So, how much $ do you spend, .........Really??

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ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
It can be expensive, as you are looking for the gear and accessories that make you the happiest. But once you find it. . . you really can save so much. I did spend $36 on some glass bottles because I switched over to glass in my DIY but as far as juice. Rough estimate here but at 112 days and 25¢ x 112 days equals about $28 in juice. As you can tell, the real savings start when you make your own juice. It is a fun hobby but the real benefit is that I like what I make better than what I use to buy. I only bought juice one time last year and nothing so far this year.

Compared to what I spent on cigarettes. . . I think I'm doing pretty darn good. Have fun and happy vaping.

What have you been making lately? I remember seeing some beautiful woodworking.

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Reviewer / Blogger
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About $20 a month for juice between flavorings and other materials for diy, then probably around $150/month on assorted vaping hardware (constantly trying new RTAs, RDAs and mods) - once the weather gets warmer some of my other hobbies will take financial priority over vaping and that $150/month will drop significantly as I invest in airguns and SUP gear.



The Millionaire Vapor' The Enabler
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Apr 8, 2015
Somerset, UK
I spend way less now than I used too, I get 100ml of juice for £19.00 (best I've had in 5 years too) so compared to the £21 a day I used to spend on smokes, I don't mine buying a few tanks, coils, mods, that's my treat for giving up, the rest of the money I save goes on my children, its a win win ..
Hello, Squarebanks! :) You must do all your vaping shopping on line. When visiting dau. and her family last July, couldn't find any B&M's in Fairbanks. Do you know vaping is being attacked in Alaska and some harsh regs are being proposed? :(

Meanwhile, I spend per month what my smoking cost me; and for any special day of gift giving, I get something vape related......Jeans have holes, but, hey, suppose to be fashionable! :p

There are something like five small vape shops in Fairbanks. One of which being Fat Boy Vapor...they can suck it. Total snobs in my opinion.

I do almost all my shopping online aside from one shop in town, "Ice Fog Vapors". They are extremely helpful and friendly. I would honestly shop 100% online (juice here is crazy expensive...usually about $1/mL which is too expensive for my taste), but I really want to help support these guys. I usually spend like $30 in there every paycheck or something, and then just chill and vape with them for a bit. Just trying to support a local business is all.

Yeah vaping is definitely under attack in Alaska...very disappointing. I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but big tobacco has to have something to do with this. Follow the makes laws...

Gotcha! I was curious about making my own juices but figured I'd experiment with what was out there first and figure out what types of flavors I prefer.

Side note: I don't know how people vape unflavored juice...that would defeat the purpose for me. I'm not judging, to each their own. As long as you aren't smoking cigarettes then that's a victory lol


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
Washington State
This year I have spent more than I did last year due to needing new cells. Also I went ahead and picked up a couple rda clones, while I might not have needed them, I do see a point coming soon that I will as it is getting harder and harder to find what I do like.

But even with that so far this year

$25 on a couple cells
$15 on a ehpro kayfun nano
$20 on the rda's
$5 wire

I still need to get more cells, nic and vg this year, other wise I am pretty well set for the year

Edward Aiz

Full Member
Apr 14, 2015
Tulsa, Oklahoma
I only purchase premium e juice from Giant Vapes, total for each month: $100

RDA(s) I purchase almost exclusively from 88eVape & Vapordna, total for each month: $150

Tube mech mod I purchase exclusively from 88eVape, total each month: $50

Regulated box mod I purchase exclusively from 88eVape, Vapor DNA, total each month: $50 to $200 (not every month)

Cotton & wire I purchase exclusively from Sweet Vapes & Lightnning Vapes, total each month: $40 (not every month)

Batteries (18650 & 26650) I purchase exclusively from Lightnning Vapes & 88eVape, total each month: $60 (not every month)

RBA(s) I purchase exclusively from Vapor DNA, total each month: $75 (not every month)

Drip tips I purchase exclusively from Vapor DNA & Fasttech, total each month: $40 (not every month)

Other accessories (chargers, LED magnifying lamp, battery cases, tools, anti-oxidant compound, butane (for torch), total each month: $50 (not every month)

Stands I exclusively purchase from unique_displays (eBay), total each month: $30 (not every month)(note: Troy, the craftsman, will custom design any stand to specs plus he has a nice array of pre-built stands)

This is the basic breakdown on all purchases.
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Vaping Master
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Feb 17, 2015
1187 Hundertwasser
I used to spend about £20 a month on juice cartos and the occasional ego battery. Since I discovered RDAs, mechs and mods at the end of last year I have spent in excess of £450 on new gear, wicking, wires etc. However I'm prepping for the impending vapocalypse, which accounts for a fair chunk of that. I used to spend about £120 a month on tobacco, and about two weeks of each year in bed with chronic bronchitis.


Ultra Member
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Mar 13, 2014
The Poconos
Two Stingray X Mods ~ $70
4 18650 Batteries ~ $24
Intellicharger I4 ~ $30
3 RTA and 2 RDA Atomizers ~ $120

DIY Juice => less than a nickle per ml

Coils---probably less than a dime each (250 ft spool of NiChrome and a box of cotton lasts a LONG time)

That's it for last year for me... Bought a new Lemo2 this week which was my first hardware purchase since last fall...cost about $40 delivered.

