How do I get the urge for a smoke to go away.....

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Oct 30, 2017
It’s been a day and half with out cigarettes, and I have quit multiple times before using sub ohm setups and a salt nic device. I have multiple of both. This time though... all I can think about is having one cigarette... how do I get this urge to go away? To not want to have one.. I’ve been vaping my a** off but i’m starting to smell them and they smell like s*** I’ll say that. Everyone around me smokes so it’s just kind of hard to this time I guess... my whole family smokes, my parents, my friends , I have a couple that vape but I don’t see them that much. Idk, just wanted to see what made it easy for everyone to finally quit. Thanks!


ECF Guru
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  • Feb 15, 2011
    I was just patient with myself. Actually I just wanted to cut down somewhat. I smoked 3-6 daily for a month and when I felt like I was close to quitting, I used to light them, take a puff and let them burn away in the ashtray while I vaped.
    I think the psychological part was trickier.


    Ultra Member
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    Apr 24, 2014
    I’m sorry it’s been so difficult for you. I was always a “monkey see, monkey do” smoker and if someone lighted up around me I’d want one, too. I could go weeks without one if I was visiting non-smoking relatives.

    What finally worked for me was just a strong desire to make vaping work. That meant searching for a flavor that I did not want to put down. I, too, vaped my rear end off until cigs tasted nasty in comparison and like Nermal said above, I kept vaping so I never experienced a nic craving.

    When I worked at the vape shop my fear always was people trying to stop smoking for vaping would end up wanting a cig so bad that they felt like vaping was a punishment, or something keeping them away from what they really wanted (a cig.) Vaping, imo, should be fun and something to look forward to, and since a lot of people seem to respond to the “reward system,” I’d encourage them, if they could afford it, to indulge in any eliquid that might strike their fancy. Anything, anything to bring them back to the vape and not the smoke.

    But when you are surrounded by smokers, I know it is extra hard. Good luck. :)


    Senior Member
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    Oct 30, 2017
    The other times I quit it’s never been this bad haha, then again I wasn’t so stressed about all the crap going on in my life every other time I quit. I haven’t had one since like 9 at night Saturday night... i’m starting to think I might light one, and see how it taste and if i smoke it , i smoke it, if I put it out I put it out. But maybe I should try tapering down first , instead of full out quitting with how much I smoked... guess what i’m saying is, I shouldn’t beat myself up over one smoke.

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    Ultra Member
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    Apr 24, 2014
    The other times I quit it’s never been this bad haha, then again I wasn’t so stressed about all the crap going on in my life every other time I quit. I haven’t had one since like 9 at night Saturday night... i’m starting to think I might light one, and see how it taste and if i smoke it , i smoke it, if I put it out I put it out. But maybe I should try tapering down first , instead of full out quitting with how much I smoked... guess what i’m saying is, I shouldn’t beat myself up over one smoke.

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    Please do not beat yourself up, regardless. Smoking addiction is no joke - you’ve seen the measures we go through here to stay away from it.

    Some may disagree, but depending on the type of person you are, you may be able to say “I’ll just have one” and mean it, even just to satisfy that horrible urge. And it may taste like garbage to you or it could be a slippery slope back into smoking regularly. I was the former. I’d have that smoke and almost instantly regret it. That’s how I knew I was ready to commit to vaping.

    I would tell my new-to-vaping customers that if they were so distracted by the need to smoke that they were miserable and unable to stop obsessing over it, to go ahead and have one but go right back to the vape. Buying a $200 setup was not a ticket to automatically becoming a non-smoking vaper. And of course, it was extra difficult for people who only had two fifteen minute breaks and a lunch hour at work. They needed their nic fix and they needed it quickly. I’d advise them to go home and vape as much as they needed to and to not beat themselves up about the smoking. If they kept it up, eventually they’d get there.

    But only you know your level of discipline on this. Remember, though: every cigarette you don’t smoke is a victory.


    ECF Guru
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    Sep 12, 2010
    MN USA
    I had massive severe recurring bronchitis to help me. I knew that if I lit up a cig I wouldn’t be able to finish it because by the end I would barely be able to breathe, and it would last for days. Pain avoidance is one heck of a motivator.

    Maybe some sports style therapeutic imagery might help. Can’t hurt anyway.
    You’ve got all those long term smokers around you. Maybe try and concentrate on the yellowing browning sallowness and roughness of their skin, their hacking coughs, the loogeys they have to spit, the pervasive smell. Imagine the nastiness building up in their lungs. All the stuff you don’t want that cigarettes bring.


    ECF Guru
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    Mar 31, 2012
    Ontario, Canada
    The other times I quit it’s never been this bad haha, then again I wasn’t so stressed about all the crap going on in my life every other time I quit. I haven’t had one since like 9 at night Saturday night... i’m starting to think I might light one, and see how it taste and if i smoke it , i smoke it, if I put it out I put it out. But maybe I should try tapering down first , instead of full out quitting with how much I smoked... guess what i’m saying is, I shouldn’t beat myself up over one smoke.

    IMO, the underlined above could very well be making the difference this time for you CCVapes23.

    When I switched in 2012 I only vaped for about the first week. I had been smoking for 37 years and was really motivated because I could feel the negative effect of smoking for so long. My Dad had also passed a couple of years previously from complications of COPD from smoking most of his life. With all that, it was still really hard for me to make the switch.

    In week two and three I had an occasional smoke. I finished the first couple and really enjoyed them, and then only took a few drags of the next few. I have not had another drag from a cigarette since, but it took me about 1 1/2 years to really get over the addiction. If I had to stop vaping today I know I would not go back to smoking.

