Words that should be in our Vaping vocabulary AKA The Urban Vaptionary

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Jan 9, 2015
I feel like this one will cause some gnashing of teeth:*

ProV-Amish (n) A fanatical sect of vapers that believe advances in vaping technology should have stopped in early 2014 and the use of any mod other than their "chosen one" is heretical and will cause a deep sin upon their souls. They believe that nothing exists below .7ohm and that the highest wattage used by the righteous is 20Watts. Often they can be found fervently muttering their most sacred prayer, the ProVsary ("State-of-the-Art features for incredible performance"). Often refer to themselves as "ProVinati".

ProAgnositc (n) Members of the Pro-Vamish that have been caught using a mod other than their "chosen one" and shunned from the sect. See also: free-thinker

*This is all in fun so please don't find me and burn down my house.

Do bikers very attached to the Harley-Davidson brand have any specific moniker? It could be the last person to invent one such word ended with both legs broken, however...

Edited to add:

"100 years of tradition unimpeded by progress.", you know...


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Apr 14, 2013
Grand Bay, Alabama USA
Do bikers very attached to the Harley-Davidson brand have any specific moniker? It could be the last person to invent one such word ended with both legs broken, however...

Edited to add:

"100 years of tradition unimpeded by progress.", you know...
HOGs (as in Harley Owners Group)

Having several close friends who are HOGs, I believe they would most likely become ProVAmish if they took up vaping.

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Dec 29, 2014
Jupiter, Fl
Cloud-dodging (v): The act of wiggling around in you chair to peak around the massive cloud you just blew so you can still read ECF

Damnit, when will I learn to blow my cloud to the side so I don't have to cloud-dodge to read the forums!
Similar to Cloud Busting, the act of waving the vape from in front of one so they can see.

Alternatively: rushing thru a thick cloud.

You should have seen Dave at the lounge last night, he was cloud busting his way to get more juice.


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Apr 14, 2013
Grand Bay, Alabama USA
VapinRoulette - DIY periodic ritual of sampling previous DIY creations which have lost their labels in an attempt to identify flavor. Usually to clean out juice having a low VapeFactor.

I'm running out of bottles to mix in, time to play VapinRoulette.

VapeFactor - Scale 0-10 applied to juice rating Vapability of said juice*

Everyone said it was great but I thought it had a VapeFactor of 1.

(* in the event of Vapocalypse, VapeFactors automatically raise by 2 points)

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Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Two more,

One who wants vape gear that emulates a 1920s flapper analog holder.

Kwisatz Vaperach
Our Deity. "Knows our ways as if born to them" Of course he later mind melds with a giant tomacco worm and then forms a new religion;-)

I would dearly love something that looked like one of those FDR cigarette holders. From back in the days when it wasn't a crime to be seen smoking a cigarette.

I would dearly love something that looked like one of those FDR cigarette holders. From back in the days when it wasn't a crime to be seen smoking a cigarette.


I would too, honestly. A loooong graceful Flapper-style ecig, just for when I am at a party and want to be fancy.

Though, I do have an old sterling cigarette holder from the 20s that I picked up at some junk shop back in the day, and I thought I'd be cute and use it for my cigarette all of once. That thing SUCKED. (As in, it didn't suck. It was like trying to inhale your cigarette through a giant slurpee straw) I don't know what those ladies were thinking...:vapor:


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Nov 28, 2014
North Georgia USA
Perhaps one of the manufacturers searches the forum for "NEW PRODUCT IDEAS" and will find this thread. My wife wished for an elegant looking holder back when we smoked. Never happened cause we were always broke for some reason:smokie: Still not rich, but we do dress in nicer looking rags and eat a much healthier diet with the $20+ thousand we have saved the past five years of not smoking.

Would certainly splurge on one if it worked and was not grossly overpriced.


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Nov 13, 2013
Pensacola, Florida
I think I just peed a little...


Attention Vapecit Disorder ( Not to be confused with ADV ): The inability to concentrate on one vape related task at a time, ie: Vaping an Atlantis, while building coils on a RDA, while bidding on a Microstick no reserve auction on ebay, while steeping a bottle of Five Pawns, while watching a PBusardo youtube video.

Insider Vaping Canceling a fasttech order that hasnt shipped yet, to preorder a sweet 200 watt mod you heard about on ECF.

Vapers Remorse The emotional distress you feel when you buy a 20 watt MVP the day the 30 watt MVP was anounced.

I've been slimed! Shaking hands with someone who has been using a leaking RDA. "Dude totally slimed me, but its 100% VG, its all good"

Premature Evapulation Leaning in to have a toot and unexpectedly getting hit on the lip with a hot droplet of juice as you fire up the coils.

Evaptile Dysfunction Your mods inability to fire right after you have loaded up the RDA with some premium juice and were wanting to blow a big cloud.

Lock-Jaw When your mech locking ring gets stuck right as you were leaning in for a toot.

The Toot Fairy A story we tell young Vapists just to see if they will put that broken ego and CE4 under their pillow.


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Nov 13, 2013
Pensacola, Florida
Vapelash Any injury that occurs while Vaping while the passenger or driver of a vehicle. Normally associated when the drip tip makes contact with ones face, teeth, or eye.

Vapeluting the act of adding distilled water to a high VG juice to improve wicking.

Vasting The shameful act of putting a drop of e-juice on your finger and tasting it. ( dont act like you havent done it! ) Comparable to booger eating.

Vuffled The sound of your voice when trying to speak and exhaile a cloud simutaniously. Holy crap bro, your voice was totally Vuffled. It was like you were eating cotton candy!
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