Too many uneducated

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Jul 20, 2019
But if u look up e-cigs on google they're puttin' e-cigs/devices in the nasty cig. category about being harmful/cancer/lung diseases etc. ...I Never looked/or been courious about what is being said about them until i joined this forum group/ecf ... It's totally false in my opinion cause me havin' quit almost 2yrs. nasty cigs. ...I feel lots better have more energy sleep a little better I walk or try to a mile or so a day depending on if I have a disease flare-up then I'm no use to me or anyone I'm just miserable, but I'm doing better also w/my disease GP ...I think it's nasty cig makers they're jealous cause e-cig makers/vape shop/suppliers etc. are making money that they should of gotten from ppl quitting the nasty cigs. ...Am I wrong peeps ??
Yep it's frustrating, but you can hardly fault the average person for parroting what they hear on the TV News. Be prepared to defend yourself next time with some anti-propaganda, a.k.a. facts. The same thing happened to me not long ago, and I responded that he was mistaken because e-cigs have been shown to be at least 95% safer than cigarettes. I then pointed out that there are a lot of vicious rumors going around these days because e-cigs are so disruptive to the tobacco companies, and he agreed. I've got some choice studies linked at the top of my profile info page which come in handy.

ETA: And I think when a person approaches you like that, he's often playing dumb in order to hear your side of the story. He knows there's something wrong with his information. So try not to think of his as an enemy trying to persecute you. Be friendly and show him that you're a real person with a solid cause, and you may find he's an ally in disguise.


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  • Oct 28, 2014
    I think the best retort is "follow the money". Re: research, many with money to lose have tried to find something wrong with it.

    I rarely have anyone say anything because I live in Virginia. Smoking was very popular here until vaping.

    My mother and I went to eat lunch with a nice old lady and her son (actually older than me) He was very interesting and outspoken on many subjects (that I am interested in... borderline "conspiracy" stuff) we got along fine, then I mentioned I was going out for a break (while we waited for the food) to vape. Oh my gosh... he just got quiet and that look on his face... yes, that look! He said he quit smoking, ate lots of food, gained 10 pounds, then later lost the weight. Just about to give me the "dangers of vaping" speech, but I cut him short. Been through this many times with other people... all brain washed by main stream media.

    Should have said "you know better than that" then.

    Re: the nurse, it's terribly irresponsible for medical (and media) to be so uninformed.


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    I am pretty sure I do at least ONE irresponsible thing daily if not more. To be fair it's to myself.

    But you gotta take a look at the education system and also wonder to yourself, "JUST how much time in RADIOLOGY TECH school is going to be spent on the pros and cons of vaping."

    I mean... Really. I get people are up in arms but NO one is ACCURATE and knowledgeable about everything.

    Not everyone can complete a philosophy degree for like A LOT of money a year and understand the mechanisms of propaganda and how to like, combat it.

    Complaining how everyone is DUMB is not the way. Understanding that people are SHAPED by their environments is far more useful.

    I guess that's social work, too. Most of my job is not in TEACHING someone stuff that works. It is finding the EXACT puncture wound and jab in a ..... in someone's armor to MAKE the information go in.

    Let me tell you I have a family that is happening with and it is Pure Bliss. I get 100 things accomplished in the time it takes other families two.

    And I don't blame the family EITHER it is my job to find the ..... in the armor. Sometimes I fail for a long time.



    Ultra Member
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    Dec 28, 2009
    New Bedford, MA
    When I run into the misinformed and they make comments like that, I like to tell them chances are higher that they'll get his by a bus and die today, than me dying from vaping for another 10 years. I also ask them why the UK suggests people vape over smoking. They usually .... right quick.


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 11, 2018
    UK & much further East.
    As many are aware the official position on vaping in UK is very positive, but out and about it can be a different matter, due to that same disinformation campaign.

    When someone makes a stupid brainwashed comment to me, being a very flippant kind of feller, I say something like "it's an anti-contrail poison device" or "it's anti-mosquito" I'm too tired of trying to educate numptees and it does makes them think for a nano-second.

    Non-numptees (... is that a thing?) will get a fact or two if I can be bothered.


    PV Master & Musician
    ECF Veteran
    May 22, 2010
    Central GA
    Vaping should be recognized as harm reduction for prior smokers. It is by those who realize the difference, but there's still a cross-section of America who thinks, "If it looks like smoke, then it's smoke". They don't see the difference.

    IMO, no one who has never smoked should take up vaping. Teenagers, especially those under 18 who vape are creating a negative attitude for vaping. The exception would be teens who smoked and starting vaping to quit.

    All that said, I hardly ever see anyone vaping when I'm out and about and I live in a metro area with around 230,000 residents and several vape shops. I'm usually the only one exhaling vapor and few people seem to notice my 10W vape.
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    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 20, 2019
    Simple response. At least I don't smell like crap.
    Ohhh yes the smell of nasty cigs are bothering me more & more as the days, weeks ,months ect. go by,
    I was in line at Wal-Mart today & this lady in front of me smelled like an ashtray w/1,000 butts in it plus afew nasty cigs burning in it ...
    I wanted to talk to her about vaping bout I had to leave & go to another register I didn't want stand behind her any longer !


