Anyone have a spouse that DOES NOT approve of vaping?

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Jun 3, 2012
Manchester, UK
Does anyone else out there have a spouse that does not approve of vaping. We (my spouse and I) have had many conversations and she does not feel there is enough long term research to support vaping. She feels analogs are better because we KNOW what they will do to the human body, long -term.

I have stated that I feel better, smell better, etc. but she considers all of those effects to be short-term.

I will not stop vaping because I am free of analogs so we agreed to disagree.

I am interested to know if anyone else has had the same conversation, or a similar one.

Don't listen to her you are much better off vaping than smoking the cancer sticks.


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Jul 12, 2012
I'm a secret vaper! The new(ish) other half doesn't know. She really disapproved of me smoking let alone chain smoking. When giving up prior to ecigs coming along, I struggled. I'd have a relapse and have a crafty ..., then I'd drink a bottle or two of mouthwash, eat a load of curry, scrub my teeth, and see her 3 days later and she would still taste it straight away. I don't care what anyone says getting rid of tobacco from your mouth is impossible to disguise when locking lips with my mrs. (and your all welcome to try! I tried everything. Vaping however, she's clueless. So there's defo no taste aswell as smell for those that just want an easy ride.


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Jul 10, 2012
Does anyone else out there have a spouse that does not approve of vaping. We (my spouse and I) have had many conversations and she does not feel there is enough long term research to support vaping. She feels analogs are better because we KNOW what they will do to the human body, long -term.

I have stated that I feel better, smell better, etc. but she considers all of those effects to be short-term.

I will not stop vaping because I am free of analogs so we agreed to disagree.

I am interested to know if anyone else has had the same conversation, or a similar one.

lol she hasn't recently taken out a life insurance policy on you has she ;)


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Apr 2, 2011
Pasco, Washington
Wow, I feel bad for you guys. I dunno what I would do if my other half didnt' support vapeing. I"m USED to the support of my other half!!! He may not like some of the things I do sometimes, but he still supports me. Once he's had his say and we've talked about it, the subject is closed until new information arises. No nagging, no WTF or sneak attacks. Ya'll have my sympathy!


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Feb 11, 2012
Does anyone else out there have a spouse that does not approve of vaping. We (my spouse and I) have had many conversations and she does not feel there is enough long term research to support vaping. She feels analogs are better because we KNOW what they will do to the human body, long -term.

I have stated that I feel better, smell better, etc. but she considers all of those effects to be short-term.

I will not stop vaping because I am free of analogs so we agreed to disagree.

I am interested to know if anyone else has had the same conversation, or a similar one.

My husband quit smoking cold turkey last November. I quit smoking and switched to vaping in February. For a few months, he made fun of me vaping until he started smoking again. After he started smoking again, he made a few snide remarks about how vaping "looks stupid". My reply was that oxygen tanks look stupider... He wisely keeps his mouth shut now.:)


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Apr 21, 2009
Springfield, VA
I have been vaping for more than 3 years but my wife still doesn't like me vaping, regularly asking me "When you're going to quit this thing?" and doesn't want to read any studies pointed by me.
I just gave up arguing.

There is a nice analogy I read somewhere here on ECF:

If a diabetic improved his/her condition by excersising and dieting and even don't need peals or insulin anymore would you ask that diabetic to stop excersising and dieting?
Of course not!


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Jun 20, 2012
-snip-few snide remarks about how vaping "looks stupid". My reply was that oxygen tanks look stupider... He wisely keeps his mouth shut now.:)
That's brilliant. My favourite is when they tell you how bad and cancerous it is for you (without even knowing what software is made of), right after they light up and start hacking a lung up from smoking their entire adult life. Who looks silly again? How're those 599 additives that are reacting to combustion and each other to create 4000 chemicals working out for you? Lets hold our breath or go for a jog.

WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?!?!? Not you, you can't even walk up a flight of stairs, let alone give a good hearty belly laugh.

Thankfully, as far as my wife goes, she has been nothing but supportive. She wants me to be around for a long time and knows that I was desperate. She knows I was smoking a PAD while on the patch. She knows how miserable I was at my own inability to control the addiction, every time I finished one I felt like complete poop, physically and mentally.

There'd be a very large argument if she suggested I go back to tobacco. I would be insulted that she would rather me do something that is nothing more than a slow and painful suicide.

I know, you asked if we had spouses that didn't like vaping though mine does. I could have lied or just not replied, but I posted in hopes that folks can maybe get some insight as to why our SO's are fond of it.
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Unregistered Supplier
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Aug 30, 2011
West Virginia
my wife doesnt have a problem with me vaping but she gets anyoyed by all the stuff i have lying around the house , chargers and what not . she thinks im a little obsessive . she only once suggested i quit vaping , then i reminded her that the doctor mentioned that the nicotine helps with my A.D.D . I drive her bonkers when i forget to take my add medicine, so my vaping is safe and here to stay . although i try to keep my vaping clutter to a minimal


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Jul 23, 2011
Back in the Holler-VA
We both gave up smoking last year. I vape. He dips. He will take a few vapes when I have Bobas loaded. The only flavor he has questioned, was an RY4. He thought it was wood burning. We both have parents with COPD, so we relate with the importance of not smoking no matter what paths we have taken to get to that point.

