Took my son to the Zoo today with my PV and...

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Dec 6, 2012
Akron, Ohio
Some guys comes up to me and says "Hey pal the signs saying no smoking!!". (exact words) I said "get your hands off of me its not smoke look pal." and explained to him a few facts about E-Cigs.

Why are people so darn rude. He could have just asked me and not swore at me in front of my son. People are ridiculous. Some people are just so rude.

by looking at the guy he may have been having a bit of "roid rage". Do people come up to you in public and tell u not to smoke?


Vaping Master
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Apr 1, 2012
San Diego CA
Some guys comes up to me and says "Hey pal the signs saying no smoking!!". (exact words) I said "get your hands off of me its not smoke look pal." and explained to him a few facts about E-Cigs.

Why are people so darn rude. He could have just asked me and not swore at me in front of my son. People are ridiculous. Some people are just so rude.

by looking at the guy he may have been having a bit of "roid rage". Do people come up to you in public and tell u not to smoke?
Ive never had it happen The guy obviously has issues. Lots of better way to handle it than he did not much of a gentleman Id say!
Some guy at whole foods told me to stop and i told him it was organic and blew it in his face. I think he probably would've attacked me if he wasn't sure I would've kicked the brown rice out of him.
This is exactly what we dont need. We are trying to portray a positive image of vapors. vaping in a store being rude drawing negative attention is not going to add anything positive to our image.


Ultra Member
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Sep 3, 2012
Some guys comes up to me and says "Hey pal the signs saying no smoking!!". (exact words) I said "get your hands off of me its not smoke look pal." and explained to him a few facts about E-Cigs.

Why are people so darn rude. He could have just asked me and not swore at me in front of my son. People are ridiculous. Some people are just so rude.

by looking at the guy he may have been having a bit of "roid rage". Do people come up to you in public and tell u not to smoke?

Wow :facepalm: I can't believe some random dude did that to you AND your kid. You deserve a prize or a trophy for keeping your calm. I vaped in the hospital last winter. The E.R. doctor asked my "what is that?". I told him and that was that. Had the go ahead. That was the only confrontation so far. Once sorry you didn't have a bar of soap handy.


Ultra Member
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Aug 21, 2013
Venice, FL
I am really getting concerned by the number of people that I am seeing that are ignoring no smoking signs and getting militant about vaping wherever they feel like it. Sooner or later the anti-smoking Nazis are going to set their guns squarely on vaping and we are all going to suffer. Please treat vaping like smoking and be respectful to other people. It is the few bad apples that are going to wreck it for those of us that are trying to make vaping a positive. Just because it isn't smoke doesn't mean you can do it wherever you feel like it. I would hope that you wouldn't bring a theatrical smoke machine into a grocery store and fire it up. It just isn't responsible. As vaping becomes more commonplace and 'accepted', we may be able to get it accepted in places we used to be able to smoke. The last time that I saw someone smoking in a grocery store, I was quite young (you could smoke in hospital rooms too, lol). OK, I am done ranting.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2012
Mallorca, Spain
I am really getting concerned by the number of people that I am seeing that are ignoring no smoking signs and getting militant about vaping wherever they feel like it. Sooner or later the anti-smoking Nazis are going to set their guns squarely on vaping and we are all going to suffer. Please treat vaping like smoking and be respectful to other people. It is the few bad apples that are going to wreck it for those of us that are trying to make vaping a positive. Just because it isn't smoke doesn't mean you can do it wherever you feel like it. I would hope that you wouldn't bring a theatrical smoke machine into a grocery store and fire it up. It just isn't responsible. As vaping becomes more commonplace and 'accepted', we may be able to get it accepted in places we used to be able to smoke. The last time that I saw someone smoking in a grocery store, I was quite young (you could smoke in hospital rooms too, lol). OK, I am done ranting.

We must agree to disagree.
It is not SMOKE
IT is not a Tobacco Product.

WE will pave the way for those that are still brainwashed into thinking that vaping is in any way related to smoking. "Just because it isn't smoke doesn't mean you can do it wherever you feel like it."
When I receive the respect of being left alone, I will entertain reciprocity.



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Feb 21, 2013
Xenia, Ohio
I had to laugh when I saw this thread. I also have a zoo nazi experience. I really love the Cincinnati Zoo, but the entire park is no smoking. The zoo is located in the middle of the ghetto in Cincinnati, and yet, we're very worried about an animal catching a whif of smoke/vape or whatever. Nevermind the diesel fumes, and crap blowing out the back of SUV's and I'm pretty sure the air in that neighborhood would test positive for {Moderated}.

Wanting to be mindful of the rules, my Dad and I went waaaaaay out in the middle of a closed parking lot to vape and this small, mealy-mouth nazi of a man comes steaming out there to inform me of the no-smoking policy. Informed him of the vaping thing, and he still boiled over. Back in my parents' day they'd have been able to punch him in the face, but alas, lawyers today. As the little man went running back to whatever rock he was under, my Dad said "That guy hasn't been laid in 20 years." :laugh:

Last couple of times I've gone it's been nic gum which really burns my throat. Yuk.
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Super Member
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Jul 26, 2013
I wouldn't mind anyone asking me about what it is that I'm doing I would be glad to discuss it. Who gave these smoking nazi's authority to be down right nasty about it? In an open air environment and as long as I'm a respectful distance from others I'm doing it. It wouldn't be a good idea for anyone to come up to me in anything other than a civil manner.


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Sep 2, 2013
I see vaping as less of an impact on those around you than, say, wearing cologne/perfume, hairspray, or deodorant. Vapor can have a scent, and some people might not like it, but it's far more subtle than scents in a typical crowd of people.

I think it's the delivery system that puts people off. It LOOKS like you're smoking a cig. That's why I'm hesitant to vape around kids or anywhere that smoking is prohibited. I'm definitely a stealth vaper, but I don't think I should have to be!
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