Vaping in Public

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Full Member
Jan 24, 2014
It blows my mind to see that NYC has enacted legislation that bans vaping in OUTDOOR PUBLIC spaces like parks, etc. I'm SO happy I don't live there or anywhere such uninformed, kneejerk,
over-reactionary & unnecessary laws are in place... YET. I DO vape practically everywhere, but also DO show COMMON COURTESY and respect for myself & others by Not being a rude, or obnoxious vaper, either. Not sure that "flying under the radar" will prevent ANY sort of regulation, but will continue to exhibit my intelligent choice to vape in an intelligent & respectful manner- regardless of where I choose to vape. . . be it in public or private .


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
It blows my mind to see that NYC has enacted legislation that bans vaping in OUTDOOR PUBLIC spaces like parks, etc. I'm SO happy I don't live there or anywhere such uninformed, kneejerk,
over-reactionary & unnecessary laws are in place... YET. I DO vape practically everywhere, but also DO show COMMON COURTESY and respect for myself & others by Not being a rude, or obnoxious vaper, either. Not sure that "flying under the radar" will prevent ANY sort of regulation, but will continue to exhibit my intelligent choice to vape in an intelligent & respectful manner- regardless of where I choose to vape. . . be it in public or private .

Good post. This is the stance that many of us advocate. Amazingly, some on ECF believe we should act like vaping and smoking are the same thing.

Welcome to ECF.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2014
Don't lump me in there.
Just because I have the right to act like an a$$hole doesn't mean I have to or want to.
I treat it like smoking because I WANT to.
I have the freedom to be courteous toward others feelings and I exercise that right. You might be best served to see the difference between compassionate meekness and fearful weakness. They are night and day different.
With freedom comes responsibility. With rights come responsibility.
Those that want to rant and rave because some disagree with their stance are no different than the ones that were described as the cry baby above.
"Can't spot it unless you got it comes" to mind.
Don't feel sorry for me buddy. There's no need to. I go into this world daily with my eyes wide open.
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I'm an "s pen aholic" Noteate

In this day and age you have a responsibility to fight for your rights ,OR !!! , HAVE NONE
My statement was general ,not aimed at you :)
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2014
It blows my mind to see that NYC has enacted legislation that bans vaping in OUTDOOR PUBLIC spaces like parks, etc. I'm SO happy I don't live there or anywhere such uninformed, kneejerk,
over-reactionary & unnecessary laws are in place... YET. I DO vape practically everywhere, but also DO show COMMON COURTESY and respect for myself & others by Not being a rude, or obnoxious vaper, either. Not sure that "flying under the radar" will prevent ANY sort of regulation, but will continue to exhibit my intelligent choice to vape in an intelligent & respectful manner- regardless of where I choose to vape. . . be it in public or private .

It's just totally ridicules , outside is outside WHAT THE F__k

Equality 7-2521

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 29, 2013
oakland ca.
Great post......let's be honest, yes alot of us try and extend curteousy to those around us. but alot of the times we hide our vaping in order that we won't spook the groupthink cattle, and be stampeded by self righteous ignorance. The public is unwilling to listen to reason about vaping......they turn their vacant gaze toward the goverment appointed "experts" looking to them on how they should think about it.

And so we debate among ourselves about how best to tread lightly, in the hope that we may extend our freedom a little longer, or dreams of state sanctioned....but we aren't free people.Personally I feel the rise of totalitarinisim is on the march again, much like it was in the 1930's....the similarities are frightening.

In this day and age you have a responsibility to fight for your rights ,OR !!! , HAVE NONE
My statement was general ,not aimed at you :)


Full Member
Jan 30, 2014
Chicago, IL
I have a sensitivity to some fragrances. I stay away from the candle or air freshener isle at stores.

So I have sympathy for someone that my not like my vapor.

Never have seen anything stating how much nicotine is left over in the exhaled vape. Is exhalant a word?

