What's under your lip/in your nose right now? - Part 2


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Jul 15, 2010
I think she could hurt you.
i seem to remember a futurama episode about that EXACT conundrum...


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    the way i figure, if you're older than old enough to get social security, you're a geezer.of course, there's the odd ones of us who seem to have been born geezers but, i digress..

    my pace and limits were pert near non-existent there for a while.the pace seemed to be as fast as i could get it in and the limit tended to be about a liter a day, of course depending back on how fast a pace i was on that day.untill my sissy liver gave up the ghost.
    at any rate - the cigarette thing is mostly just a symbol for hitting the age of unbridled excess whilst i run screaming down that hill towards the cemetary.i never thought i'd make it to 30 much less 60, so i figure everything after that is all gravy.i say you live it up and go out tweaking,copulating,hallucinating and flaming while holding cigarettes and booze in both hands. just gotta hit that personal jumping off point first.:banana:

    you know what cures hangovers? more booze!!!!


    Gutter, you are a much missed well of wisdom.


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    Jul 15, 2010
    Gutter, you are a much missed well of wisdom.
    thank you for the kind words my good man!!!
    There are a lot of other more accurate words that would substitute for wisdom in that sentence though,

    b.s.,excrement,dung,idiocy,silliness,crass dumbassery..etc.. etc...

    if it's wisdom you're looking for, look no further than navin r.johnson. he said (and i quote):
    "Lord loves a workin man,don't trust whitey, if you get it, see a doctor and get rid of it"

    That man was a genius.


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    Jul 15, 2010
    completely off topic and a tad ramble-ey but, the time has come for a new road bicycle.holy moley are those things expensive.i've become accustomed to riding this 12 pound italian carbon fiber race machine and everything else feels clunky,sloppy and chintzy in comparison now.shopping for good bicycles makes car shopping look like a day at the park or something.it's ridiculous, the "bike guys" think 1500 bucks is starting range for something halfway decent and seem to think that dropping 8 to 12 grand on a bicycle is something everyone should just be cool with and perpetually prepared to do.

    i just need a daily beater that can deal with my size,shift cleanly and not break down everytime i want to go for a ride.i'm leaning towards aluminum frame and either cannondale or specialized but when it comes time to start counting out bills my 3rd eye puckers up,i get twitchy and sweaty and the urge to run away and immediately put money into the savings account is overwhelming.
    first world problems,first world problems....

    it seems that snuff is back in fashion around these parts (you getting everyone sniffing again hitt?) but i'll have to wait untill we get outta pollen season to even think about it,so what's everyone's preferred snus these days?
    i've been on a general original, xr (medium?? they keep changing the name and packaging??) and offroad white frosted kick lately.

    hitting the hay to dream about bikes with some offroad frosted white
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    Vaping Master
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    Jul 23, 2009
    Green Lane, Pa
    Tough job finding a decent priced bike these days, at least at bike shops. I'd keep an eye on Craigslist and see if I could find a bargain. I haven't walked into a bike shop for 20 years now, but they were pretty outlandish back then. I can't imagine what they get these days.

    As far as snus is concerned, Hitt and I are pretty much Mint guys as a regular diet although I mix in a General XR White portion that I've been liking a bit more lately.
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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    Gutter, that's a big reason I have never gotten into riding. Two of my neighbors do. One has a 10k bike and I'm not sure about the other one. I just know it's a Trek. I figure I'll stick with running. It just takes a $100 pair of running shoes once in a while. The ones I have now I found on clearance for $59.

    I'm still using mint most of the time with a thunder raspberry first thing in the morning. I am still leaning towards mentholated snuffs. One of my favorites is honey menthol. I do like others like red bull, ozona, McChrystals, and a few others. I got out some F&T high dry toast yesterday and could barely smell it for a couple minutes. Now I know why it went unused for so long.
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    Jul 15, 2010
    Tough job finding a decent priced bike these days, at least at bike shops. I'd keep an eye on Craigslist and see if I could find a bargain. I haven't walked into a bike shop for 20 years now, but they were pretty outlandish back then. I can't imagine what they get these days.

