The future of vaping?

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Sep 7, 2012
Holiday, Florida
Let me comment on a few things. First, cig-a-likes have been around since the begining of the vaping revolution, have not improved one bit since then, and I am not suspecting they will get any better in the next 10 years. I did start on them when I first started vaping a few years ago, got tired of them and went back to smoking till this summer when I got an Ego. That is my personal take on the cig-a-likes and any chances on them getting better.

I am not saying that there is any one size or style of PV that is better. It is just like your car, it is choice. Some people love the smart cars. I think they are rolling coffins and love my big chevy PU. I think there will ge some uniform changes in PVs over time and some consistancy of how they operate and performance impovements. Is vaping a fade, as the above person says? No, in fact it is actually a rapidly expanding faction of people, both former smokers and some non-smokers that went vapor over cancer. Projections are for the amount of people using PVs to double this year alone.

I am not worried for the most part about the FDA. Reason is that the actual PVs do not contain nic, just the juice, and they can't outlaw nic alone as then they would upset BP, because their nic patches, gum, and candy would be outlawed, too. They can't justify a tax on nic as outragious as analoges becauase of BT, and no evidence that nic causes the health risks and costs like analogs.

Oh, and to the person that says B&M stores don't work, I have a RYO shop that is now selling PVs out of their shop and they sold 60 kits in the first week, to regular PAD smokers. So naw, we ain't a fad, and yeah a B&M store can work, just need to have some up front capital to last long enough to get customers in the door.


Full Member
Jan 3, 2013
In 10 years (and probably a lot less) we'll have devices that are the size of "cigalikes" with the powers of mods and beyond. Larger companies and even [gasp!] big tobacco entering the marketplace will imo be a positive. Obviously their initial offerings will be the crap like Blu etc but if there's a market for more advanced units like we all enjoy (and there is) they will enter it. Period.

Once that happens innovation and competition will take over and soon our PV's will be more like the cell phone industry. Things we accept as "okay" now would be horrendous on a modern day smart phone or iPod etc. The attention to detail lacks in this industry mostly because it's being driven by low end Chinese manufactures and relatively low investment.

The barrier of entry to a quality vaping experience will be lowered significantly.
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Full Member
Jan 3, 2013
Haha...oh dear. You can't even face a big hard cold fact that the rest of the smoking world wouldn't dare use your beloved big ecigs/mods in public! Stop arguing over this, because you're dead wrong.

Why are cigs like blu number one sellers? Why where blu bought out? Because most people want small ecigs! (They are the future)

Stop getting insecure its pathetic. I'm starting to think you feel threatened by the mini ecig and you somehow think you are special because you use mods/large ecigs.

Ecigs like Blu are popular due to the distribution system that has the product in stores from 7/11 to Walgreens. Along with others. To your (offensively demonstrated) point there is a marketing message thats harder to convey with a mod/larger setup. Having a regular smoker use a device that looks and feels like a analog is in fact the path of least resistance when it comes to selling units and marketing them.

Conveying a $100+ investment with lower per drag costs is a much harder sales pitch than "buy this familiar device that costs marginally more than smoking." Converting people to a better device would take a massive marketing investment in this scenario or (as you find now) people that are interested in this seek out the information from sources like the internet.

And FYI - you should really lighten up.


Full Member
Jan 3, 2013
I will stay away from any of the main analog manufacturers, they seem to know the best "products" to put in their analogs to keep you addicted and dying all along saying that they did not know it would hurt you.. so keep sending me the mom and pop shops and i will keep vaping..

A preference I share with you. However my point is them entering this space isn't necessarily a negative as competition is good. New brands and companies will rise out of this that had humble beginnings.

Case in point... IBM>Microsoft>Google etc. The landscapes change over the course of time via innovation, competition and market demands.


Full Member
Dec 10, 2012
Tacoma WA
I'm not sure where Vaping will be in 10yrs. To be honest, not really concerned with it.....I'm just enjoying the heck out of where we are right now! Choices and lots of them. And the best part of it all, is this brings with it more and more innovation. Innovative new tech, new styles, new flavors etc etc. I have only been vaping for a a little over a month and it seems almost everyday there is something new. Be it a completely new device or some variant of an older one. Every time I go into my local vape shop they are showing off some new MOD.

I think standardizing might make Vaping Easy for Noobs like me to understand this thing we do. Atomizer, Clearomizer, Ohms/Volts, vamo provari. It can all be a little overwhelming at times. This forum itself has a section dedicated to us Noobs. Thank you ECF. HOWEVER - IMHO right now standardizing things will only slow down the industry.

We all want more of something. We all are looking for that perfect setup. And its obvious we are not even close. Forums like this prove that. Thousands upon Thousands of discussions on "What do you think of this? What do you think of that?

So thank you to all you Modders and manufacturers. Keep Innovating!

That's my nickel =)

With that said...I think I will now go and buy my First Provari and Viva Nova tank and I think I will try that new Exotic Lychee Ejuice. Damn I love this stuff!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 6, 2013
St Kitts & Nevis
I sincerely hope I'm wrong but I'm afraid that in 10 years there will be very little resemblance to today's world of vaping. By then the FDA will have deemed our beloved Ecigs as a tobbaco product and regulated many of our vendors out of business. Taxes on anything that does remain openingly able to be purchased will be very high. Laws where smoking is not allowed will pretty much regularly include ecigs within them and there will be more and more of those laws. Its easy for us to say "the FDA can't control that" but that wont stop them from trying and in many cases succeeding enough that our vaping world will change drastically. I may not be personally thrilled that BT has gotten into the vaping world BUT since our vendors have refused to join together and fight against control of our vaping world at least BT has the funds and the need to protect their investments and hopefully will be willing to take the FDA to court when they overstep their bounds which they certainly will do in the future.

