Ecig User Survey: Please follow instructions before taking!!

Please follow instructions carefully and answer all 7 questions!!

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 8, 2009
Bay Area California
I chose: If ecigs were banned, I'd smoke tobacco, not NRTs or smokefree alternatives

But I must add that I would smuggle Djarums in from overseas or make them myself as I do not and will not smoke or give money to Philip Morris/Altria.

I also vow to be THE most obnoxious smoker that has ever walked the earth if they force me to go back to smoking the Djarums they sell in Indonesia. (until I drown in the blood pooled in my lungs)

I am talking blowing hits in baby carriages and pregnant womens faces while hurling invective at anyone who dares cough in my direction.

But I am a tad bit unhinged on this topic...


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 6, 2009
Norcross, GA
I chose: If ecigs were banned, I'd smoke tobacco, not NRTs or smokefree alternatives

But I must add that I would smuggle Djarums in from overseas or make them myself as I do not and will not smoke or give money to Philip Morris/Altria.

I also vow to be THE most obnoxious smoker that has ever walked the earth if they force me to go back to smoking the Djarums they sell in Indonesia. (until I drown in the blood pooled in my lungs)

I am talking blowing hits in baby carriages and pregnant womens faces while hurling invective at anyone who dares cough in my direction.

But I am a tad bit unhinged on this topic...

Not certain I would go quite that far but basically I'm agreeing, more or less. :D

They'd need to rip the weeds out of my cold dead hands.


Vaping Master
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Nov 4, 2009
Apple Valley, MN
Well the real question is.. how many are answering that based on what they would do and how many are answering it that way because they realize the point of the survey.

Shirley you jest ;)

I voted that I'd resume smoking, just because quitting for a year didn't stop me from starting up again, so it seems inevitable.


CASAA Activist
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4 People have missed this question: swipple, vocalek, 5cardstud, applejack
I primarily use non-tobacco or non-menthol flavors
I primarily use tobacco or menthol flavors

Please reply with your answer

Now, I primarily use non-tobacco or non-menthol flavors.

I started out with tobacco flavor, but now find that too harsh a taste.

I am thinking it's a good thing to graduate to non-tobacco flavors because then when you get a wild hair to try a puff of the real thing, your taste buds say, "YUK!"

I have a stock of tobacco-flavored juice, but have bought some flavorings and plan to DIY to take care of the YUK factor.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2009
Upstate NY
Shirley you jest ;)

I voted that I'd resume smoking, just because quitting for a year didn't stop me from starting up again, so it seems inevitable.

As did I but only because I know that I would. Plain and simple.. I can live without them but I have no desire to live without them if I don't have this alternative. I never had any desire to quit smoking. I tried these on a lark to see how they were and as a possible way to save money. They work well enough to replace cigs for me but not because I'm worried about cigs killing me. I deserve one bad habit it's just nice that now that habit isn't so bad ;)

I hope people are being 100% honest!!! It's important to show facts, not BS.

It was just an observation of the possible reason for the numbers that were shocking people. Chances are though, with so many who recently quit and are still using nic in their liquids, that many figure at this point they would go back if we lost these in the near future.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2009
Add me to the list of people who were a bit hung up on the last set of questions because I would not let a mere ban stop me from continuing with Ecigs. I chose the last option "I'd use other smokefree alternatives, not smoke tobacco or NRTs" because my "alternative" would just be the blackmarket - and I'd take particular delight in knowing that my habit wouldn't then be taxed to all hell.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Before the list gets too big, can a mod make these vote changes:

I primarily use non-tobacco or non-menthol flavors: CaptJay, Defiantgroundhog, Vocalek

I have used ecigs for 0-6 months: CaptJay

I smoke tobacco 0-25% what I did before using ecigs: Uncle Pennybags, Kate51 (change), CaptJay, Defiantgroundhog, TheTout (change)

If ecigs were banned, I'd use other smokefree alternatives, not smoke tobacco or NRTs: Uncle Pennybags


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 7, 2009
Rattlesnake territory
Well, the Q concerning what one would do if e-cigs are banned ....IMO would have provided more meaningful data had the Q been broken down to how long the individual had used ecigs. I think it obviouse that if you used an ecig exclusively (i.e., not in conjuntion w tobacco products) for one day it is very likely you would return to tobacco products if ecigs were banned, however, I am guessing the longer someone vapes the less likely they are to return to cigarettes. I know I will never smoke again...I would just "suffer" if the ecig were banned...but I also know I could not have quit smoking w/o an ecig.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
The poll function only allows a maximum of 15 questions, so the possible options were limited by that. Perhaps a multi-part poll in more than one thread would have been better, but I imagine the mods would have banned Kristin for that! j/k
Not only that, but it's been hard to get people to answer one poll correctly - imagine getting them to answer several! LOL

Plus, I needed all of the same people to answer all of the questions.

That way, it can be easily reference, such as, "Of the 800 people polled, 100% were smokers and 93.64% are over the age of 26."

If I had seperate polls, maybe one poll would have 500 people and the other 750 - messing up all of the numbers.

I do wish they had more options! I had 20 questions written out until I went to post the poll and found out I had to severely scale back. I don't get the limit.
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