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 20, 2019
    Vaping should be recognized as harm reduction for prior smokers. It is by those who realize the difference, but there's still a cross-section of America who thinks, "If it looks like smoke, then it's smoke". They don't see the difference.

    IMO, no one who has never smoked should take up vaping. Teenagers, especially those under 18 who vape are creating a negative attitude for vaping. The exception would be teens who smoked and starting vaping to quit.

    All that said, I hardly ever see anyone vaping when I'm out and about and I live in a metro area with around 230,000 residents and several vape shops. I'm usually the only one exhaling vapor and few people seem to notice my 10W vape.
    Well in the area I live its a kinda small town but there're a medium amount of vapers here & we do have alot of vape shops for a small town, but they're not to educated in the vaping area to a lot of degree & i have never seen any the employees vape (I thought that was unusual too) I've been in 4 shops we have, most of ppl that go in the vape shops here go in for rolling papers & weed devices & cigars to make-a-fat-joint they call it here, theres 2 Air Force Bases here & there's sometime a cop parked at almost every other stop-go light & most of us don't or try to hide it cause if one those cops see u puffing on anything but a nasty cig. they will pull u over in a heartbeat, then u have to show proof of what u are smoking & if u carry a liquid they test it, its just not worth my time to get pulled over, & actually that's awful to happen but it does here lately & not jus' in my area, its in parts of TN & a few other states I've heard !


    Senior Member
    ECF Veteran
    Aug 21, 2013
    USA & Canada
    I was vaping in a parking lot of a shopping plaza last night. A guy, not in a mean way, approached me and said "you know people die from that. You should probably just smoke". Of coarse I was thinking THIS is one of the reasons vaping is doomed.
    It's often the other way around for me. As a Vaper I sometimes approach Smokers (NOT "directly" - just casually) and TRY to quickly explain the benefits of vaping, that it really helps over smoking in any & all aspects, or even point out nearby vape stores. Around 90% of them are often completely either oblivious, or say it's a gimmick, waste of time, etc. The most pitiful excuse I ever got was "I don't have a computer"(!?!).

    In 2013 when I was first introduced to vaping I had never previously even seen an eCig, but when I did, I had an Eureka Moment and immediately knew "damn this is the solution", and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Awareness about vaping was still remarkably minute but at least now in 2019 there’s much more awareness & popularity around eCigs & Vaping.

    I wish there was a more aggressive way for the eCig & Vaping community & industry to lobby governments similar to the NRA, insurance & oil companies, etc. I hope this isn't politically incorrect but IMO research devoted to vaping should follow along the same lines as cures for other diseases. Example: how many millions $$$$ were spent on funding studies on smoking, and what did they find? Here's One Answer: ties to cancer!! eCigs & Vaping on the other hand have never experienced well-funded, long-term, scientifically methodological studies, and yet govt's legalize weed!? Ya ya ya, we can talk legalities wrt advertising, govt's, and what not, but still... this ticks me off. And the fact that it's sometimes questionable getting nicQuid over borders also sucks.

    LIVES would literally be SAVED if introduced to eCigs & Vaping - mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, etc, etc. Vape THAT stupid governments!! OK that's it for my 2 cents... Cheers!!
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    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 20, 2019
    Well on my Facebook
    It's often the other way around for me. As a Vaper I often approach Smokers and TRY to quickly explain the benefits of vaping, that it really helps over smoking in any & all aspects, or even point them to a vape store nearby. Around 90% of them are often completely either oblivious, or say it's a gimmick, waste of time, etc. The most pitiful excuse I ever got was "I don't have a computer"(!?!).

    In 2013 when I was first introduced to vaping I had never previously even seen an eCig, but when I did, I had an Eureka Moment and immediately knew "damn this is the solution", and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Awareness about vaping was still remarkably minute but at least now in 2019 there’s much more awareness & popularity around eCigs & Vaping.

    I wish there was a more aggressive way for the eCig & Vaping community & industry to lobby governments similar to the NRA, insurance & oil companies, etc. I hope this isn't politically incorrect, but IMO research that should be devoted to vaping should follow along the same lines as cures for other diseases. Ya ya ya, we can talk legalities wrt advertising, govt's, and what not, but still... this ticks me off. And the fact that it's sometimes questionable getting nicQuid over borders also sucks.

    LIVES would literally be SAVED if introduced to eCigs & Vaping - mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, etc, etc. Vape THAT stupid governments!! OK that's it for my 2 cents... Cheers!!
    Well on my facepage I promote vaping & put kool devices on it & i have a few vape shops I friended & their feed comes on my Facebook page & I have shown a few my devices on their as well !