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Jul 2, 2012
This is just my view. Although there is no long term research on vaping and it is not "FDA" approved, I just think about all those lawyer commercials suing for the side affects of all those "FDA" approved drugs. They supposedly did all the research on those and now people are suing for the side affects. Like someone else said on an earlier post, I am going by what my body tells me, and my body (particularly my lungs) are telling me that I am better. Research is only as good as the people who do the research. Luckily my boyfriend is supportive of me switching to vaping and likes to laugh at me when I get that "new" what sounds yummy juice and gag on it LOL


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Jan 25, 2008
Virginia, USA
I have been vaping for over 4 years now. It may not be medically proven to be safe or bad, I can only go by what I feel, and I feel my lungs and overall well-being is in better shape now then it was 4 years ago.

My hubby calls my precise, my crack pipe, because of the size of it, but he brags all the time that I no longer smoke (yes, he still does and is a heavy smoker). I no longer try to get him to switch over to e-cigs because he doesn't seem interested. Maybe one day he will, but that is up to him.

He doesn't ream me about the money I spend on my toys or how much I have, because he outspends me with his cigs :).


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Jun 27, 2012
Memphis, TN
My wife just couldn't understand why I couldn't just stop cold turkey (even though I have tried multiple times over the years) and openly mocks the term "vape" It is really annoying. I don't do it around her and it has stopped all of the urges for a smoke (which she was constantly on me to stop). She rarely smokes socially, but has never been addicted so doesn't understand it.

I've been trying to make her understand that I don't have any plans to stop vaping and the term is only odd to her because it is new. I remember the name of the iPad constantly being compared to hygiene products when it first came out, no one even thinks about it now. And what about the Nintendo Wii (Wii...really).


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Jun 26, 2012
Atlanta, GA
I went to the link and I found that in the 'studies' section almost all researchers said…more study is needed.

There are 3 things you have to know about that "conclusion".

  1. Researchers make their livings based off grants. If they conclude something too quickly, that does two things. It makes them unable to do basically the same research for more pay later. And it sets an unreasonably high bar for future research that might be more complicated.
  2. It's a CYA thing. The people who actually make decisions on whether or not and how something should be controlled know nothing about science. It gives them a chance to leave them without enough information (so they'll stay unregulated) until they have enough data to prove things are safe/harmful to someone who doesn't speak the same language as they do. It also prevents potential lawsuits.
  3. When you're fighting lobbyists as ridiculously well-budgeted as big tobacco, it's easy to make enemies.

I dunno what I would do if my other half didnt' support vapeing. I"m USED to the support of my other half!!!

Agreed. My girlfriend is awesome. She doesn't want me to vape in the apartment, but that's because we have a cat and don't want to expose her to the propylene glycol (which is mildly toxic……it's also in all of our hand soap and the dog's food, which she might get into occasionally, so I'm not ridiculously worried).

She also just quit smoking cold turkey, but she'd been tapering off for a year or two. She gets it. She think's I'm ridiculous and (playfully) makes fun of me sucking on a science experiment, but we both prefer it to smoking.

I'm actually hoarding some menthol juice and an extra atomizer and battery for when she gets a craving. It hasn't really come up yet, but she was actually the person that got me into it with a gas station 901ish thing. She just managed to actually quit, and I kept it up as a hobby.

They supposedly did all the research on those and now people are suing for the side affects.

Every drug will have side-effects.
Long-term ones won't be known for a very long time, and it's unreasonable to find them in a study.
And everything will kill you in the right quantities.

Everything that's in vapor is also in food, and people don't often die from food.

I'd be shocked to find any serious consequences. I think the highest probability would be being exposed to whatever materials are in wicks and coils…I I seriously doubt that's enough to worry about unless the Chinese decide to covertly attack the vapers by lacing them with lead or plutonium or something.


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May 9, 2012
I get around
My wife kind of supports my vaping. She still smokes and last week when she and her parents (who also smoke) stepped into my vehicle all I got where complements on how it still smelled "like new", I said "If you guys would used the e-cig's I bought for you all yours would smell the same", we just started laughing (I'm a sarcastic .....) then they all started coughing. They got the point but they won't stop since they can roll their own for about $15 a carton.


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May 10, 2012
I've been happily divorced for 20 years, but he and I are still realy good friends. He lives about 800 miles away, but when I go visit him and his wife and their daughters with my kids around Christmas for the family get together hopefully I will be able to convert him to vaping. Then the two of us can gang up on the kids (our2 together) and get them to convert too!
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