    We all have our own path to success with this stuff. Some people dual use for years, some just switch to vaping one day and never look back. I feel for me easing into to zero nic for a while really helped. I guess we are all our own experiment with what works for us.

    IMO, if you need to have a smoke once in a while for a while do it. I know you're trying hard not to, but if it happens don't beat yourself up about it, refocus and move on towards your goal. You've done this before, you can do it again :thumb:

    Best of luck with it and let us know how it goes for you.


    Super Member
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    Jun 6, 2014
    What worked for me was not thinking I was quitting as I started to save some money. My mind never had that panic mode of "oh my gosh, I'm losing my best friend" moment. I used to get that feeling when I tried quitting in the past. Would draw me back every time. However, because I was not actively trying to quit, that feeling never came. One day I just decided I liked vaping more and never looked back. It was quite painless but it was about a 6 month process as well.

    I remember celebrating every little milestone. When I went from 2+ PAD down to a pack a day relatively quickly, I was proud I was saving money. When that went to a half pack a day, I was stoked and bought more gear to reward myself. That setup got me past the few I couldn't get rid of like mornings and after meals. I was proud of the cigarettes I didn't smoke. Not so much for health reasons (although my health was getting better), but for the savings.

    I guess what I was trying to say is don't beat yourself up. It is the worst thing you can do. Addiction feeds of negativity. Instead, celebrate the cigarettes you didn't have.

    Everyone's path is different and their story is unique to them. I just wanted to point out what worked for me.


    Moved On
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    Apr 24, 2019
    California, US
    I started vaping and got down to 5 cigs a day (from pack a day) After about a month I woke up and told myself "I can do this" It was a real .....! I had one thing going for me... lack of money (here in California my brand was $10 a pack) Also, I was so ashamed because I would take butts from the ashtray (friends all smoked) and re-roll these non-filter. Tasted horrible and so strong it would make me sick. I vaped 18mg and the hardest times were in the morning with my coffee. Then I started really liking the vaping more, and when I would break down and smoke I realized it was nasty and then the vape would taste so good! Finding juices you like is very important too. Yes, when I'm around other smoker it especially hard (even more so when I'm drinking) Truth is I still break down once in awhile and it's been 5 months. Don't try so hard... focus on how much you enjoy vaping. Think about how much money you will save (do the math and estimate how much you were spending on cigs in a month) Light one up but put it out halfway, then vape. Finish it later. Do people around you smoke in the house? If so, that really sucks (My wife and I never smoked inside... most of my friends don't either) And what Vicman said is worth repeating:
    "I guess what I was trying to say is don't beat yourself up. It is the worst thing you can do. Addiction feeds of negativity. Instead, celebrate the cigarettes you didn't have."


    Ultra Member
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    Jun 8, 2013
    Farmington, NM USA
    I’m sorry it’s been so difficult for you. I was always a “monkey see, monkey do” smoker and if someone lighted up around me I’d want one, too. I could go weeks without one if I was visiting non-smoking relatives.
    Hey, that reminds me of something. Back around '07, I had to spend three weeks in a hospital. A non smoking hospital, of course. I never got really hard up for a cigarette, probably because I knew it wasn't going to happen. That lasted till about a week after I got home and found an open pack. You know, waste not - want not. If I hadn't found that open pack, I would probably be thinking this vaping thing was some kind of quirky aberration.


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    Jan 15, 2013
    United States
    It's got to be especially hard when everyone around you is smoking. For me, I just vaped like a wild banshee when I started. I did have to increase my nicotine for awhile; that helped me a lot. At least I wasn't missing the nicotine part of my dependence on combustible cigarettes.


    Senior Member
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    May 9, 2015
    I had a lot of trouble entirely quitting until I found a pod with air draw activation, a MTL draw that I like, and a tobacco flavored 35mg nic salt that tastes close enough to what I smoked. When I really got bad cravings, such as in the morning, or after a meal, I hit that a bunch of times and the urge passes quickly. But yea, really it is whatever works, people vary.


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    Aug 19, 2013
    New York
    You should consider increasing your nicotine MG until you cough on your vape and get light headed. After that you won't want to smoke. When I quit traditional cigarettes in 2011 maybe it was I was vaping 24mg nicotine. I believe that was the norm.

    Of course sub ohming was taboo then. I started with a ego twist and a vivi nova tank and clearomizers. Lol. I remember I use to rebuild them.
    Last edited:


    ECF Guru
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    May 6, 2016
    The toughest times are when you are under stress. I recall being 2 years cigarette free, never thinking about them, then ended up in a very stressful period and all I wanted was a cigarette. I didn't give in, but I was surprised and scared how close I'd come and the hold it still exerted years later. Now I just vape more and get through.

    I also think being around other smokers at a time when you're both stressed and transitioning off to vaping is tough on you. There's no great advice other than what's been given. I would say if during this rough period all you could do is really cut back, that's a positive. Then with a little time, getting completely off may be easier.


    Vaping Master
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    Apr 14, 2013
    When I made the switch I had 3 really bad periods. 3 days, 3 weeks and finally 3 months. Not surprisingly they seem to coincide with when some of the other nasty chemicals in cigarettes leave your body. Nic is NOT the only addicting thing in cigarettes.

    One thing I did as silly as it sounds is create new rituals around vaping. Going nuts for that morning cig? Find a flavor that suits that grab your beverage of choice, sit in your usual spot and vape your morning liquid.

    Me it was the after supper smoke that got me. So I went out and got a nice dessert liquid. Told the family that 10 minutes after supper is do not disturb me time. And would sit and vape my special treat liquid during that time.

    It is a head game but it worked for me.
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