VERSION 2.5 Vision ViVi Nova Is IN STOCK Now, VIVI NOVA Review Thread

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2009
A fool on the hill in Deposit, NY
You hit the nail on the head with the point about modding and having to buy wick and wire to make something work. I woud NOT be upset had I purchased with the warning that the products may have to be modded and then been priced accordingly.

Why should they do that? Does any other vendor do that for production line products? Does it occur to you that, perhaps, others don't have the same problems you did? Are you using those products correctly? Did you ask? All we hear right now is anger, and not a lot of info.

Stardusts work out of the box. I've been using them exclusively, and only had one dud - promptly replaced.

ViVis were supposed to have been tested at the factory - how the hell was Bad supposed to know about the problem ahead of time? Do you think him clairvoyant? They are taking care of the problem, what else do you want? And, btw, I have nine working heads on my hands right now that wick well, produce great vapor and decent flavor - *with no modding*. And I'm not the only one. And don't forget that GV paid for those units, it's not like they produced them out of thin air.

Fluxos can be fiddly imo, but they are no more so than any other original type CE2s, and the fiddle is extremely easy. Anyone who has done minimal research on them would know this. If you want no fiddle with a CE2 type, get an Extreme.

As to Bad being flip...when a vendor could care less that you spent $160 worth of stuff to only have $11 of that to be workable and to tell you to go elswhere and not even try to make it right, yes it is bad customer service period.

You said you were done with GV and will go elsewhere - *you* said that, not he. All he did was wish you good luck.

What did you, as a customer, did other than berate GV on their forum? Did you even give them an opportunity for any "customer service" to take place? Saying that you are leaving ain't it.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2009
A fool on the hill in Deposit, NY
Right. I was thinking of putting the free-floating wick back in too, but I tossed them.:facepalm: LOL Basically it's the same principle: not opening the wick slots too much, so the air has to go through the wick, rather than above it.

Have fun fiddling. :D

juice is at 80/20 PG/VG, so I'm pretty sure it's not that. I left the trimmed cap on, but what I did do was throw the free floating wick back on and suddenly, what's that?! Flavour?! Could it be? Yes it is..

I also seem to be getting some vapor in there somehow.. it get's cloudy in there after I take a toot and then dissipates slowly. Anyone experiencing this?!

I'm gonna like this "fiddling" business, cause I'm a bit (just a bit) of a fiddler.. :)


Full Member
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Mar 29, 2012
Surprise, AZ

Are we as early adopters going to suck up the price of working heads or are you going to replace them for us. How about a good working replacement sample so we can try before we buy AGAIN? I really want this thing to work without rewicking and recoiling. Seems like a stardust head in a tank what could go



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2009
Whitestone , New York USA
If we where responsible for the heads yes, but we where not, thats another vendor, i was locked out of that decision the first time because the other vendor was a coil and wick specialist. Now since most heads are working I think they had great input but something went wrong which i wasnt a part of. The rest of the vivi is exactly as i claimed and didnt have issues, the extended pin is not something i perosnally thought as a issue since many items have them extended and they just screw down fine.

Now what we will be doing is selling the new heads which are completly redone at below cost, roughly 1.30 to 1.40 for a limited time,I need to check the math first. then i will see what else can be done.


Super Member
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Dec 8, 2011
Well I can finally contribute to this thread as my Vivi arrived a couple of days ago. I put one fill through the 2.4 and am half way through a fill with the 1.8 so far. Both measured close to spec and both have worked fine and are improving. The hit and vapour are good and the flavour is getting there as they break in. I just used these straight out of the box so I am very pleased to get something in a tank that just works. Obviously the Vivi benefited from relaxing on its leisurely trip across the Atlantic!
Will look out for the new wicks when they come in. I think this is a very clever design and it will be interesting to see what other options become available for it. So big thumbs up to GV from me for getting this developed.


Full Member
Verified Member
Mar 29, 2012
Surprise, AZ
Seriously? i bought it from gotvapes not another vendor. When will the new ones be available for the worlds beta testing? Doesn't seem like you have had long enouh to "perfect" the heads. People on here have tried dozens of things to "fix" them. Do you have the answer to what's wrong? Is it something i can fix on my already purchased heads?

Congrats on your 1000 days smoke free. Two pack a day smoker to vaping....says something about vaping.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2009
Whitestone , New York USA
im letting everyone know this now, we are not going through this bickering stuff back and fourth, if your head is bad i can easily point you to the person responsible. This thread or others will not turn into snide remark central.

