Brace yourselves new Formaldehype junk study to be released Jan 21

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ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 26, 2013
I hate to put my :2c: in to this topic but I think that you are all wrong in your approach. For some reason some of you had the mistaken hope that justice will win in the end and you have been taken for a ride again. Instead of sitting there and fighting the mans propaganda machine we should all do other things instead.

1. Stop vaping as soon as you can, start dropping your nic levels so you can stop. If you can't do this then do one of the other things listed.

2. Start to hoard juice at these prices ASAP. Once the taxs hit or bans or whatever else they have cooking it's going to hurt. So get ready!

3. Don't buy a drop of liquid after this game starts with taxes! Not one once, let the message go out to the idiots that this is not going to be the profit machine they envision.

4. Seems to me sitting here and talking with other vapors is not doing the job. What is the point of telling another vapor how bad this is, and having that vapor agree? We are spinning in round and round as they herd us like sheep.

5. This is a concentrated attack, How many mods can explode all at once? How many batteries can get hot all at once? How many people can get pains all over their bodies all in the same day this fake study hits the airwaves? If you are blind to this then that is your problem! Just go and check out all the people with hot and exploding bats in one day it is sick.

6.. If you have other ideas lets hear them. I'm serious here folks, this is coming it is coming hard and I am not going to take this lying down like some cow. I plan to do everything in my power not to let them get over on me like they did with cigs. This is not going to go down like that.

To the bolded, that's been my plan already and I've already let my senators know it. I gently explained that experienced vapers can and will produce their own electronic cigarettes and liquid with easy to find products at hardware/electronic stores/Walmart and the online black market that will be thriving for the not so easy parts. I also explained that they can say good bye to not only sin taxes but the sales taxes they're already receiving.

I live in steel mill universe and can easily have my hubs make me a high quality stainless tube or box, whatever I'm in the mood for. I have my nic stocked and already vape high vg DIY juices so won't need PG. I'm set and can assist any newbie vapers in my area.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Feb 5, 2013
Sacramento, California
I tried explaining that very thing several times, well written, organized and thought out.

It didn't even get fully read and I got accused of "wanting to feel smart". Some people even lumped me in with .... and ...... addicts, accusing me of just making excuses for my addiction. It's a sad world we live in where intellectual conversation is disregarded and intelligence is shunned. This is almost as bad as arguing with the idiots who think that measles are good for you -_-

Yes, there are some even here who are not good at discussion/debate(I'm pretty sure I know exactly who you're talking about). It's still good to engage though, for the sake of others who may view the thread.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
I hate to put my :2c: in to this topic but I think that you are all wrong in your approach. For some reason some of you had the mistaken hope that justice will win in the end and you have been taken for a ride again. Instead of sitting there and fighting the mans propaganda machine we should all do other things instead.

1. Stop vaping as soon as you can, start dropping your nic levels so you can stop. If you can't do this then do one of the other things listed.

2. Start to hoard juice at these prices ASAP. Once the taxs hit or bans or whatever else they have cooking it's going to hurt. So get ready!

3. Don't buy a drop of liquid after this game starts with taxes! Not one once, let the message go out to the idiots that this is not going to be the profit machine they envision.

4. Seems to me sitting here and talking with other vapors is not doing the job. What is the point of telling another vapor how bad this is, and having that vapor agree? We are spinning in round and round as they herd us like sheep.

5. This is a concentrated attack, How many mods can explode all at once? How many batteries can get hot all at once? How many people can get pains all over their bodies all in the same day this fake study hits the airwaves? If you are blind to this then that is your problem! Just go and check out all the people with hot and exploding bats in one day it is sick.

6.. If you have other ideas lets hear them. I'm serious here folks, this is coming it is coming hard and I am not going to take this lying down like some cow. I plan to do everything in my power not to let them get over on me like they did with cigs. This is not going to go down like that.

Seems to me that your points 1 thru 3 are all impractical and stand very little chance of gaining substantial momentum.

Regarding #4, I think it helps to talk with fellow vapers because a) it is speaking with people who are considering both sides of the issue(s). As many have reported on this thread, friends and family will at times respond as if only what ANTZ/MLM is saying is accurate and will dismiss our refutations. And b) it is opportunity to vent on what is obviously frustrating to us. That frustration goes down, for me, when I realize our side has lots of ground to stand on and to counter with reasonable debate. Without a forum discussion, I'd perhaps be willing to give in on the data or would possibly react more emotionally than intelligently.