    As far as snus is concerned, Hitt and I are pretty much Mint guys as a regular diet although I mix in a General XR White portion that I've been liking a bit more lately.

    i've been watching craigslist in nearby cities and watching ebay. my stupid monkey arms and short torso screw up the fit (and thusly -the availability) on bikes in my size.

    i've been digging that xr lately (slim large white. had to go look that one up) as well. the pouch sizes and feel are just great.they will probably quit making it :)
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    Jul 15, 2010
    Gutter, that's a big reason I have never gotten into riding. Two of my neighbors do. One has a 10k bike and I'm not sure about the other one. I just know it's a Trek. I figure I'll stick with running. It just takes a $100 pair of running shoes once in a while. The ones I have now I found on clearance for $59.

    I'm still using mint most of the time with a thunder raspberry first thing in the morning. I am still leaning towards mentholated snuffs. One of my favorites is honey menthol. I do like others like red bull, ozona, McChrystals, and a few others. I got out some F&T high dry toast yesterday and could barely smell it for a couple minutes. Now I know why it went unused for so long.

    that's about what that thing i inherited is worth - built in it's current configuration, it was just shy of 11 grand. after seeing how bad it has gotten beaten up even after only a few seasons of relatively short rides and being babied, i'm not real keen on throwing that kind of money down the crapper again.

    i wish i could just run too. i loved it. after about 2 runs all the unheeded parental warnings of "that skateboard is gonna screw your knees and ankles up" start ringing in my ears...... not to mention the genetic lottery i won on back problems...

    man, that ozona is good stuff. if my sinuses ever open back up, i'm gonna have to dig some of that out of the old snuff box.
    i'm with you on the high dry toast. snooze city. actually, now that i think about it, i don't think i've ever had a non mentholated straight "toast" that was worth the hassle.hmm.


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    I forget who makes it but I have a lemon toast. It sucks too. I like how the menthol snuffs open my sinuses. I just got back into snuffs and am glad now that I didn't give them all away like I thought about doing. I went at least a couple years without touching any. I'm surprised it's still pretty good.
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    Jul 23, 2009
    Green Lane, Pa
    Hitt, the sneakers are cheap, but the knee surgeries might make up the difference. The thing I liked about cycling is that you can actually go someplace. You have to be a marathoner to go where you can get in an hour and a half.

    Wow Gutter, that's a lot of ching for a bike. How has it gotten beat up? If the frame is solid, maybe you would do better upgrading some of it, particularly if it fits you. I spend like $1400 for my Trek some 20 years ago. It wasn't any Tour de France bike, but I could do a century on it and not be too bad for the wear. Of course I was maybe 30 pounds lighter too at that point. I'd be a bit afraid to ride it now. I used to ride with a fellow that was in my current weight class and he was constantly flattening tires. I'd like to get my mountain bike running again just to go for some little jaunts for conditioning.
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    Jul 15, 2010
    I forget who makes it but I have a lemon toast. It sucks too. I like how the menthol snuffs open my sinuses. I just got back into snuffs and am glad now that I didn't give them all away like I thought about doing. I went at least a couple years without touching any. I'm surprised it's still pretty good.

    it seems like i got a peppermint toast a while back that i could stand (toque, maybe?) but then again, the peppermint sinus opening action is what did the trick.
    judging by those hardcore snuff guys, that stuff stays good forever (almost).i just kept the 6 or 8 i really liked and when the urge comes i'll grab a pinch but it's been since last summer since i've even thought about it. must be seasonal..
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    Jul 15, 2010
    Wow Gutter, that's a lot of ching for a bike. How has it gotten beat up? If the frame is solid, maybe you would do better upgrading some of it, particularly if it fits you. I spend like $1400 for my Trek some 20 years ago. It wasn't any Tour de France bike, but I could do a century on it and not be too bad for the wear. Of course I was maybe 30 pounds lighter too at that point. I'd be a bit afraid to ride it now. I used to ride with a fellow that was in my current weight class and he was constantly flattening tires. I'd like to get my mountain bike running again just to go for some little jaunts for conditioning.

