Negative Reactions ... REALLY ?!?

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Vapoor eyes er

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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
Within my family I have friends and I have acquaintances. The close relationships that I have with some family far outweighs the "acquaintance" family members= quality and not quantity. When I am at family gatherings my wife and I tend to socialize with our "friends" who are very grateful and supportive of my vaping. I NEVER place any value in those that would seek to not support me in my endeavors to improve myself....some people will never understand or "get it". vape on and know you're doing the right thing and understand in life there are some people that can't celebrate other's success.
My wife and I just bought our first ecigs while on vacation in the states. Curious how our families will react. Her mom has never smoked, and mine quit smoking 15 years ago. My mom vapes a non tobacco product :D, and once my wife explains to her mom why we're switching I think she'll be ok with it. Just think seeing us use them for the first time will be a bit off-putting. Guess we'll find out when we get home.
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Full Member
Aug 20, 2013
Newton, NH
That's really unfortunate that you (and maybe others) are having anything but a positive reaction to the transition. I started vaping serious (no cigs) about 8 months ago and everywhere I go....EVERYWHERE.... there is a lot of interest in it; all positive though. Maybe it's because it doesn't "look" like what most consider an e-cig or what they see on TV. Most people just wonder what the heck it is; especially with the evic. When they find out (the smokers anyways) they want one; and a visit to my favorite vendor, 32 bucks, whatever they want to spend on juice, and a week later they're praising me. The non-smokers love the idea as well since theres no smell (they actually say it smells great) and no smoke. Regardless, everywhere I go, from smokers and nons, I hear about someone they know being successful quitting smoking with ecigs.

My favorite response from the people I've introduced into it is "I can't believe how much better this is, it makes a cigarette taste like @#$% which really helps with the quitting". That's the best feeling. Did we simple "replace" a habit? Yup. Have we made a GOOD decision for ourselves AND others? Sure did.

Ignore them. Some people need to torment others to mask the discontent with their own miserable existence.


Full Member
Jul 16, 2013
Manchester, UK MAS, you played a blinder of a game! - APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE.
Congratulations on your performance and the timely entrance of your hubby showing his full support (-nice one fella!), your father-in-law seems to be a really nice guy as well, why don't you see if your hubby will treat his dad to an ecig, might be the best present you could give to someone trying to get off the analogs, another weapon in his arsenal to have a go at, he might prefer it to the 'funky-smelling' things he's using at the moment. for the lawsuit dude, well don't worry about him, get him to find the info, he just might educate himself in the process,. If he comes back at you, just tell him thanks for the update and you'll be sure to check it out when you get back home, ..oh and did he notice all the good reports being reported by thousand of users all over the world. Let's face it, anybody can file a lawsuit over virtually anything, if you could file a lawsuit against being an idiot, you'd be spending all your time in court winning cases hand over fist. -lol
Sounds like you might win some over, some you might not, but who cares, the important people are already on side, just get yourself sorted others may follow at a later date, they might just be looking for the best horse to back and seeing if you can really jump those big hurdles before they commit, after all, we all want to put our money on a winner. So you go and find all the info you can on those hurdles, if the hurdle turns out to be to tough when you get there, have an alternative route ready planned and waiting,... is that cheating? Nah,not at all, it's your life your game, your rules. YOU decide who plays.
Errm, what's this about your not a people person, you sound like an ambassador to the people from where I'm standing, you just need to surround yourself with the 'right' kind of people, just politely smile at the idiots as you stride past, you hold your head high girl, you've a right to be proud, don't take my word, ask your hubby, or take a look at your kids. :)
....any one else around here listening fancy a bet?, .... my money's on MAS to win, how say all of you?
Three cheers to MAS and all who gave their support/wishes in words or thoughts...
HIP, HIP.. HOORAY. :toast: HIP, HIP.. HOORAY :toast: HIP, HIP.. HOORAY .! :toast:

But seriously now, ..... where did you hide the bodies! ;) ROFL
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 5, 2013
Well played MAS! I thought about you a lot Saturday night (not in that creepy Single White Female kind of way ;)) and hoped it went well. Thank you for coming back with the details. Gotta tell you, the difference in your confidence level from your first post to your recap was amazing and I am so very proud of you!


Super Member
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Mar 24, 2013
Mackay, Qld. Australia
And when the two of us finally have a moment to ourselves, he says that I should go ahead and buy into that hundred dollar big battery mod set-up I’ve been looking into. I’ll admit it, inside I’m bouncing up and down, squealing like a little school girl.

It sounds like he is very proud of you, and rightly so. I feel very proud too - of you and of this community. That's the kind of affirmation that we as vapers (and yes "vaper" is the correct noun) should be receiving from our loved ones. I also love the way the father-in-law lent his support at a crucial point. If he is struggling with the dreaded weed himself he may at some point ask for your advice on vaping.