Does not count the trash Egos I bought when I first started...


Vaping Master
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Feb 16, 2015
Hudson Valley, NY, USA
Ever since I started vaping in January, I've spent way more than I really needed to. When I was buying stuff like tanks, I was buying them in multiples of 2-4 at a time. And with buying every shiny new mod that comes along, I've spent close to $3,000 in 3 months on gear and juice. I do include the $400 I've spent on blu Plus and the replacement Plus tanks in that amount. I had probably purchased well over 20 tanks. And every time I got a new tank, I purchased a couple of boxes of coils to go along with it. When my last vape mail finally arrives, I will have 7 VV/VW mods and 10 tanks. I had purchased a ton of juice in 18 and 24 mg, and since I'm now using 6 mg, I have given all of it away, including all the gear that I no longer use. Some of the stuff that I gave away were brand new, unused and still sealed in the original wrapping. I now also have enough wire and cotton to last several years of coil rebuilding. So now my only additional expenses should be for juice. All I need to do now is to start DIY juice and I can recoup all of these initial expenditures. I have enough prepurchased juice to last me until easily October or November, so my overall spending for the year will still be lower than what I would have spent on cigarettes.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 10, 2015
I've spent far more than I used to on loose tobacco and papers but I'm still within my first 4 weeks of starting so things are still chaotic. Trying to find tanks I can live with, etc. But I should be set for batteries now and hopefully I'll only need juice and coils for awhile now. The Nicoticket 50% off sale will be another big expenditure so I hope the offer lasts a good while longer because I really overspent this month again.

ETA: But, even though I spent so much, I don't feel very guilty because the damage to my lungs from smoking was killing me and there was absolutely no other way I could stop. I'd have kept smoking on oxygen, and with my dying breath.
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Syed Ahmed

Full Member
Apr 15, 2015
it can get quite expensive sometimes especially after watching some of the reviews on you tube just cant help myself lol. Just got myself a sigeili mini 30w and a subtank mini I've only been vaping full time since january started off with an mvp 20w and a nautilus mini. I just wanted to know from the longtime vapers here do u feel any side effects from vaping?


Full Member
Verified Member
Apr 15, 2015
About $20 a month for juice between flavorings and other materials for diy, then probably around $150/month on assorted vaping hardware (constantly trying new RTAs, RDAs and mods) - once the weather gets warmer some of my other hobbies will take financial priority over vaping and that $150/month will drop significantly as I invest in airguns and SUP gear.


20 bucks a month would be more than ideal for me.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 26, 2015
Eastern NC
There are something like five small vape shops in Fairbanks. One of which being Fat Boy Vapor...they can suck it. Total snobs in my opinion.

I do almost all my shopping online aside from one shop in town, "Ice Fog Vapors". They are extremely helpful and friendly. I would honestly shop 100% online (juice here is crazy expensive...usually about $1/mL which is too expensive for my taste), but I really want to help support these guys. I usually spend like $30 in there every paycheck or something, and then just chill and vape with them for a bit. Just trying to support a local business is all.

Yeah vaping is definitely under attack in Alaska...very disappointing. I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but big tobacco has to have something to do with this. Follow the makes laws...

You should definitely watch will explain part of what is going on.
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Super Member
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Jan 7, 2015
Mad City, WI. USA
With some quick figuring I have spent about $260 Since Jan 1st which includes 2 Kanger Subtanks and a Kbox, 3 18650 batteries, 1000ml of 100mg Nic, some VG and PG and flavorings for homemade juice, 100ft of Kanthal Wire and 2 bags of Muji Cotton and a few misc small items. I shouldn't have to spend a penny more for the rest of the year if not 2 years. Unless something really cool comes along that I have to have. :facepalm:


Senior Member
Feb 24, 2015
Covington, GA, USA
Doing a little math, because I was curious about this myself. Mixing juice myself I spend $0.22 a day on juice. I vape 6 ml average daily. Not even trying to calculate what I spend on cotton or wire, but assuming it would be alot less. I use 89% VG, 6% 100mg VG Nic base and 5% whatever flavoring I want. Everything from Bull City Vapor. It's around $3.60 for me to make 100ml of juice.

I never really imagined that it would come out to be that cheap. I spent around 40$ on DIY supplies, 80$ on my sigelei 150 and a mutilator RDA for 30$, another 14$ or so for batteries and that's all I've used as my ADV for the past month+.

In a perfect world I would be getting out of this really cheaply, but in reality I've bought 5 other mods I don't really touch anymore, including a 200$ hana. Atleast 20 various RDAs, RTAs and clearomizers. All of which work pretty well, I wont spend more than 30-40$ on an atty/tank, but still it adds up fast.

So yeah, I'm in same boat as everyone else, but I feel like I've finally convinced myself I dont really need the new gimicky thing that comes out every other day.
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