    Ultra Member
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    Sep 16, 2017
    At my work an email circulated from the management of the office building stating "stop spraying aerosol based aromas in the ladies room as it harms others". I replied "so it's not harmful to breath in stinky methane? How about installing an exhaust fan so Lysol issue will stop". I heard an applause from the sea of cubilces when I sent it "reply all".

    Boy, these folks would've never made it out of the 1970's if a little Lysol harms them. The stuff we used to breath back then?

    I have a buddy who wears rubber gloves to check the dipstick on his car engine. I asked "seriously bro, why the gloves?" He responded as serious as a heart attack "motor oil touching the skin causes cancer"
    I snapped back "one drop?" He responds "aint taking the chance, nor should you".

    I went by Harbor Frieght and bought him some calf birthing gloves. The kind that slide over your arms up to your arm pits. "here ya go buddy, in case the oil on the dipstick runs accidently down your arm."

    In the meantime I stealth vape in my cubicle all day long. Every day. A sign on the door says "no guns, no smoking". Nothing about vaping (yet) so I try very hard not to offend anybody with my GrappleBerry aroma'd exhale.

    Lysol related story, and true too. My dad was a doctor in a small town in eastern Kentucky, there was a patient in the waiting room one time who didnt feel the need to bathe regularly and had a very offensive odor about him. My dad's nurse went to the waiting room to call in the next patient and sprayed a copious amount of lysol around the room. The offending party looked up at her and said he'd rather have the disease than to smell that s..t. True story.

    Bliss Doubt

    Super Member
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    Dec 10, 2012
    San Antonio
    You know, my experience has been fair, except when the manager of my former place of employment launched a zero tolerance policy toward vaping, shrieking "that stuff is more carcinogenic than cigarettes!". I work at home now. Otherwise, when I vape in public, which is rare and with stealth, people show mild curiosity and ask if it helped me stop smoking. I'm happy to give my success story. I vape unflavored in public, to avoid offending with aromas, and often a worker or another customer will want to share notes about vaping. When I go in for car servicing, the service manager at the dealership is vaping at her desk. She calls her pen a "peace pipe".

    When I do feel compelled to answer questions about the safety of vaping, I wish I weren't up against the nonstop media bombardment with "children are dying!!!" kinds of stories.

    I feel the important buoy to hold on to in the storm is the fact that PG is used in inhalers for asthma and other lung diseases, and VG has internal medical applications such as ear drops and suppositories. Nobody is crying cancer from that. If I'm getting further into it with someone who is really interested, I'll offer to provide web links to studies about the promise of pharmaceutical grade nicotine in cognitive diseases of old age, and nicotine's application in irritable bowel disease.

    I use unflavored in public because I cannot really reassure anybody that eliquid flavorings are safe, though I know from my own experience that my chronic bronchitis went away when I traded cigarettes for vaping, and I have never been sick again, not even with a cold, after nearly seven years vaping.


    Full Member
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    Dec 19, 2011
    Carlisle PA
    Just got a phone call from my 85 year old father. He asked if I was still doing that vape thing. I told him yes and have been for over 4 years. He said I just saw on TV that it's 100 times worse for you than smoking and people are dropping dead all over the place from it. I tried to explain that it is just media hype but he insisted that they said a new independent was just released to show how bad it was.
    How do you beat all this bad press? I was a 3 pack a day smoker and could feel it killing me every day. Now I can't stand the smell of cigs and feel, taste and smell better than I have for years. I just hate that something that may have very well saved my life can be ruined by stupidity.


    Senior Member
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    Dec 4, 2011
    Dallas Texas
    I wish I had a dollar for each person who told me that vaping was worse for your health than smoking. The anti-smoking campaign launched against tobacco has mistakenly, and unjustly, incorporated e-cigs into their anti-tobacco literature. Knowledgable vapers don't claim that vaping is 100% safe ... just that it's demonstrably safer than smoking tobacco. Their claim that flavored e-juice is targeted to hook kids on vaping also reflects a deep ignorance of the average e-cig user. When I first switched from smoking to vaping I vaped tobacco flavors but very soon switched to fruit and candy flavors. The vast majority of my adult vaping friends also enjoy fruit and candy e-juice. The hysteria over the lung problems recently experienced by a number of youthful e-cig users has further demonized vaping. With the enhanced age verification now required, many underage users have turned to "homebrew" e-juice blended by other underage DIY'ers using liquids/flavorings of questionable purity.

    Let's test samples of the e-juice associated with those lung problems to determine if there are any contaminates in the e-juice that could be involved in damaging healthy lungs. There are millions of adult e-cig users at risk as well.


    Senior Member
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    Oct 7, 2014
    I'm uneducated, I quit school at year 9 :( though I went to TAFE after which is like uni. I too have had people say that sorta thing. I was doing a Certificate III in civil construction and there were these 2 guys from Somalia who were smoking normal cigs. They said you need to stop that, they're bad for your heart lol. I found it funny because that comment came from someone who was smoking.
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