    It's carbon fiber so the smallest little bump makes a big ding. The roads around here are pretty bad with lots of gravel and sand so it's really just general wear and tear.the frame size is actually the issue - my brother had a couple of inches of height on me so the frame is just one size too big and the reach is too long. it's not a big deal on sprints and shorter rides but anything over 10 -12 miles or so and my low back and shoulders start paying the price and anything nearing 30 miles,i can't walk the next day due to the low back going out.

    essentially what i need is just an everyday trainer kind of thing. specialized and cannondale both have models for right around 1500 bucks that are well equipped enough that i shouldn't break stuff right out of the gate but i suspect i'd be upgrading wheels,tires,derailleurs and shifters within a year or two just due to my size and the amount of torsional forces a 6' 2",240 pound dude puts on a bike day in and day out.i rode hopped up steel bikes for years because they were the only thing that didn't twist under sprints and climbs but this carbon fiber look i've been riding is one of their extra stiff models and the ride quality on it is just about perfect other than a little twitch in corners and breaking the derailleur hanger from the aforementioned torque from time to time.

    all that to say, i think the plan is to go with an aluminum frame for the longevity and stiffness and eventually upgrade to mid range sram components for the reliability and better shifting than the stock shimano components on bikes in that price range.

    i've got a buddy that got an upper end specialized mountainbike for trail riding recently and absolutely loves it. i've ridden it a couple of times and it is really,really impressive - the tech they are putting into mountainbikes these days is insane for the pricepoint. the disc brakes and suspension on that thing make it feel like you are just sort of hovering along and his bike was only 1200 bucks or something.

    if you've got a bike that fits and feels good, get that bad mama jamma tuned up and ride it!!!!
    Better Yet, load 'er up, head to tennessee and we'll ride around mayberry where there's no traffic!! :)


    Vaping Master
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    Jul 23, 2009
    Green Lane, Pa
    Well, I broke down and bought a "new" cell. I paid mine off in February and loved how my bill dropped. Unfortunately, the phone started becoming a pain. Burning through the battery very quickly. I bought one of those external chargers that helped deal withh that issue, but I noticed the phone started getting pregnant. My guess was that the battery started swelling and I had no desire to deal with a flaming Android.

    I'd been considering buying a refurbished phone for quite some time and decided Friday to take a chance. I picked up a Droid Turbo since they fascinated me when they came out and the "2" was recently released. There was a 30 day return policy with Amazon so I figured I couldn't go wrong.

    Well, it arrived today and I was hard pressed to see any sign of where on it. I was able to do the entire conversion without Verizon's input and am sitting here waiting for all my files to download from Verizon's Cloud. The big surprise came when I went to register the new phone with them. Since I only paid a couple dollars over $200 for it and I have 30 days to put insurance on it, I rejected it for now. I'm not sure how it works and I'll be looking for my first bill, but their web site told me my phone charge will drop from $51 to $25. If that's accurate, the phone will pay for itself in 8-9 months. It also discourages me from thinking about insurance that runs between $7 and $11, depending on the level.


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    The guys here at work go through phones like crazy. The warehouse guy just broke another one and was whining about it for a couple weeks. He gets a small allowance from the company for his phone since he uses it for work but when it broke, he said he couldn't afford to buy another one. Doesn't make much sense to me. I usually have the same phone for at least 2-3 years. I had an android phone which was my first smart phone and then had an iPhone 4s and now have a 5s. I don't really care about having the latest and greatest. I just need one that works and prefer the iphones. Before I pay a monthly leasing payment, I'll buy an unlocked one online or something. Sprint has been still offering phones cheap with contract renewal but wouldn't be surprised to see them stop that. I have four phones on my plan and would love to find a way to lower my bill. We have unlimited data and texting along with 1500 minutes that we never use. I wanted to try to keep the unlimited data while the kids are still on our plan.

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