question about morning vapeing??

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Aug 5, 2013
hi everyone, wondering if its just me but doubt it is lol. I cant vape first thing in the morning but im putting it down too being newish and so used to analogs, am I alone. please let me know how long it took you personally to enjoy vapeing early in the morning or will it just ease once im off analogs a while. its makeing it so hard to quit completely as im so used to smokeing a analog once I get up but the thought of vapeing doesnt seem too nice to me. dont get me wrong after a while of vapeing a bit it gets back to normal and I enjoy it but just want to know if you guys got this and if its just a withdrawal effect on me in my mind probably.


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Aug 5, 2013
Hmmm. I think maybe I dont enjoy vaping as much as I did enjoy smoking first thing in the morning, but I have to vape in the morning to get my nic fix.

I personally get right up, brush my teeth then go right to vaping. You need to find you "morning vape" juice I think.

maybe its the juice, me personally I just got up and smoked near right away even before brushing my teeth for a fix but to some the thought of this would make you feel sick and this is how im getting with vapeing when just up. maybe just in my head as I said if I wait a while and after a few vapes it gets ok or after something to eat but from all them years smokeing ive never ate in the mornings till lunch and by then I would of smoked maybe 3-4 analogs lol. its probably all in my head really and just wanted to know if anyone else was like this or still is. also probably because its vapour and not smoke and suppose once my craveings ease itll be ok but just at the mintue its hard.


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Aug 2, 2011
next to a corn field,IL
I didn't like vaping in the morning either, but I think it was in my mind too. Habit: get up, put shirt on(if it wasn't already), start coffee, call dog, go to garage, let dog out to ya know, lite cig, smoke half, yell at dog. Come back in, pour coffee, allow to cool while in shower. get out grab coffee go out and finish smoke...... It just took me putting my mind to vaping instead and now I don't even do 1/2 that stuff, (poor dog) I find I keep forgetting to let him out first thing because I don't need that fix first thing.


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Aug 5, 2013
any good ideas on nice coffe juice that ships to uk, my local shops coffe juice is rank lol. suppose ill need to try a good few to get the sweet spot, just when I thought I got sorted lol. at least ive got my all day juices and alcohol juice sorted for now, found i needed to bump up nic and stronger tobacco teaste juice while drinking alcohol to get the sweet spot. :):);)


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May 30, 2013
Houston, TX
im kinda the same way, hesitant to vape in the morning, don't know why. just doesn't sound pleasant first thing in the morning. when I smoked cigs, I HAD to have a cig ASAP. now, not so much, so im just letting myself get used to the idea that its not a 'first thing in the morning' kinda thing. I go make a pot of coffee first. eventually ill take a puff, realize it tastes good, and im puffing away before ya know it. I like a mellower vape in the morning.


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Jul 30, 2013
For my first week, I *had* to have an analog in the morning. Just one, and some coffee, and I was good to vape the rest of the day. So you're definitely not alone there. After that, though, I just forced myself to not have a smoke. It was tough, but all it was down to for me was a fear that I wouldn't be fully satisfied. After a couple of mornings with no analogs, I found that fear was completely unfounded, since I was fully satisfied. It's been fine since then.

Edit to add: Ohai 100th post.


Senior Member
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Mar 12, 2013
Travis AFB, CA
I pop my battery in before i even get out of bed in the morning. 5 min or less and im vaping away. Although looking back i didnt prefer it first thing a few months ago. Currently the only time i hold back is an hour after cardio sessions. When your lungs are used to exerting themselves from running, vaping within 45 min to an hr gives me a slight cough for the evening.


Resting in Peace
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Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
For the first couple of months, my lungs did NOT like having a vape first thing. Very harsh the first few hits. They got used to it. Or it could be that I no longer need that nic first thing in the morning. LOL I now lay around in bed for a while where before, when I smoked, I would HAVE to get up as soon as my eyes opened.


Vaping Master
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Aug 12, 2012
Lawrence KS
That was me when I started. I always had 2-100 cigs first thing in the morning...often lighting the first as my feet were hitting the ground. I found the morning cigs the hardest to quit. I just had to gut it out. It took me 45 minutes or so of vaping to get enough nic on board to get over the cravings. After a few weeks that need in the morning started to go away.


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Apr 1, 2012
San Diego CA
thanks guys at least im not a alone yeoo lol, it must be habbit and too strong a juice to kick off the day I suppose. all in all I know im on the right track and will get there in the end. :):):):)

They just said it to make you feel good really everyone vapes in the morning your just weird! ;-)


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May 26, 2011
Hmmm. I think maybe I dont enjoy vaping as much as I did enjoy smoking first thing in the morning, but I have to vape in the morning to get my nic fix.

I personally get right up, brush my teeth then go right to vaping. You need to find you "morning vape" juice I think.

Try "Morning Vape" from MBV. Coffee/cherry. Darn good.

Go for a low MG early morning.
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