What's under your lip/in your nose right now? - Part 2

The Rebel

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Jul 15, 2010
Grand Rapids, Michigan
To reply to your post Hitt. The labels are a bit much but nothing compared to the warning labels on cigarettes in Taiwan. I still go there a couple times a year for work and it always cracks me up when I see the warnings. Here's a few examples that will definitely make you want to quit smoking in a hurry...

Taiwan 2008 Health Effects Mouth - diseased mouth, gross.png
Taiwan 2008 ETS Child - harms children and family.png
Taiwan 2008 Health Effects heart - diseased organ, heart disease.png
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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    Interesting, now that the flavor ban is in effect in Michigan I saw an update on the Mister E facebook page. Basically they are still offering all their juice but anything with candy/fruit/mint/menthol is only available in 0 nic. Their tobacco line, including those with flavoring like their RY4, which I use daily, is still being sold with nic. I figured that any juice with flavoring would be unavailable but it seems the banning rules are cloudy enough that dealers are using that to still sell flavored juice as long as it is deemed part of their tobacco line. Not sure that is the way the ban was intended but I'll take it as it means I can still get the juice I use for now. But I'm still going to order up some DYI stuff to try it at home because I'm sure this is only going to get worse.

    I think I mentioned it before but almost every "tobacco" flavor that I've tried besides a few NETS doesn't taste anything like tobacco to me. I was wondering how strict they would be with flavors like ry4 that are called tobacco flavors. I kind of saw the 0 nic thing coming as a loophole. I guess if there's no nic then they can't regulate flavors. I know I did mention it before but some places do sell short fills that are flavors in bottles that they leave room in to add nic and shake and vape. If you need help with the DIY thing then maybe I can help and if I can't I'm sure I know folks on the forum that can.

    The Rebel

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    Jul 15, 2010
    Grand Rapids, Michigan
    Thanks Hitt. Some names or links to those places that do sell short fills would be greatly appreciated. As I use RY4 exclusively I'll be attempting to create a suitable replacement for the Mister E version which has a lighter more tobacco taste. The vanilla and caramel are still there but not in your face.


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    Thanks Hitt. Some names or links to those places that do sell short fills would be greatly appreciated. As I use RY4 exclusively I'll be attempting to create a suitable replacement for the Mister E version which has a lighter more tobacco taste. The vanilla and caramel are still there but not in your face.

    The one I'm most familiar with is chefs flavours. Here's a link for one I've heard good things about. They also sell one shots. For the one shots you'd need nic, pg, vg. The short fills you just add nic.

    RY-..... Shortfill 50ml


    Vaping Master
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    Jul 23, 2009
    Green Lane, Pa
    It's an ugly situation out there for vaping. A full frontal assault on the industry. I still can't believe with all these deaths and the autopsies that had to be done that they don't know what's causing the morbidity and mortality.

    Those poor businesses.
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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    Is anyone here still using nasal snuff? I was digging through some drawers at work which is where I kept most of my snuff and found two or three unopened containers of swisher honey bee. I don't know how long snuff stays good but I know it's been at least 2-3 years since I've used any. I keep debating whether to get rid of my snuff.


    Vaping Master
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    Jul 23, 2009
    Green Lane, Pa
    Keep it, you never know when you might get the itch again. I occasionally still do but when my raspberry was gone, my favorite also. The Honeybee is pretty good also and the one I go to if I have a desire. I don't carry it anymore since I haven't had that I want a cigarette feeling for years now but occasionally, just for a jolt, I'll crack a can.
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    The Rebel

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    Jul 15, 2010
    Grand Rapids, Michigan
    I still do but like Roth, rarely. I have some in my drawer at work so every once in while when I open it, I'll crack the can and take a pinch. Like right now because we're talking about it and suddenly it sounds good. Excuse me while I indulge...

    Ahhh, good old Dr. Rumney's mentholated snuff. That and a glass of cold water will clear any sinuses in a heartbeat. Thanks Hitt!


    Vaping Master
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    Jul 23, 2009
    Green Lane, Pa
    I still do but like Roth, rarely. I have some in my drawer at work so every once in while when I open it, I'll crack the can and take a pinch. Like right now because we're talking about it and suddenly it sounds good. Excuse me while I indulge...

    Ahhh, good old Dr. Rumney's mentholated snuff. That and a glass of cold water will clear any sinuses in a heartbeat. Thanks Hitt!

    LOL, I did the same thing with Honeybee which got me thinking about the raspberry I loved so much.


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    Jun 24, 2009
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    I read a news article this morning where the man being interviewed specifically said he never used nicotine. He specifically called out the THC. The reporter conveniently cut that part out and they never even mentioned it.

    Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk


    Vaping Master
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    Jul 23, 2009
    Green Lane, Pa
    I'm getting too old. I got my load of 3-4 cords worth of pallet cutoffs on Monday. It was supposed to rain in the afternoon so i never got started stacking it until Tuesday. By Wednesday I had two pallets full stacked as high as it would go under my canopy and I was shot. I got my gf to do the stacking today as I moved it from driveway to wheelbarrow. By the end I was sitting in a chair stacking pieces end to end so I didn't have to bend over to pick them up off the drive except the very bottom pieces. Done for the winter now, thank goodness.


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    Sounds to me like you’re doing just fine. I’m 49 and had seven yards of dirt dumped in my driveway to build up around my foundation and a few low spots in my yard. I moved it with a shovel and wheelbarrow over two days. I was completely at muscle failure at the end of the first day.

    The Rebel

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    Jul 15, 2010
    Grand Rapids, Michigan
    Ha! I got you both beat. I went bowling with my kids last Friday and haven't been able to lift my right arm over my head since. This getting old sucks!

    In other news, time to go mattress shopping. It's been almost twenty years on the current one and fair to say it's doing more harm than good these days. Both my wife and I have been complaining of bad sleep and feeling sore in the morning. Should be fun as mattress tech has come pretty far since the last time I bought one. Between all the different types available now, I see at least a couple hours of laying on different ones, staring at the ceiling and asking my wife if this is the one. Lucky me...


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    Ha! I got you both beat. I went bowling with my kids last Friday and haven't been able to lift my right arm over my head since. This getting old sucks!

    In other news, time to go mattress shopping. It's been almost twenty years on the current one and fair to say it's doing more harm than good these days. Both my wife and I have been complaining of bad sleep and feeling sore in the morning. Should be fun as mattress tech has come pretty far since the last time I bought one. Between all the different types available now, I see at least a couple hours of laying on different ones, staring at the ceiling and asking my wife if this is the one. Lucky me...

    It's funny you mentioned mattress shopping. We are getting ready to start shopping for a new one. My wife has fibro and is very sensitive to what mattress will work for her so I just let her pick it and I can sleep on just about anything besides the floor. We have gone through a bad string of them and have been lucky to get five years before she says we need a new one.


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    Stand by for a little rant. My boss came in and said that we are getting a small rebate from our health insurance company. That was the good news. The bad news is that we are switching health insurance companies again. I guess it's because of price shopping but we have changed health insurance companies every two years for a long time now. Also there is a projected 4% increase on our premium. I'm already paying through the nose for insurance weekly. I got hit with a $20 per week increase last year for the same coverage. I am almost at my breaking point with the health insurance. The excuse last year for the increase was that my daughters hit a certain age. I would guess that they are worried about the girls getting pregnant and having to pay for that. I'm not. I look forward to the day that the kids have their own insurance. I just don't know where the health insurance will ever get better as far as cost and coverage. I guess when I retire.

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