Yes, those of us that have learned how to DIY our needs will be able to continue vaping as we do now and there will be a black market to get what ever we want but we here in this forum are not the average person and the average person won't go to the trouble to start vaping or even continue vaping when the FDA manages to make it difficult.

sad but true, thats why i say I feel this is all too good to be true. I did the math, I spent like $1400 on analogs every year for the past ten years... and i only started smoking "properly" (pack a day everyday except fridays :) ) and with e-cigs I will be spending about $280 a year. No.... somebody somewhere is not going to let me live in that kinda bliss forever.

Thats why I feel our vendors as you put it really need to get together and make stuff happen now before someone else comes and makes those decisions for them.


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Sep 10, 2012
San Francisco
Vaping is not going be as popular as some people think. If it was going to catch on in the mainstream then it would have done already, long before now !. True, over 100,000 people registered in this forum but i don't see people walking around on the streets with vaping devices do you.

I actually do. I see people vaping on the street a couple of times a week - nearly always with an ego and some kind of tank on it. I have spotted a Darwin in the wild once, though...the guy was walking the other way and I was rushing to work, otherwise I would have totally run after him, I'd never seen one in person!

I was also at a party a few weeks ago where there were more vapers than smokers - easily 7-8 people vaping, and only 1-2 smoking.

I do live in San Francisco, and we do pick up technology faster in general than the rest of the world, but there is a definite trend happening here, and I hope it continues!!

So my hope is in a few years to see more vapers than smokers on the streets, and more mainstream knowledge around what vaping is.
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Oct 10, 2012
Athens, Al
How is having something cigarette sized that performs similar to the bigger devices you have going to make it any less better though?

I think I can safely say you don't get it.......
I was a 3pad smoker and want nothing to do with analogs nothing that looks like them or tastes like them......


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Nov 18, 2012
Wow read that whole thread interesting fight there Lmao. Well as I'm one of those big mods kinda guys (vamo one of the biggest) I can't say anything that hasn't already been said but on that note. As for what I hope for in 10 years is a mod that works like a watch where the more you move it the more is self charges batteries just have to come a ways before that can happen. Maybe living cell batteries might be the answer?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 6, 2013
St Kitts & Nevis
Wow read that whole thread interesting fight there Lmao. Well as I'm one of those big mods kinda guys (vamo one of the biggest) I can't say anything that hasn't already been said but on that note. As for what I hope for in 10 years is a mod that works like a watch where the more you move it the more is self charges batteries just have to come a ways before that can happen. Maybe living cell batteries might be the answer?

You're (we're) soon going to be in luck. same size, three times the battery life all based on tech thats already here. Go on, click it.


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Imagine buying a blu/apollo/green smoke kit which will be nothing but a PCC case with two batteries and a pack of sample cartomizers. Then when you run out, you can simply walk into a store and buy a pack of flavored cartomizers from Marlboro/camel/newport/salem....etc and just screw those onto your batteries.

How long have safety razors been around? Close to a century now. There are several huge manufacturers of safety razors. How many have standardized their blades, as far as size and form are concerned? None. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for standardization of cigalikes between big tobacco companies. In fact, given the history of consumer products in America, I would expect each and every one of the various big tobacco companies' cigalikes to become even less standardized as time goes on: different threading, different battery voltages, incompatible electronics, different diameters, unrefillable cartomizers, everything.

Furthermore, I'm profoundly unhappy that big tobacco is involved with vaping, especially given the sorry history of crony capitalism in the United States. My fear is that they will do everything with the help of their FDA and Congressional pals they can to block competition. There are moves just starting within the FDA and Congress to do just that now. In ten years, I foresee big tobacco successfully banning everything but their own cigalikes and cartos from the U.S. market. It's possible that mere possession of non-encartonized eliquids and non-approved mods will become a felony, just like paraphernelia for non-prescription substances are now.

Remember, the RYO retailers, those shops which will make up a carton of cigarettes for you while you wait, have been banned by Congress, on the grounds that each of those little storefronts has to meet the same standards as the big cigarette factories do now and prove they do to the FDA and the USDA. Not one of those little storefronts can put up the years and millions of dollars to get so certified. The big tobacco lobby was instrumental in getting this ban through Congress.

These are the golden days of vaping. The future of vaping, ten years off, looks mighty grim to me.


New Member
Jan 8, 2013
Rochelle Park
Cool. The line looks great, can't wait to ride it


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Dec 12, 2011
The OC
I personally want a device that is really small, light, I can rest in between my lips and that only requires a 2 second puff to get a nice throat hit/vapor.

I don't want to turn vaping into a hobby, I just want it to replace my cigarette habit with it and get on with my day as usual.

OK, don't worry... all that will change… when you get to the point where you Vape because you like it, not because you want to replace cigarettes.

Sent from the ether using the power of my mind... and the Tapatalk app.
Didn't read through the whole thread, but I've already had the image of a gas station where all the analogs are replaced with prefilled cartos and pvs and there will be a tiny section for analogs that are going to be $20 a pack. It's also going to mean that it will be more expensive for us and we will see what vedors sell out the quickest, cutting juice with water, most likely adding other ingredients that we shouldn't be inhaling, etc. Sigh... We will see.
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