Agree with your #5.

Regarding #6, I still think best way to counter all this is to attack the data on smoking. I don't see substantial momentum on that front occurring anytime soon, but stand by it as best way to counter attack the propaganda. It would expose the deceptive nature of our opponents and put eCig data in a more proper perspective. Instead, we routinely resort to "well, its better than smoking" as if that is going to win over a naysayer. Would be like saying during a global warming debate, "well, at least it's better than nuclear war!"

I think we make a huge mistake by cutting back or cutting out an addiction to smoking and then superficially joining the ANTZ chorus against all things smoking. That data is as suspect (I would argue more) than eCig data, but there are many informed vapers who, for various reasons, don't want to tackle that issue and appear to be okay with that data standing (via propaganda galore) while we vapers try are darnedest to counter on vaping propaganda. As I've said before, if I were ANTZ propagandist, I'd be saying "you admit we were right about smoking information, and in time you will see we are right about vaping information. Huff and puff all you want now, but one day you'll join us, and your path to the dark side will be complete."

johnny madman

Senior Member
Dec 2, 2014
To the bolded, that's been my plan already and I've already let my senators know it. I gently explained that experienced vapers can and will produce their own electronic cigarettes and liquid with easy to find products at hardware/electronic stores/Walmart and the online black market that will be thriving for the not so easy parts. I also explained that they can say good bye to not only sin taxes but the sales taxes they're already receiving.

I live in steel mill universe and can easily have my hubs make me a high quality stainless tube or box, whatever I'm in the mood for. I have my nic stocked and already vape high vg DIY juices so won't need PG. I'm set and can assist any newbie vapers in my area.

I have been doing the exact same thing. I have been stocking juice, but I have so much to taste first to make sure what I stock is exactly what I want. It is slow going letting juice mature.

I don't want to make my own juice just yet, as I'm enjoying the juice of others so much. DIY is a great option and I will start stocking and playing with that, but to be honest I love some of the NET juices that I have been tasting as of late. It is going to be hard trying to make juice like this, some of these guys making NETs are maters of tobacco extracts.

I just can't see the sense in charging more than normal sales tax. No one is going to pay 95% tax on stuff for a sin, what nonsense. Already retail juice is expensive enough, a lot of folks online are complaining about prices and finding the cheapest vendor as is. Now these folks who don't have much money have a choice to make. I am lucky that I can stock juice, this is something a lot don't have a choice in making, and I feel bad for these people.


ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 26, 2013
I agree johnny, and I'm stocking on vendor juices too. My DIY supplies are just something I tinker with now but can become my main source if needs be. I'll still be buying juice just not from Indiana if the current legislation passes. The legislation that's being proposed here now would literally decimate liquid sales in Indiana, and close down all but the most prosperous vape shops. I won't be able to buy liquid here if I wanted to because there won't be any to buy, if this legislation passes. These bills would also block any out of state liquid manufacturers from selling in our state unless they met conditions that no out of state vendor would agree to.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego


Ultra Member
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Oct 8, 2013
Milledgeville, GA
I agree johnny, and I'm stocking on vendor juices too. My DIY supplies are just something I tinker with now but can become my main source if needs be. I'll still be buying juice just not from Indiana if the current legislation passes. The legislation that's being proposed here now would literally decimate liquid sales in Indiana, and close down all but the most prosperous vape shops. I won't be able to buy liquid here if I wanted to because there won't be any to buy, if this legislation passes. These bills would also block any out of state liquid manufacturers from selling in our state unless they met conditions that no out of state vendor would agree to.
Me too! I've got a liter or two of 60 ml nic base in the freezer. As I'm about to start vaping 6mg juices, that will last a long time! Plus I order about 300mls of my faves every payday I'll be in good shape for a long time!!

johnny madman

Senior Member
Dec 2, 2014
Seems to me that your points 1 thru 3 are all impractical and stand very little chance of gaining substantial momentum.

