" just I've been pm'd by forum members that making a lot of huff about this WILL damage the industry big time"
I don't believe it's threads like this that may damage the industry, although the public posting of Dr Farsalinos testing may. If e-juice makers (all of them) had been more cautious about the concentrates that they used the testing may not have shown a disastrous 69% having diacetyl.
It's threads like this, as you've just proven, that are giving vendors a push to be more cautious, which will ultimately be better for the vaping community.
We could be all hush hush about bad tests and Flavour vendors not being forthright, and that might be better for FDA reasons, but at who's expense? my health? I don't want to be vaping diacetyl if I don't have to, and I don't want to be told "Diacetyl Free" if that's false.
No one would have anything to talk about on a forum thread; the results of Dr. F's testing would never have the potential to expose something that is hidden;and no e-juice vendor would ever have to spend a penny...if those responsible for including diacetyl/diketones in their flavors were responsible enough to simply label the ingredients that are known inhalation risks. The buck starts with the flavoring vendors/manufacturer and ends with them.
'Seems to me that if a majority of e-liquid vendors would email the major vendors and simply say...we're not buying another ml of flavor until we see proof of ingredients and let them know that they're going to post the same on their own websites...it wouldn't take long at all for manufacturer/vendors to rustle through their files, find what ingredients they use and in what amounts (which they should already know anyway), convey that information back to the e-liquid vendors, and start whatever verification process or testing may be necessary.
It is not the "fault" of any end-user that discovers a potentially harmful ingredient if/when the authorities take issue with the same. It is the fault of those using & including them and improperly/inadequately labeling their products.
Blaming an innocent victim and/or holding the end-user responsible for exposing "whatever" is not only illogical, it's just plain wrong.
Flavor manufacturers who have knowingly sold flavors to the vaping community (and profited immensely) should have adequately disclosed & labeled the 'inhalation risk chemicals' years ago.
Besides, this thread (or any other thread) isn't bringing anything to the authorities attention that they don't already know - or have the intent of finding out.