Heather's Heavenly Vapes - THE BIG THREAD (Part 6)


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Nov 3, 2014
Well that darn cat is back. He was gone for about 3 days. I thought GOOD. Well, he came back late this morning. Ugh.

I gave the little dog a much needed trim. This evening I had to get the dogs some flea meds. I am trying generics, and I hope they work. The little dog got a pill. I put cheese around it, and she swallowed it whole. Yeah!
Gave the big dog the liquid stuff on her back. I guess the wild animals around here, and that darn cat brought fleas up on my property.

The trick is going to be keeping the big dog dry for 48 hours. (before she can get wet) Right now I had to put her in the crate, and she is depressed about that. I want her to dry before the little dog plays with her. It is raining now, and I see they have upped the percentages for rain now. Maybe if I time it right, I can come out on this thing. We shall see.
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Vaping Master
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May 15, 2012
Dallas, Tx
I've been in Florida all week on a business trip. I left for Orlando on Monday morning just as Michael was really gaining strength. Seemed a little nutty to be heading there at that time, but you gotta do what you gotta do. As luck would have it, Michael didn't affect Orlando at all so it was a big nothing there.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2014
They say power will be restored by 11:45PM on Monday night. Five days? You'd think I lived in Panama City.

That’s nuts. My crystal ball says a generator is in your future, but it’s prone to a lot of wishful thinking. I hope your freezer wasn’t fully stocked.

Call me crazy, but I’ve thought a lot about learning ways of preserving food that don’t require power. Fermenting, dehydrating (like beef jerky) and others. In an emergency, skills like that and a ready supply would help a lot.

Then there’s the fact that you gotta get past the thinking stage and into the doing.


ECF Guru
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Nov 17, 2013
New Orleans La.
took nearly 4 weeks to get electricity back after katrina... seemed like 2 months tho...

and the bizzare thing about it was the electricity bill for that time was like 4X the normal amount for that 4 weeks... ( normally 150$ but for sept it was 600$... go figger)


ECF Veteran
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Jul 16, 2012
Monroe NC
Good Morning Army. Like Pappy, I too was working through Michael. Delivery, Pickup and Return. After a while I just stopped wearing rain gear because it had gotten to the point where it wasn't making any difference. And there was standing water in the floorboards from where it was running off of me. At the end of the day I called home and told her "All I want is a hot shower and a pot of coffee". Mamaw replied, "I don't know about the shower, but if you want coffee you better get it on the way home because the power is out here." But unlike Bronze, our power came back on later the same day.
Car shopping for Mamaw. The 2004 Taurus still runs, but is nickel and dimeing itself into a slow grave. Went to CarMax last night, she liked a 2015 Civic. Gonna look around a maybe get her another vehicle. And fix the brake lights on the Taurus. That old Ford still runs like a top, but the windshield washer tube rotted away, half of the power windows don't work, the CD player doesn't work, the interior trim is falling apart and now the taillights stay on. Nothing major, just wearing out. But it doesn't really owe me anything, so keep it that way.

Have a Safe and Blessed Day :)
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Vaping Master
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Mar 17, 2013
@Bronze I hope your power is restored sooner than expected..
We do not own a generator as we always had access to one when DH was teaching.. Should probably look into buying our own now.

Our temps have dropped and it seems to rain every weekend. The grass needs mowed badly but it's just too wet. I guess its good to live in the sticks where no one notices but me..:lol:

Anyone want an 18 year old know-it-all, ungracious, guilt trip inducing young man? Arguing over college commuting vs campus living costs.. If he commutes, he will have ZERO student loan debt at the end of 4 years, we can and will pay every cent. But I'm not willing to pay 3500 per semester for his dorm and meal plan. So unreasonable of me..:blink:


ECF Veteran
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Jul 16, 2012
Monroe NC
@Bronze Anyone want an 18 year old know-it-all, ungracious, guilt trip inducing young man? Arguing over college commuting vs campus living costs.. If he commutes, he will have ZERO student loan debt at the end of 4 years, we can and will pay every cent. But I'm not willing to pay 3500 per semester for his dorm and meal plan. So unreasonable of me..:blink:

Put him on a factory line for a year or two, then ask him about college. It might change his perspective ;)


Vaping Master
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Mar 17, 2013
@DavidOH DH just bought one of these heaters from Walmart for the camper, recommended by a friend.
Screen Shot 2018-10-12 at 7.54.42 AM.png


Vaping Master
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Mar 17, 2013
Put him on a factory line for a year or two, then ask him about college. It might change his perspective ;)

He would be perfectly content to not go to college and just work. He went through Vo-tech electrical trades and has worked for a couple of different local companies over the summers. College will definitely pay off for him, if he sticks with it. Sometimes I just want to throw my hands up and say 'go ahead, do it the hard way'.


Super Member
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May 24, 2016
Got rid of my 22 (now 23) year old know it all in August. Was a rough summer...I feel for you. It will pass someday. Must say I really enjoy his visits now, but man those fights...not looking forward to when my 15 year old gets there. Stand strong, be blessed and know that somewhere in there is a wonderful young man in there who does love you, and someday will respect you again.


Highly Esteemed Member
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Sep 15, 2013
Put him on a factory line for a year or two, then ask him about college. It might change his perspective ;)

Three years in a steel factory made me think that I didn't want to do this forever. It was also a lot of fun, eleven hour days and five on Saturday, working with some great people, wonderful girl friend (who took off for Kansas state and a college guy) but I was rich for the time.


Ultra Member
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Nov 3, 2014
Bridget, you are doing the right thing. He needs a reality check. Nobody should be shouldered with an extra burden like student debt, if at all possible. Don't sign up for that, and take the responsibility. It will bite you in the rear if you do. He is not thinking this thing through. Lots of things sound good in the moment, until you see the big picture. Hold the line! It does get better in time. Once he hits 23-24 years old, things should get better.


Highly Esteemed Member
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Sep 15, 2013
Bridget, you are doing the right thing. He needs a reality check. Nobody should be shouldered with an extra burden like student debt, if at all possible. Don't sign up for that, and take the responsibility. It will bite you in the rear if you do. He is not thinking this thing through. Lots of things sound good in the moment, until you see the big picture. Hold the line! It does get better in time. Once he hits 23-24 years old, things should get better.

I had to wait until twenty-seven but it turned out well, just the long and winding road.

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