Regarding #4, I think it helps to talk with fellow vapers because a) it is speaking with people who are considering both sides of the issue(s). As many have reported on this thread, friends and family will at times respond as if only what ANTZ/MLM is saying is accurate and will dismiss our refutations. And b) it is opportunity to vent on what is obviously frustrating to us. That frustration goes down, for me, when I realize our side has lots of ground to stand on and to counter with reasonable debate. Without a forum discussion, I'd perhaps be willing to give in on the data or would possibly react more emotionally than intelligently.

Agree with your #5.

Regarding #6, I still think best way to counter all this is to attack the data on smoking. I don't see substantial momentum on that front occurring anytime soon, but stand by it as best way to counter attack the propaganda. It would expose the deceptive nature of our opponents and put eCig data in a more proper perspective. Instead, we routinely resort to "well, its better than smoking" as if that is going to win over a naysayer. Would be like saying during a global warming debate, "well, at least it's better than nuclear war!"

I think we make a huge mistake by cutting back or cutting out an addiction to smoking and then superficially joining the ANTZ chorus against all things smoking. That data is as suspect (I would argue more) than eCig data, but there are many informed vapers who, for various reasons, don't want to tackle that issue and appear to be okay with that data standing (via propaganda galore) while we vapers try are darnedest to counter on vaping propaganda. As I've said before, if I were ANTZ propagandist, I'd be saying "you admit we were right about smoking information, and in time you will see we are right about vaping information. Huff and puff all you want now, but one day you'll join us, and your path to the dark side will be complete."

You raised a lot of good points, I do agree that doing 1 to 3 is going to be hard for a lot of folks. But if nothing is done the choice for a lot of people is going to be narrowed down and option #2 and 3 will no longer be available for any to make. There are very few if any growth industries in the US. By having some common sense towards vaping government itself will gain just by more shops paying income tax, plus sales tax. Plus all the shipping and all the vendors supplying these shops and juice companies and lab equipment. I can't spot another growth field that have not been gobbled up by the likes of your wallmarts. This simply is not bad for vapors this is bad for a lot more then they are considering. This is not 1952 any more, and they are not going to get away with 95% tax or any such crazy number any longer. Never mind protest the market can't bare a huge tax burden.

If this mistake is allowed to happen this is going to be the end game, once they kill it it's not going to recover. Perhaps that is what BP wants, but this is not what government will be happy with in the end. less and less middle class is the last thing that is needed this is just another nail in the coffin of a long line of sins committed. There needs to be action to change this approach, and it is obvious that doing what we have been doing to this date is not working. The only way to make sure vaping does not die off, is to make sure there is maximum pain right when the sin tax is imposed. This way a quick reversal will do less damage to this industry. If we simply allow a slow bleed to happen over years. As time goes by slowly people see this is to expensive and can't keep up, by the time idiots see the mistake they made with this tax and get the message it will be too late for this young industry. Like Pennysmalls said take your sales tax and shut up.
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Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
The website seems to still be down...

I went to this website...

It says it's just me!

Okay, great, so what do I do now?
Like the poster earlier in this thread, I get "Forbidden" no matter how I try to access it.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Jul 6, 2014
South Jawja, United States
As the digging continues and each of you, with more knowledge and time to research, brings in a point, it becomes more and more clear just how much hype this truly is

While agree the ice is melting under their feet! The damage is done, way too many idiots are armed with that now and are running headlong into battle!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 4, 2013
I submit that if money is needed to protect "The Children", then the 95% tax should be perceived on ALL products that could harm said children - not selectively on SOME products that are not intended for children use anyway.

Wait just a minute, that rings of democracy, the next thing you'll be advocating is freedom and justice for all.
Ok, off with his head.:)


Ultra Member
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Sep 26, 2013
MetroWest Boston, MA, USA


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2011
Crap my wife just sent me a text with a web MD link to this study. She is freaking out. How do I convince her its all BS without sounding like a lunatic conspiracy nut? It sounds like I'm in denial, just trying to protect my addiction. This is F%#king bad guys.

Sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns.

Ask her "Would you rather I vape, or smoke".

If she says "I'd rather you smoke" tell her that you'd rather vape, and that's what you're going to do.
And tell her that if she's interested in why you made that choice, you'd be happy to educate her. But if not, she has to trust your judgement about what is best for you.
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