The provari button

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Nov 24, 2013
Upstate sc
If provari has one issue it seems to be the button because that's the only quality issue I've seen here. Mine is only a week old and I've noticed a couple things I'd like my experienced provari friends opinion on. Being new to the device I'm wondering if it's just user error :p so while firing I've noticed I have to maintain the button firmly pressed. A few times now I'll be mid drag and see my button led go off. I've cleaned the contacts and using a charged battery. Not saying I have to press the button "to hard" but it's got to be firm. Also when I go to the menu screen it sometimes struggles. As in I press the button really quickly 5 times I'll see the --, press it once more and see pu then --, jumping straight past my destination. This only seems to happen if I'm pressing the buttons quickly, if I take my time like a normal human it seems fine. I've been vaping for a few months now so I'm not convinced it's me but I am new to provari... So those experienced in the religion of provology have you noticed these types of differences with yours? Regardless it works and I love it and as long as it works I'm thinking a black satin with green led will be my next provari in a couple months THEN I'd send my first in for repair if it is indeed an issue. I shall not willingly relinquish the provari from my hands with out another to replace it.


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Oct 17, 2013
Dublin, Ohio
Don't fear, your button is perfectly normal(if only in the eyes of Provape). This very topic about the button has come up numerous times, they are all like that, and it's been the general consensus that's it's like that by design to minimize the chance of firing the device if carry in a pocket, purse, etc. Firm, but not hard. That's the Provari way.

As far as the menu, I have also noticed slow and deliberate is the way to go.

Nothing to worry about, as far as I'm concerned!


ECF Guru
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May 11, 2013
For firing, you do want to be "centered" on the button.
I don't usually have an issue with releasing accidentally - and I fire both with first finger and thumb (yeah - there was a whole thread about "which finger do you fire with" LOL).

But the menu, I think everyone does that - you kind of have to go one-click-at-a-time, and watch, as sometimes there's like a delay, and you think it missed one, then it'll go " -- " on you. Someone once suggested them removing all the "--" as it would mean fewer clicks, even if you "miss". I kind of agree...

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Individual devices vary as well. I have to press the button on one of my minis harder than my other ones. The contacts are clean and the board isn't loose; I looked inside with a flashlight while I pressed the button and compared it to the others. I didn't see anything different, but the button on the new one is definitely harder to press, especially when it has been sitting for awhile. It seems to loosen up after a couple of minutes vaping, almost like it needs to be warmed up. ProVape said I could send it in, but I have more important things to deal with right now. I'm going to keep using it and see if it really bugs me.
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