A wonderful thought

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Jun 1, 2012
Would it be too much to make Ithaca and Achilles at the same time? I think there is going to be alot of new GGTS owners (last Advance order) without an Ody and waiting for it's replacement. The TS is AWESOME but it just isnt the same without an appropriate GG atty to mount on it. I only have 2 Odys and when my advance order arrives, I'll have too many TS' without a GG atty to use it with. I was counting on purchasing a few more Odys (with engraved wings) on the next batch but then you said that Ody will no longer be made because Ithaca is taking its place and now you are puting Achilles ahead of Ithaca? Achilles is a nice idea but it's no Ody or Ithaca...a complete GG tank system.
I love you Imeo but I think you've got ADD worse than I do :laugh:. Curse of a creative mind no doubt.
So my 2 cents says make both at the same time if at all possible, or make Ithaca first so we can have complete GGTS ecigs.:)

The plan is like this Dave:

GGTS-UFS will be ready in about 15 days
The pendency parts that I am making now (current preorder) will be ready in 2 months
Ithaka or small atomizer will be ready in 2 months

So we need 4,5 months for Ithaka or the new atomizer. All these if we forget the Proteus. If we include Proteus in the project we need another 2 months.

My suggestion is to make first the current preorders, then the Proteus or the thin atomizer. Thats the plan on my mind. Do you agree on this?


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2009
Athens, Hellas
I agree about Ithaka River, its the best atomizer that ever made but maybe I can make Ody at the same time with Achilles because it has less parts. Its not a bad idea yes?
Would it be too much to make Ithaca and Achilles at the same time? I think there is going to be alot of new GGTS owners (last Advance order) without an Ody and waiting for it's replacement. The TS is AWESOME but it just isnt the same without an appropriate GG atty to mount on it. I only have 2 Odys and when my advance order arrives, I'll have too many TS' without a GG atty to use it with. I was counting on purchasing a few more Odys (with engraved wings) on the next batch but then you said that Ody will no longer be made because Ithaca is taking its place and now you are puting Achilles ahead of Ithaca? Achilles is a nice idea but it's no Ody or Ithaca...a complete GG tank system.
I love you Imeo but I think you've got ADD worse than I do :laugh:. Curse of a creative mind no doubt.
So my 2 cents says make both at the same time if at all possible, or make Ithaca first so we can have complete GGTS ecigs.:)


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Jul 7, 2012
Fort Wayne, IN
Lets see what will happen with Proteus and we will talk again about this river and moep

You mentioned the Proteus, Imeo, and that made me wonder ... have you seen the new DNA20D chip that was just announced by Evolv? It's so small, and the OLED screen is so clear, I wondered if it would fit in the Proteus body? It sounds like it has all the fundtionality that you had planned for Proteus? Just curious ... :laugh:


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2009
Athens, Hellas
its too big for me Scott. If you put this on Proteus it will look like a flute in your hands. Mine is half the length. I am telling you that noone can make such a small electronic part like the one that Proteus will carry. Its smaller than your thumb nail
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