Given the known quality, warranty and local support I don't think that the price is that far out of line. You guys just helped me make my decision, a blue radius will become part of my stable.


Super Member
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Jul 5, 2011
cincinnati, oh
I said it in another thread but it got locked because the thread turned into a pissing contest.

Never owned a Provari, mostly SX and DNA chips. I was however impressed with the following Provape had and their user support because they build a quality device.

I vape both Kanthal and TL devices so I have a choice when I need it and very rarely use 40W. Quality devices are going to cost more, I paid a decent buck for the devices made by quality manufacturers.

Given the known quality, warranty and local support I don't think that the price is that far out of line. You guys just helped me make my decision, a blue radius will become part of my stable.
Blue was my choice also! Love everything about it! But then I already own provaris. :headbang:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 22, 2009
Madison, WI USA
Absolutely bishopmolson ! I paid 155 for a USA made Surric X that's 200 watts. Takes 2 batteries, and it's made of metal. The vapor is identical to a mech. I even ran down the batteries to 2.8 volts, and didn't blow up ! LMFAO !!!!!:w00t:
There is so much wrong with the above one hardly knows where to begin.

Any first year electrical engineer can give you all the watts you want. That's the easy part, especially when you ignore any real safety protocols. The general rule of thumb for electronics is 50% of capacity. Getting 200 watts out of 2 18650 batteries is flat out 100% capacity, perhaps even a bit more as no system is 100% efficient. This is not a safe design and any electrical engineer worth his salt would tell you this.

Even worse is the fact that it let you over discharge your batteries to 2.8 volts which is very risky. You now are the owner of two unstable batteries running in a device with very shaky safety protocols. This appears to be a hack job mod built be amateurs of the highest degree.
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