How old are you and how long did you smoke

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I am almost 30 and started when I was 11. I did not become a pack a day smoker until I was 15. So i guess, I have been a smoker for almost 19 years but a heavy smoker for 15 of those. I was introduced to vaping over a year ago, but had allergic reactions to the PG. This past Christmas, 12/20/10 to be exact, the hubby hooked me up with some mega egos and 100% VG and I have been ciggy free since then. The wonderful side effects of quitting smoking were noticeable within days.


Full Member
Mar 21, 2011
31 next month.
Smoked for 17 years - non-filter Lucky Strikes since I was 21, until the last year or so when I switched to rolling my own.
Haven't had an analog since I got my eGo a few weeks ago. Don't miss 'em at all, which still blows my mind.

Yeah, I'm almost 29 and have been smoking for about the same amount. Marb lights then camel lights with an American Spirit stint. Nicotine can be good for mental cognition so I don't mind I'm still intaking the nicotine.........

5 cigs since I started a month ago and only because my battery died.


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ECF Veteran
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Mar 21, 2011
Saskatoon, SK, CA
Hi all

I'm 33, smoked for 15 years, and was up to a pack a day. About a month ago I found out about e-cigs, ordered an ego-T kit from NFN, and haven't bought a pack since. I still have one every few days (everyone in my family smokes, and I see them every day), but I would never consider going back to analogs
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