Many congratulations on sticking up for yourself, I suspect you've seen most of them off (mothers-in-law on the other hand can be slightly more intractable :)

The whole thing with mold on the lungs is a complete fabrication, as you've figured out. It's quite likely he already knew this before using it as a last desperate attempt to discredit what you were doing.

Regarding the mod you are thinking of buying:

The Vamo is good cheap device, but the quality can be a bit variable. Very good features and an excellent price is hard to beat though. You might also like to look at the SVD and the Zmax as alternatives as the quality is more consistent and they are both good VV/VW devices for a good price. I'm running a Vamo V2 myself and may look at getting a Vamo V3 in the next few months. You'll also need a couple of IMR 18650 batteries, and a good quality charger.

I suggest you look at no later than your 3 month vaporversary for this upgrade. Around that time you may need a bit of a morale booster, and three months is a huge milestone. The iTaste VV will still be very useful for out and about, and as backup, you should probably have two of them. I have two twists at the moment which are my in-the-car and out and about devices, but I'll be getting a couple if iTaste V3 devices shortly. They have some very nice features for such a low cost device.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 30, 2012
The Woodlands, TX, USA
WOW MAS, I'm so proud of you!!! As far as the lawsuits are concerned I have not heard of any (and believe me, we would certainly know). The only lawsuits I've heard about was against the Pharma company that makes Chantix. There were more than 2,000 people who won a class action lawsuit recently because they experienced all kinds of psychological and violent side effects.

You go girl!


Ultra Member
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Mar 22, 2010
Mold in the lungs huh? What a doofus. :laugh: I know quite a few have shot that one down, but I thought I'd give you a (somewhat) quick primer for future ammunition. ;)

PG, which has already been mentioned is antimicrobial, is for the most part the primary ingredient in our e-juice. It's been pumped through the air systems in places like hospitals, nursing homes, etc. to combat airborne infection since the late 50s. It's also been used in asthma inhalers, aerosol air fresheners, and either it, VG, or a combination are used in fog machines, both professional and consumer. It's currently the base chemical used for a new breathing treatment being studied to combat rejection in lung transplant patients.

What we breath in is not really water vapor. We sometimes say that about what we expel, and it's typically a short cut because we know that the people we're talking to, like the "friend", is either too ADD or too ignorant to get it. :p What we breathe in is a combination of the exact chemicals used in the juice, PG and/or VG, nicotine and flavoring, although water can sometimes be a miniscule portion of the mix, usually used to thin down thicker VG based juices and possibly in the flavoring. BTW, PG and VG are both humectants, meaning they draw in water from the environment, which in our case means our mucus membranes and breath. That's why vaping tends to actually be dehydrating rather than adding more moisture to our systems, and we need to consume more fluids when we vape a lot. Anyway, the e-juice and the moisture it's absorbed comes in contact with the coil in the e-cig unit which basically turns it to vapor, kind of like what comes from hot water out of the tap, and then we force that vapor out into the cooler ambient air which condenses it and makes it visible. If there was going to be any kind of problem with either the PG or VG, I believe people who work long term in stage productions, night clubs and haunted houses would have shown symptoms well before the e-cigarette was ever invented. Granted, we get a lot more concentrated version of it which remains a mystery yet to be solved, but still.

Oh, and don't worry so much about the six month mark. Although some people have "fallen off the wagon" so to speak at various times, others of us never even thought about going back. Our experiences are all different. It took me six months to truly quit thanks to equipment problems from older units, but once I completely got off the cigarettes I never even wanted another one, and am now 3 years totally smoke free. Just make sure you have back ups for your back ups, that everything is in proper working condition, and you'll probably be fine. If you ever feel like jumping off the wagon though, give us a shout out, that part of why we're here. :)

And let me be the next in line to say You Rock!!! :toast:
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Full Member
Verified Member
Aug 17, 2013
United States
Oh wow!! I was so happy when I read your posts :) Thank you for the mention! You did such a brave thing, good for you. And wow that response was amazing. People are so very cool on this forum, so nice to see. Support each other no matter what. Good for you all too.

I'm was so happy for you when I read through it all, so happy and proud of you yay :banana:

I think now you are definitely going to be more confident around them. I would not be surprised at that one person that debated with you, eventually turns to vaping hehe. Good for you!

I have yet to receive my first kit, I'm excited, no too worried about what others think, hoping to get my hunny's sister and mother into vaping eventually.

Everything went so well, it all fell into place as it should, you got a lot of support I think you didn't kno you had or maybe you did :)

Ok i'll shush now. CONGRATS!!!! :thumbs:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2010
Wow, I'm glad I got to this thread so late. I would've told you that you should look them in the eye and calmly tell them that if they don't stop pushing you that one day you'll have them hanging in an abandoned barn torturing them as a group while they endlessly beg for death.

