Older Folks and Vaping

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Janet H

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Sep 3, 2011
When I first got my plunger kit, I apparently didn't read the directions correctly. I thought I was supposed to take a shot of vodka for each carto I cleaned. You know, as kind of a celebration. I didn't know the vodka was supposed to be for the carto. Now you tell me.:facepalm:

Well there you go. Proved my point that we all handle this journey in our own way. And we always emphasize that you should celebrate all the ones you haven't smoked. Some of us may show up to help you. :toast:

Janet H

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Sep 3, 2011
I was talking to my sister in Ft. Myers FL last night. She said she sees people walking around outside vaping all the time down there! Yippee! She hadn't really noticed before, but now that she knows what it's about she does. She's not a smoker and always hoped that Mike and I would find a way to quit. So glad to hear about it because it means that even if people don't vape, they're getting used to seeing people vaping and it's taking away the fear factor about it.

Also, yesterday on the FOX Business channel Dr. Keith Ablow was asked about vaping and he was all for it. I think the opinion tide is turning and that's a good thing.
Thanks all!!! Great advise. I hear 3 weeks to a month from a lot of people re cravings. I have tried a shift, it drove my father to tears and a lot of angry drivers when I couldn't get it out of the intersection. But if I could convince my husband that a mustang convertible would be a sure thing to quit smoking....well, maybe it just might work. Thanks again!!!!


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Oct 2, 2012
Arkansas Delta
Ok...well...smoking in the car was really easy for me to give up. I drive a 6 speed manual convertible...not very conducive to smoking. So...all you have to do is trade in your car for one like mine. Walla!!! No more smoking in the car. :)

I'm sure that others will chime in with help for you with the morning and bedtime smokes.

ETA: Just so you know, before I got the little sporty car, I smoked like a chimney while driving. But smoking while shifting a 6 speed is not for those who don't want burn holes in their clothes... and with the top down....ashes in your eyes, up your nose. It quickly broke me of the habit of smoking in the car before I ever started vaping. AND as a bonus, zipping around corners in it just puts a grin on my face.

I used to smoke while riding my Harley, believe it or not. 55 mph behind a windshield on a scooter isn't too bad except for the occasional ashes in the eyes, like your convertible experience. While in my car, I burned holes not only in my clothes, but have a really nice burn hole on the seat as well. Actually, burning a hole in my seat was one of the last straws on deciding to give up analogs.


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Oh my goodness. I am in vaping heaven right now. I really like my DIY pear, mixed @12% 18mg nic 60pg/40vg. I also kinda like my pomegranate mixed @ the same proportions. I mixed the 2 flavors 50/50. This stuff is so unbelievably good. I actually got a bit light headed vaping it. It is just that good. Vaping at 3.7 in a little CE3 clearo.


Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2011
Middle Georgia
Thanks all!!! Great advise. I hear 3 weeks to a month from a lot of people re cravings. I have tried a shift, it drove my father to tears and a lot of angry drivers when I couldn't get it out of the intersection. But if I could convince my husband that a mustang convertible would be a sure thing to quit smoking....well, maybe it just might work. Thanks again!!!!

If that works and gets you a Mustang convertible - tell your husband that you know someone that wants to be adopted. I may be a little on the old side to adopt, but if I get a new Mustang out of it - I will act like a kid locked in a candy factory... He can send me back home after I get the car... (LOL) :D


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Feb 5, 2013
United States
I'm 64 (involuntarily retired - health reasons) and, like many, been smoking since pre-teen years. Cigs were a lot easier to come by back then even though it was against the law back in the day too. And, when we couldn't get tobacco there was always corn silk or different kings of leaves to try... Have only just started vaping -- only been at it for a little under/over a month so far... My main PV is an Apollo e-Go/CE4 (I think) combo... Works well for me and I'm down to only a couple cigs a day now (from over a pack and a half) unless I'm really stressed out over something like an upcoming stent replacement... Feel a lot better now that I'm vaping - lungs are clearer and I seem to have a bit more energy...


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 24, 2011
Middle Georgia
I'm 64 (involuntarily retired - health reasons) and, like many, been smoking since pre-teen years. Cigs were a lot easier to come by back then even though it was against the law back in the day too. And, when we couldn't get tobacco there was always corn silk or different kings of leaves to try... Have only just started vaping -- only been at it for a little under/over a month so far... My main PV is an Apollo e-Go/CE4 (I think) combo... Works well for me and I'm down to only a couple cigs a day now (from over a pack and a half) unless I'm really stressed out over something like an upcoming stent replacement... Feel a lot better now that I'm vaping - lungs are clearer and I seem to have a bit more energy...