When will the new ones be available for the worlds beta testing?""

im here discussing this with you so lets keep that stuff out.

testing has been done and lots of it, the new heads are 100% redone, new coil, new wick, new everything. and tested for flavor, vapor, thickness, leaking, wicking by the whole team there over and over. they are prepping the production line and should be ready soon, i thought they started production but they where still testing up to last night.

since you bought form us then you will be taken cared of like we do all our customers, so you dont need to worry.
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Full Member
Verified Member
Mar 29, 2012
Surprise, AZ
Warning me? Really?

Anyway i fly model helicopters and next to that this vaping thing is plug and You almost Have to tweek everything in that hobby.

Awesome news on the revision.. The vapor was great on the original. if they even match my stardust i would get ten heads for my all day vape. The first ones will produce flavor on smooth 8 which is a strong flavor but not at all with torque 56 my all day vape.

Do you kow what types of flavor the testing is done on? I know they can't test all configurations thats what we do as beta testers, we at least what i mean find the best combo. Best device best voltage this works the best with pg vg mixed at this. Remove the extra wick fluff this trim that.

I think that there is a lot of promise with this tank because with the head replacement design you, we can try different things. I know you have to limit the design to a will work well with most applications. Hopefully the viva is really going to be around for the long. Once the "standard heads" are sorted out modding will totally explode with this thing. $16.00 for unlimited possiblities.

If you develop well at this point perfect a ss wick design and mass produce it for could retire soon ... Lol



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2009
Whitestone , New York USA
arthur , lately people feel that our forum is snide remark central and it isnt, people need to leave that stuff at the door, the heads where someone elses responsibility and many know this yet no one is in that forum giving them hell. I am here dealing with this straight on, fixing something that wasnt my issue and making sure in the end you will all be happy.

the main issue was the wick and coil and assembly, I dont know the actual cause of why some worked and some didnt and the person that should isnt revealing anything so im flying blind and getting the information form vision team as to what they did, which was rebuild the head completly and how its assembled, added a new lip for the silicone cover, changed the wick , changed the coil and then redid leaking tests, gurgling tests and flavor tests, they brought in more people to do major vapor and flavor tests, after they found heads that wherent up to par they sat in aroom of 40 people on video until a few where getting what many where describing which was the muted flavor using usa juice they where sent and not china juice. A light went off becuase that was the first time many of them realized what muted flavor was, i mentioned this in a seperate post.

they have been testing and restesting hundreds of heads, they look like nic zombies and then took a day off and went right back to more testing, Yes i also have tested the new head and will test the ones they send when its complete.

I also feel like you do, the vivi is a great design and im sure with the new results you will be more then satisfied.

well arthur then you might be doing a dance soon, because a separate vision team is working on heads that will make all your heads spin, from dual coils, to possible ss,, 4 wicks like grande, dct and so much more, but that is still all being worked on, but I will say i saw something last night from them that knocked my socks off..lolol
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
When will the new ones be available for the worlds beta testing? Doesn't seem like you have had long enouh to "perfect" the heads. People on here have tried dozens of things to "fix" them. Do you have the answer to what's wrong?

:facepalm: You know, I usually just ignore these comments, but I have to chime in on this "beta" stuff. GotVapes was the second place to release the Nova in the US, and are among 5 stores, that I know of off hand, that sold it in the second week. ALL of these stores -- some very respected -- tested these products. This was a production quality issue in one of the lines, and unfortunately hit quite a few GV customers. As unfortunate as it is, GV has assured me that they will be taking care of their customers. Some of the other places are not.

Let's cut GV some slack, and wait for the new heads to arrive. Then, if GV doesn't take care of their customers, we will get the pitchforks and torches! ;)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
Warning me? Really?

Anyway i fly model helicopters and next to that this vaping thing is plug and You almost Have to tweek everything in that hobby.

I do too! I'm getting my 36" heli after I know about the house. The one I have now is 24", 12" and 2x 6". Not the expensive ones, but great to torture the dog with! :D


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 17, 2012
Norman, Ok

Get a flight sim first before you invest in a eggbeater ( heli ) or a plank ( airplane )... It is much cheaper to start practicing on a sim than on the actual model... It will save you many times over the cost of the sim...

For heli's the most accurate sim is Phoenix ... see Phoenix model flight simulation :: Welcome ( get the one with a transmittimer included )

For airplanes, the most accurate is Real Flight ( only comes with a transmitter )

Both will do either, but if your focus is on just one side or the other... may as well get the one best suited for that type of flying.

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