I'd be curious to see how much nicotine is exhaled also. I would imagine it depends on several factors, density of vape, obviously nicotine content of liquid, lung capacity, length of time you hold in the rip, each persons personal absorption, just to name a few.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 6, 2014
Boston, MA
I'm still pretty new to all of this but, as I'm a research hound, I have to agree with everyone that is saying that being careful about public vaping is the way to go. Regulations are coming down hard every day and more people vape with the "Hey, the sign says no smoking and I'm not smoking, I'm vaping" attitude it is only going to make it worse. I think it's up to all of us to do what we can to make sure vaping doesn't get lumped in with smoking laws, taxes, restrictions, etc. and being careful of where we vape is only going to help.

Equality 7-2521

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 29, 2013
oakland ca.
I agree with your sentiments,but i'm not sure I'm as optimistic....we live in a nation with a massive domestic spying network,and everything we do is either taxed, or regulated or outlawed.
I'm still pretty new to all of this but, as I'm a research hound, I have to agree with everyone that is saying that being careful about public vaping is the way to go. Regulations are coming down hard every day and more people vape with the "Hey, the sign says no smoking and I'm not smoking, I'm vaping" attitude it is only going to make it worse. I think it's up to all of us to do what we can to make sure vaping doesn't get lumped in with smoking laws, taxes, restrictions, etc. and being careful of where we vape is only going to help.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2014
central Virginia
It blows my mind to see that NYC has enacted legislation that bans vaping in OUTDOOR PUBLIC spaces like parks, etc. I'm SO happy I don't live there or anywhere such uninformed, kneejerk,
over-reactionary & unnecessary laws are in place... YET. I DO vape practically everywhere, but also DO show COMMON COURTESY and respect for myself & others by Not being a rude, or obnoxious vaper, either. Not sure that "flying under the radar" will prevent ANY sort of regulation, but will continue to exhibit my intelligent choice to vape in an intelligent & respectful manner- regardless of where I choose to vape. . . be it in public or private .

Didn't NYC ban soft drinks above a certain size also? Did they ever pass the salt intake limit? Trans fat ban?
Remember this is a city where the cops must look the other way while an old lady gets mugged by a crack head because they're being forced to enforce Super Size drink bans.

Support Our Troops!!!
s pen aholic in Beast Mode (Notetoo)
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Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 14, 2013
"Hey, the sign says no smoking and I'm not smoking, I'm vaping" attitude it is only going to make it worse. I think it's up to all of us to do what we can to make sure vaping doesn't get lumped in with smoking laws, taxes, restrictions, etc. and being careful of where we vape is only going to help.
Or maybe it will simply demonstrate that some of you will obey whatever arbitrary laws, taxes, restrictions, etc that the "authorities" decide to impose on you. Me, I'd rather engage in civil disobedience.


Unregistered Supplier
Feb 7, 2014
New York
It blows my mind to see that NYC has enacted legislation that bans vaping in OUTDOOR PUBLIC spaces like parks, etc. I'm SO happy I don't live there or anywhere such uninformed, kneejerk,
over-reactionary & unnecessary laws are in place... YET. I DO vape practically everywhere, but also DO show COMMON COURTESY and respect for myself & others by Not being a rude, or obnoxious vaper, either. Not sure that "flying under the radar" will prevent ANY sort of regulation, but will continue to exhibit my intelligent choice to vape in an intelligent & respectful manner- regardless of where I choose to vape. . . be it in public or private .
This really is absurd. I'm in NY and I've yet to run into anyone who has a problem with vaping. If anything they are intrigued by it. There has to be some greater agenda at work here. I agree you have to be respectful of other and use common sense. That being said I vaped throughout a 5 hour plane ride last week without issue either.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2014
central Virginia
In this day and age you have a responsibility to fight for your rights ,OR !!! , HAVE NONE
My statement was general ,not aimed at you :)

