How old are you and how long did you smoke

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I have a friend who's smoking history has been littered with multiple-year-long stretches of not smoking. It's like he'd smoke for three or four years at a time, then quit for the next several, then start back up.

Having never successfully quit cigarettes myself, (until e-cigs), I've never been able to understand how or why somebody would go back to smoking after a prolonged time of being off the cigs.

Good for you for getting back off the analogs so fast, though!

Yeah, I had been in the casino many times before without a problem, but this time I bought a pack, and it became a year long habit. I tried to quit unsuccessfully probably ten times, but was only successful with the 8 year quit. It was difficult for the first few months. About 1 year of patches and gum. This time with the ecig was easy though. I get what I like - the nicotine, the hand to mouth, and, most importantly, the blowing "smoke".
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