Ecig User Survey: Please follow instructions before taking!!

Please follow instructions carefully and answer all 7 questions!!

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 10, 2009
Just as I thought the results would be and my answers almost exactly. The last one was a bit hard to decide on though. I am not sure I could go back to smoking now that I can't stand the smell of them. It makes me sick to think I may HAVE to smoke one day. naaaa I still don't think I could anyway.

Thanks for putting this together. I hope something good comes of it. We really need more of this kind of information out there. vaping sure has changed my life and many people's lives that I know as well.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 21, 2010
MaryMarcell, that's some counselor you've got there.....I would question her value as she questions yours. Smoke free I think is the key word! They just don't seem to get it, do they. Toxin, carcinogen, and .... free.

Well in her defense, when I talked to her this week, she said that she talked to her supervisor and was told that I AM INFACT considered smoke-free in their opinion. So...They have redeemed themselves in my eyes :rolleyes:

My counselor was in fact very interested in learning more about E-cigs so that she could become better informed and present her findings at her next meeting with other smoker-helpline counselors!

I told her to check out this forum because everything I've ever wanted to know about vaping I have found here! You guys are all incredibly helpful and I appreciate so much to have such knowledgeable, friendly, and like-minded people to share information with!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 21, 2010
Heh, then use your own logic and treat it as a "what if" question. What if you had to pick either tobacco/menthol or fruit flavors and the one you didn't pick was no longer available to you by ANY means? ;)

OMG Voltaire I haven't laughed so hard in a really longgg time.'s not about the above post though. (I just don't know how to comment things unless I quote something)

I have been seeing your posts and your "icon" around for a couple of weeks since I joined this site, but I guess I never paid attention ~ I totally just got the meaning of your profile picture.

Holy crap that is the funniest thing EVER ~ it cracked me up to no end... and I'm not even drinking tonight! I seriously can not stop rolling I'm laughing so hard. A sign to warn about the edges of the sign. sides hurt. Thank you for your great sense of humor and that great profile pic!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
No choice for if ecigs were banned I'd just keep using them anyway. Thus I didn't answer that question.
:rolleyes: Unfortunately, the rest of your answers will have to be deleted from the poll then. Sorry, but I was pretty clear on that part.

imeothanasis said:
Kristin, I recommend you to erase all people's votes that made mistake like me (because I first vote and then I read), but give us a chance to vote again so we can be able to fix our vote. Unfortunately I didnt check 7 boxes:)

I've said it several times in this thread and the first post. I just don't have time to contact a mod to fix missed answers for everyone nor contact everyone who messed it up. I don't know how much clearer I could have made the instructions, even naming the poll "Please follow the instructions before taking."

I'm really sorry, but if you want to be included in the poll and you missed a question or made an error YOU have to PM a mod to get it fixed, otherwise, you will be deleted from the poll.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2009
Athens, Hellas
:rolleyes: Unfortunately, the rest of your answers will have to be deleted from the poll then. Sorry, but I was pretty clear on that part.

I've said it several times in this thread and the first post. I just don't have time to contact a mod to fix missed answers for everyone nor contact everyone who messed it up. I don't know how much clearer I could have made the instructions, even naming the poll "Please follow the instructions before taking."

I'm really sorry, but if you want to be included in the poll and you missed a question or made an error YOU have to PM a mod to get it fixed, otherwise, you will be deleted from the poll.

Good, I will do it with a moder then. I want to be a part of this try


ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2008
Central NY, USA
I'm really sorry, but if you want to be included in the poll and you missed a question or made an error YOU have to PM a mod to get it fixed, otherwise, you will be deleted from the poll.

Well, I wasn't aware of what was going on here but since I got my first request, I'll explain what we can do here.

So I can change numbers which means if you neglected to answer a question, I can add a vote for you somewhere.

What I don't really want to get into is changing votes because looking at how many people voted, if everyone contacted me and said 'well can you change numbers 1, 2 and 3 to bla, bla, bla' PM box could fill up pretty fast and I wouldn't have time for it.

However, if you didn't answer all 7 questions, I will be willing to fix that for you. PLEASE PM ME WITH THE QUESTION NUMBER THAT YOU DIDN'T ANSWER AND TELL ME WHAT YOU'D LIKE ME TO CHECK FOR YOU. This is really the only way it can be done.

No choice for if ecigs were banned I'd just keep using them anyway. Thus I didn't answer that question.

Well, a lot of people might have thought this (including myself) but the point is, 7 questions need to be answered so for the sake of the poll, just try to pretend that ecigs were no longer how....what would you do? I realize right now that might be hard to imagine but really, for the sake of the accuracy of the poll, please just pick one, PM me and I will add it for you.

Krisitn, if this member does not see this and contact me, we can just pick one and add it ourselves. Even if it's incorrect, one vote most likely will not skew the results too horribly. I'll leave that option up to you.

Also, I did not read the rest of the thread so if it looks like others missed one question and they do not contact me, let me know if you just want to fill in those missing ones. Otherwise, to delete all their other responses, we'd have to know what they were. I don't have that information available to me.

Also, I can change the title to add "PLEASE ANSWER ALL 7 QUESTIONS OR DO NOT VOTE" if you'd like. Might make it clearer for those who didn't read the OP first.

I'll check back here to check for replies.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Thanks Lu! I'll have a list prepared for you after the poll is closed. It'll only be about 25 people who have to be deleted. Actually, the most commonly missed question is #2. Not sure why! LOL

Maybe change the options in Question #7 to say "no longer available" instead of "banned" and that should solve the problem for the last 200 people. :)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
I'm sorry, but I couldn't participate in this poll, due to question 7. However, if it's of any interest to anyone, or use, then my selections would be as follows...

1. I smoked tobacco before switching to ecigs = check
2. I primarily use tobacco or menthol flavors = check
3. I have used ecigs for 7+ months = check
4. I smoke tobacco 0-25% what I did before using ecigs = check (in fact, it's absolutely ZERO tobacco smoking)
5. I am over 26 years old (26-100) = check
6. I have experienced improved health effects since switching to ecigs = check
[and now for # 7]
7. If ecigs were no longer available...
I would chuckle at such an idiotic decision and continue using e-cigs.

Availability would not be a problem. You could still get compatible parts and convert them to e-cig hardware. You could still get the ingredients to make your own e-juice recipes too. As long as Radio Shack, Walmart, health food stores, grocery stores, and farm fresh tobacco suppliers still exist, I still have my e-cig supplies.

I will NEVER return to smoking cigarettes!
I will NEVER return to NRT's either!

I'm a dedicated nicotine addict that has fell in LOVE with the healthier vaping experience! It's the best thing that has ever happened to me and I absolutely refuse to go quietly into the night. I will NOT play the government games. In fact, if I were a really rich man, I would buy an e-cig starter kit for every single smoker in the world right now!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 5, 2009
Spokane, Wa
This is a very interesting poll. Nice to see a lot of votes. Gives you a better picture. For those who have a problem with #7 just say what you most likely would do if you had to. Just pretend that e-cig didn't exist anymore. I know it's a hard one, and most of us don't want to think about such horror, but just try. :p


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 23, 2010
kristin, I don't know when you closed the poll, but I know there must have been lots of new vapers since then. I am probably one of them. If the results will not vary much past 1,000 then it may not matter much, but it's just that my understanding is that unless I reached this first poll on time, I (or we) cannot proceed to subsequent polls.

basic_atheist, you have an excellent point about #7. I have been thinking realistically that if ecigs are outlawed in the U.S., vapers will not really stop. Deadly alcohol used to be illegal too, and it didn't mean a thing. At least while it's legal, there is world class production.
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