Keep it up vernhall. You are definitely on the right track. Now, grab a seat, sit down and join us - if you are so inclined that is... Got a great group of people here - helpful without fault - with any part of your journey you feel like talking about...


Super Member
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Dec 2, 2011
Welcome!!! And congrats on 1 month smoke free!!!

Welcome!!! So glad to hear that eliminating so many cigarettes is helping you health wise!!

@inquiring mind
Good luck with convincing hubby you need a Mustang convertible to quit smoking!! Let us know how that goes. :)
It's great that your inquiry brought forth all of these great tips. How long have you been vaping now?

- what I found to help greatly was to have the pv VERY easily accessible... Ie cup holder, a lanyard around my neck.... same for the morning, right on the night stand.
- just vape like crazy in a few days the urges subsided greatly
- I found cold turkey with a coffee flavor finally was the trick

- set time limit's to wean myself
- remained committed in my mind to stop
- Then one day a few months after I started vaping - I just said 'no more'

- Only time worked for me. Once I got through the first 3 weeks I was good for the most part.

Janet H

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Sep 3, 2011
Oh my goodness. I am in vaping heaven right now. I really like my DIY pear, mixed @12% 18mg nic 60pg/40vg. I also kinda like my pomegranate mixed @ the same proportions. I mixed the 2 flavors 50/50. This stuff is so unbelievably good. I actually got a bit light headed vaping it. It is just that good. Vaping at 3.7 in a little CE3 clearo.

Those are my 2 favorite flavors! I just mixed some up for my neighbor and a friend and they said they liked mine better that their store bought juice! I'm going to have to teach them to make their own.


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Dec 2, 2011
Oh my goodness. I am in vaping heaven right now. I really like my DIY pear, mixed @12% 18mg nic 60pg/40vg. I also kinda like my pomegranate mixed @ the same proportions. I mixed the 2 flavors 50/50. This stuff is so unbelievably good. I actually got a bit light headed vaping it. It is just that good. Vaping at 3.7 in a little CE3 clearo.

So tickled for you that you're enjoying your DIY juices so much!! :)

Pear seems to be a favorite flavor around here. I don't think I've ever eaten a real pomegranate. Is the taste similar to cranberry?


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Those are my 2 favorite flavors! I just mixed some up for my neighbor and a friend and they said they liked mine better that their store bought juice! I'm going to have to teach them to make their own.

My younger sis likes some of my flavors. I am getting her set up to do her own now. She has watched me a few times and sees just how simple it is to do.

So tickled for you that you're enjoying your DIY juices so much!! :)

Pear seems to be a favorite flavor around here. I don't think I've ever eaten a real pomegranate. Is the taste similar to cranberry?

Thank you Gloria. I've not tried cranberry e-juice but I do know that actual pomegranates don't taste anything like cranberries.


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I love to eat fruits but for some reason I just don't want to vape them. Even when I find a really good one. Go figure.

When I first started vaping I didn't either. Seems like my tastes are changing. I still like my mint/menthol mixes and bakery flavors but the fruit is starting to appeal to me now.


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Dec 2, 2011
My younger sis likes some of my flavors. I am getting her set up to do her own now. She has watched me a few times and sees just how simple it is to do.
Thank you Gloria. I've not tried cranberry e-juice but I do know that actual pomegranates don't taste anything like cranberries.

That's awesome that you're teaching your sister to DIY. Guess I'll just have to buy a pomegranate next time I'm at the grocery store to see what they taste like. And I'll add it to my list of flavors to get too. Which flavor company is your pomegranate from? Oops...I ended the sentence with a preposition. Make that...From which flavor company is your pomegranate? Phooey...that sounds pompous doesn't it? LOL


ECF Guru
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That's awesome that you're teaching your sister to DIY. Guess I'll just have to buy a pomegranate next time I'm at the grocery store to see what they taste like. And I'll add it to my list of flavors to get too. Which flavor company is your pomegranate from? Oops...I ended the sentence with a preposition. Make that...From which flavor company is your pomegranate? Phooey...that sounds pompous doesn't it? LOL

:lol::lol::lol: I got it from RTSVapes. Doesn't have a name on the bottle but I do believe that it is "The Flavor Apprentice".
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