The way you handled things seems somehow nicer...


Full Member
Aug 18, 2013
Fort Worth, TX
My wife and I just bought our first ecigs while on vacation in the states. Curious how our families will react. Her mom has never smoked, and mine quit smoking 15 years ago. My mom vapes a non tobacco product :D, and once my wife explains to her mom why we're switching I think she'll be ok with it. Just think seeing us use them for the first time will be a bit off-putting. Guess we'll find out when we get home.

Here's hopin' that your family really gets behind you and supports both you and your wife with your decision. But as I am quickly learning, there is nothing - NOTHING - that beats a 100% supportive spouse.

And for those late nights and/or early mornings when you just can't sleep and your spouse is soundly snoozing in the other room... ECF! ECF rocks !!!


Full Member
Aug 18, 2013
Fort Worth, TX
Errm, what's this about your not a people person, you sound like an ambassador to the people from where I'm standing, you just need to surround yourself with the 'right' kind of people, just politely smile at the idiots as you stride past, you hold your head high girl, you've a right to be proud, don't take my word, ask your hubby, or take a look at your kids. :)
....any one else around here listening fancy a bet?, .... my money's on MAS to win, how say all of you?
Three cheers to MAS and all who gave their support/wishes in words or thoughts...
HIP, HIP.. HOORAY. :toast: HIP, HIP.. HOORAY :toast: HIP, HIP.. HOORAY .! :toast:

But seriously now, ..... where did you hide the bodies! ;) ROFL

Wow, seriously, wow. Deeply touched!

No bodies as of yet, but a really, really good suggestion on setting up my father-in-law with a good starter set. As well as the other black sheep uncle, if he expresses any interest. Two weeks ago, I was lucky enough to get my adopted "Pops" out to my local vendor, and he was like a kid in a candy store sampling all the flavor variations.

Spreading the word is good, and sharing in the joy is even better!


Full Member
Aug 18, 2013
Fort Worth, TX
Regarding the mod you are thinking of buying:

The Vamo is good cheap device, but the quality can be a bit variable. Very good features and an excellent price is hard to beat though. You might also like to look at the SVD and the Zmax as alternatives as the quality is more consistent and they are both good VV/VW devices for a good price. I'm running a Vamo V2 myself and may look at getting a Vamo V3 in the next few months. You'll also need a couple of IMR 18650 batteries, and a good quality charger.

I suggest you look at no later than your 3 month vaporversary for this upgrade. Around that time you may need a bit of a morale booster, and three months is a huge milestone. The iTaste VV will still be very useful for out and about, and as backup, you should probably have two of them. I have two twists at the moment which are my in-the-car and out and about devices, but I'll be getting a couple if iTaste V3 devices shortly. They have some very nice features for such a low cost device.

You are a fount of useful, and well-phrased, information. I might indeed consider moving my vaporversary up as you suggested, depends on what I learn as I continue looking into what to expect. Really, no, twist my arm to buy that pretty new shiny even earlier. Really! :laugh:

And thanks for the input on the mods. I'm going to be doing quite a bit more research looking into that as well!


Full Member
Aug 18, 2013
Fort Worth, TX
PG, which has already been mentioned is antimicrobial, is for the most part the primary ingredient in our e-juice. It's been pumped through the air systems in places like hospitals, nursing homes, etc. to combat airborne infection since the late 50s. It's also been used in asthma inhalers, aerosol air fresheners, and either it, VG, or a combination are used in fog machines, both professional and consumer. It's currently the base chemical used for a new breathing treatment being studied to combat rejection in lung transplant patients.

Really, really useful information here. And good to know!

I'm already looking forward to feeling better as the weather turns this year, now that I won't have to add the influence of smoking, and doing so outside no matter the weather, to whatever happy bugs I happen to catch.

Oh, and don't worry so much about the six month mark. Although some people have "fallen off the wagon" so to speak at various times, others of us never even thought about going back. Our experiences are all different. It took me six months to truly quit thanks to equipment problems from older units, but once I completely got off the cigarettes I never even wanted another one, and am now 3 years totally smoke free. Just make sure you have back ups for your back ups, that everything is in proper working condition, and you'll probably be fine. If you ever feel like jumping off the wagon though, give us a shout out, that part of why we're here. :)

Gonna try not to worry beforehand, but definitely going to be prepared in advance so as to *hopefully * better recognize what does happen for what it is, and take it in stride. And regarding equipment frustrations and failures, these were the sole culprits behind my first attempt not taking. Luckily, my husband asked around and found a reputable vendor, supporting me both emotionally and financially in making a second attempt.

And I have since discovered all the wonderful toys available on the world wide web, the biggest problem being setting a budget and sticking to it!
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