The REO Lounge (was...The REO grand opening sale)

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Sep 17, 2010
Robert is a slippery little stinker like Tybin


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Jan 18, 2011
In the clouds
Sorry. The site was a bit overwhelmed tonight despite the upgrades Rob has done. You will absolutely love the silver/red. I have a silver/silver mini and its simplicity is stunning. Some day I'll get the silver Grand too. Remember that Rob, some day, will be doing extra doors.

Congratulations anyway. Right now I have my Red/silver Grand and Mini set going and new oak/oak Woodvil (801). That's about all I can handle without losing one, which I did last week; lost two for about 12 hours. FREAK OUT time, almost. But having back-ups helps to squelch the total panic.

DH carries a Mini with him, out of town air travel, every week. This past week he had two out of town trips, one to Chicago, which was for a conference. Once I tried to talk to him about what to do if it got confiscated. He wasn't at all concerned and said he would smoke analogs until he got home if he couldn't find a place like 7-11 to get a temp vape. Then he said, "you have so many, I know you will have one ready for me when I get home." He didn't get my point about how devastated I would be if one of our Reos were "taken".


Hi Alice -- thank you -- after my initial disappointment about the green/silver, I am totally thrilled with my Silver/Red! Maybe it's for the best as my DH had only given me a blessing for one and there I was going rogue and getting two - or so I thought, heeheeee. But I'm following in your footsteps and getting backups for my mini and new grand soon! YAY!


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Aug 24, 2010
Near Dallas Texas
Before I leave for a bit just wanted to say that sometimes Rob lists more after a sale. I do know there were a few people who ordered two instead of one because of hitting the last order button twice. It's happened to me before. So there may be some left over of colors that you might want and they may appear on the site in next day or so. I'm not saying to stay glued to your computer but check in every once in a while to see if those "ordered extra by mistake" Grands are re-listed.

Hugs, Alice


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Jan 18, 2011
In the clouds
Cool! I am a software developer and I love all things apple. I just started a new job last month and have been using a windows machine for the first time in three years. I had three crashes in the last two days :( I am thinking of bringing my personal laptop (macbook) to work. I will convert them all if they give me a chance!

Oh my goodness, a neighbor asked me the difference between PC and Mac... I told her that in the past 10 years I have had 3 PCs and at one time or another they had each gotten hit with viruses -- while my husband, who has had Macs all along has never had a virus issue! That is just amazing!

Good grief! Rob's site was SUH-Low!!! It brought back memories of 1200 baud dialup!
But I FINALLY got my Black/Black Grande!

¡ Arriba !

Congrats FlyerTom -- it sure was're right, DSL felt like dial up LOL! Congrats on your elegant Grand!

Got my blue/blue grand .... YEAYYY! They sure sold out quick!

Congratulations! Yep - they sold out TOO quick!

Yay got my red on black!!

Now to stock the postman......

Heeeheeeee-- congratulations! Let's stalk 'em together :)


Man was I panicking when the buying process was limping along.... but success, success, success!

Yes -- congratulations mudrumski :)

got my blue/black!! woot slow site and stressfull clicking

YAY! Congrats silentt -- you know, for some reason, those colors remind me of sports...

well, got my order in for a black/black grand. can rest easy now I suppose. haha

Hey Henbone11 - Congratulations!

Im so weak... LOL

Does that mean you got another one? Which one?? :)

That was quick, glad I ordered at the time they became available! I got one of the last Black/Black Grands available.

Wow - Congratulations -- awesome sale right :)

I got the black and silver door. It was a race. By the time I finished the PP payment, they were all gone!!! Now, the mailman stalking begins, LOL.

LOL -- you're so right fenderbc -- I had no idea -- blink and they were gone!

Wow, I didn't realize how fast they would sell out, I was just casually browsing the colors, added one to cart to find out they are sold out. About how long will it take for a new stock to be ready?

Hi Xenetic, you mean you didn't get it after it was in your cart?? The modmaster says there will be more coming... :)

lol. i had the same things with the blue ones. was stupid enough to try and change the delivery address and then poof!

Yeah, it was sad to have it in my cart and not be able check it out :(

Dang, same thing happened to me. Was going for a blue/blue. By the time I got to checkout, it was out. Luckily I was able to get a red/red.

Congratulations marcalbar -- it's a good thing I put the silver/red in my cart too -- or I might have been emptyhanded! Now, the wait....

Just got mine woohoo. Black with sliver door had to grab it. I must have sat there between the sliver and black and black and sliver door. agh but happy i did. Good luck everyone now He started to pack 300 reos oh boy busy night for him.

Heheeeee - I've done that for a month LOL :)

Ok I just bought a silver red. Didn't want the red wanted a silver silver. Now I need to get a silver door. Hopefully that's a possibility. :) had to have a grand. Can't be using my woodvil at work.

Hi Justice -- I'm in line with you for doors :)


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Jan 4, 2011
Hey guys my internet connection is really slow and I can't tell if there are any grands left?? I have been in the Fire Academy all week and been to busy to keep up. Can someone point to which(if any) color combos are still available? thanks!

Nope, sorry. More this week though.

Anybody else forced to pay with paypal echeck? The other options were greyed out for me.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2010
Hi slippery Rob :)
Evening BH :)

Robert is a slippery little stinker like Tybin
Yep I am stuck in slippery mode ecf is not making it easy

heya buddy how many did you sell tonight ?
I listed 90 mods

ok rob is the next sale saturday or sunday ...or as you build them???
I will list more early next week.I had problems with the anodizing so I may have to wait a few day to a week for the bulk of my order of grands to come back.I am picking up 300 mini mods from the machine shop on monday they still have to be tumbled and anodized
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