Deeming Regulations have been released!!!!

Kent C

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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
I don't remember any Democrats signing on to HR 2058. Maybe I've forgotten.

Don't know if anyone has replied but you have not forgotten. HR2058 had 51 Republican co-sponsors and 0 Democrats.

However, the Cole amendment for the Appropriations bill (separate from HR2058) had Rep Tom Cole (R-Oklahoma) and Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-Georgia)as sponsors, and Bishop and one other Democrat voted for the amendment - 17 Dems voted against it. 28 out of 29 Republicans voted for the amendment.


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Jan 27, 2010
Kansas City, Missouri
I haven't seen anything that defines what can or cannot be in a bottle of juice.

No, the FDA has not set any objective standards whatsoever. It is impossible to know if paying for at least 1,500 lawyer hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars on an application will give an e-juice maker a fair shot at getting approved. So, I seriously doubt there will be many, if any, legally sold bottles of e-juice.


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Mar 8, 2013
Riverton, Utah
My head is so filled with so much I'm having trouble sorting it out. so here goes and sorry if I loose you. OK, you have cigarettes. They have been proved to be harmful. Can you still smoke them? Yes. Do they ban them? No. Why? Revenue. It's all about the ability to spread the money to people of dependence. This will cause the people to become loyal to the support. Now let's bring in Vaping. It's not smoking. Is it safer? Yes. The only controversy is nicotine. How harmful is nicotine? I myself after smoking for 15 years know I feel much better. I have been vaping for over 5 years. If the FDA was really concerned about the health concerns then they would do studies first. But no, they implement regulation that will cost so much that the industry will be shut down or restricted. This will cause the price of vaping to go up dramatically. This shouldn't be a political action, but look who is pushing this regulation.


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Jul 22, 2014
South Carolina
The Government cant make a Decision like this alone, but they can make it happen anyway. This shows you how Corrupt we have let them get. WE gave them the idea that we work for them and do as they say, When it was meant to be the total opposite.
Americans need to come back together, the Government has been splitting us up into "Categories" instead of People just so they can take over everything while were all looking at each-other.. We need to fix this somehow, even if we dont know how yet.. Something has to be done about the Government, they have been going WAY TOO FAR lately, Well the past 10-20 years actually..
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Jan 27, 2010
Kansas City, Missouri
Bonnie Herzog, an analyst with Wells Fargo Securities, said she expects “litigation from several manufacturers, which could unfortunately prolong the uncertainty plaguing the entire industry.”

Let's hope the litigation delay this as long as possible. Knowing how the government works, any delay would be measured in years. But in the meantime, are the rules still enforceable?
The rules are fully enforceable unless a federal judge issues a temporary injunction. It's too early to predict whether that might occur.


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Mar 28, 2014
Severna Park MD
Well, I've done some work, however ineffective. I've messaged Ivanka on FB and written to several influential political bloggers to please cover the abuse of the FDA (and other 3 letters.) It's a battle of both politics and public opinion.

BTW, I'm out of work, and will work, but I will be fine no matter what, I was gonna retire in 5 years anyway, this just makes me adjust a bit.


Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Declaration of Independence
July 4, 1776
.............and that has flown like a Lead Balloon a few times in our history already.:cool:


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Jan 27, 2010
Kansas City, Missouri
I just cannot imagine a modder making and selling a piece of metal box with a few electrical springs would be required to go through all that hoop. Words are very vague on pure hardware. Beside, the hardware is so simple (mechanical mods) that lots of people can make it themselves.

Perhaps they are confusing "hardware" with devices like Vuse of Blu?

They did say they don't cover "accessories."
There is no confusion. They aren't going to give mechanical mods a pass. They will not be treated as accessories. They are intended and used for vaping liquid with nicotine and they are going to be treated exactly the same as a Provari Radius. (I wonder how the folks at Provari are feeling right now). Sure, you can make your own mod and they won't bother you unless you try to sell it. There are 40 million smokers in this country. How many are going to make their own mods?


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Feb 23, 2010
Does this sound familiar? “In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. * * * We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity. * * * They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and consanguinity.”

Chillingly familiar...


Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md


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Jan 27, 2010
Kansas City, Missouri
If you continue to vote for the group in power expect more of the same. Voting in the same corrupt groups gets us where we are. All they want is your money, this week they call it as what's best for you. Next week maybe it will be salt /sugar /potato chips/meat/the lovely gmo chemicals the establishment loves. It is time for people to wake up and research what these moneygrubbers stand for. Alas I fear it's too late. the public is so dumbed down they can barely make a decision on their own. Greed has destroyed the us. Now only corporations are people.
It's much more complex than that, and trying to say that our nanny state is entirely the result of greed and "corporations" is mistaken, IMO. There are many factors that have led us to this point, not just one. We have ignored the basic precepts upon which this country was founded. We have given up personal liberty in exchange for a misguided, perceived need for government to protect us and our cheeldreen from all possible danger and harm. And now it's biting us in the .... Well, we got the government that we deserve.


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Nov 29, 2012
New Jersey
I don't think this is anything to get too alarmed about.
There is a way around almost any regulation.
For instance, I'm coming to vaping from smoking.
I don't pay $10 a pack, I pay around $1 a pack because I use 'pipe tobacco'
If that was to be banned (and if I continued to smoke) I would buy my tobacco in leaf form, and there is no tax because it is not in its final smokable form.
I imagine that the same will apply to nicotine - any taxes etc will probably not apply until it is made into e liquid.
Same goes for flavorings, PG and VG - they are not e liquid until you mix them all together.
True, you will only be able to make it for personal use, and this will put many (most?) E liquid manufacturers out of business, but it doesn't have to be the end of vaping.

I'm not sure how this will affect PV's themselves, but there is plenty of time to stock up on mech mods (no electronics to fail) stainless steel (ie no glass to break) tanks, rebuildable decks etc.
Resistance wire for coils will not be banned.
18650 batteries will not be banned.

It will be crappy, but it won't be the end for those determined enough to vape.
So... in other words, our government can continue to overstep and over reach as long as there is a way to sneak around their harmful nanny-isms and ideology?? When does it become too much for you to tolerate? With all due respect, you are missing MANY bigger pictures going on here.

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