I do my fighting for my rights other ways. Be informed in the potential candidate, look at the unintended consequences if they get elected because of their stances, vote the conscious. The current regime in D.C.chooses who the federal judges in the D.C.court of appeals are. What this means, a unintended consequence, is the D.C.court of appeals hears cases of the constitutionality of executive orders and laws passed. Have a super majority, like they do now, of 1 stance basically means they can pass what they want and unless the supreme court takes it up there's no check out balance. Once the current regime is gone, other side takes the senate, etc the super majority remains in the D.C. court of appeals, basically a guarantee of the legacy remaining for years after the regime is no longer there.
What we do before and at the ballot box has much bigger consequences than whether we vape in public or not and can very well determine whether we keep or lose that right.
Again, just because a person doesn't demand their right doesn't mean they don't do everything and anything to protect it for not only themselves but for others as well. ;)

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s pen aholic in Beast Mode (Notetoo)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2014
central Virginia
I'm still pretty new to all of this but, as I'm a research hound, I have to agree with everyone that is saying that being careful about public vaping is the way to go. Regulations are coming down hard every day and more people vape with the "Hey, the sign says no smoking and I'm not smoking, I'm vaping" attitude it is only going to make it worse. I think it's up to all of us to do what we can to make sure vaping doesn't get lumped in with smoking laws, taxes, restrictions, etc. and being careful of where we vape is only going to help.

Education education education.
Educate those around you one person at a time, let them decide. Email your representatives with any information you may come across about vaping vs smoking, don't take offense at the intentionally ignorant but show them the truth instead. Use the fog machine as an example . If they don't fear the fog machine they need not fear the e-cig. Tell them how much better you feel since you quit smoking. There's a ton of things we can do to bust the myths and fears without being obnoxious.

Support Our Troops!!!
s pen aholic in Beast Mode (Notetoo)

Equality 7-2521

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 29, 2013
oakland ca.
I don't think alot of us fully appreciate how revolutionary vaping is. We view it only as the revolution it caused in our own personal lives, a freedom or chance of freedom from smoking. which was killing alot of us.

This industry started out in the was a crazy idea for fringe was started not by corporations or goverment panels, but by loonies working in their garages and shops tinkering with ideas, and having a blast doing it.We all built it.we all invested in the idea and supported it, we all built it together from the ground up, with excitment and enthusiasim, and a really unusual amount of cooperation and fellowship. We were too small and too ridiculous for the goverment or the corporations to bother with..we weren't yet a threat to big tobacco or to the ineffectual drug therapies of big pharma.

But that's changing.We aren't just a fad anymore.We are a billion dollar a year industry, and we are an army of consumers.Vaping is poised to transform big tobacco from a global giant into a niche industry, to make drug therapies overnight obselete.But the biggest upheavel was that a small group of people working unfettered,freely, in fellowship and enthusiasim, without goverment or corprate control created something marvelous, we displayed the power of a free creative act....and that.... won't go unpunished.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2014
There are many different ways of fighting for your rights. I think the "The Other 99%" movement has shown pretty clearly how far we can get with civil disobedience and trying to be fight the establishment openly. Which is pretty much nowhere. The best we can do is to influence people one at a time by informing them about what we are doing. Contact our representative and let them know what we want. Sign petitions and start them when there is a need.

In the meantime be courteous about our behavior. Pissing people of usually gets us nothing. Its one of those cases where almost everyone is ok with people vaping around them, but the very few that are not, are very loud and play right in the hands of the people who want to control vaping.

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
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Senior Member
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Sep 4, 2012
I vape at restaurants all the time here in Vancouver as long as there are no children around. I also make sure I ask my server / waitress if it's acceptable in their establishment. So far I have had one server ask me after she told me that I could to stop since it was bothering one patron at the establishment. After she asked I put my vape away no questions asked.

If you respect the establishment, they usually don't have any issues with it whatsoever from my experience so far.
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