Older Folks and Vaping

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Janet H

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Sep 3, 2011
Ever notice they seem to win stuff all the time .. ?? What's up with that .. ?? I never win anything .. :(

Willie, I never used to win anything. In fact, at a school fund raiser we had gotten a Flyers hockey puck signed by John LeClair. Nobody knew what it was and they were just going to sell it for a few bucks. I convinced them to have a drawing for it and I bought $20 worth of $1 tickets. Our daughter promptly lost the ticket stubs so I bought another $20 worth of tickets. I think there were only 41 tickets in the bowl for the drawing and I DIDN'T WIN!! Couldn't be too sad though because some little boy won it and he was so thrilled. Now I'm winning stuff I didn't even know I was in the running for!


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Sep 24, 2011
Middle Georgia
Inquirer - it took me several months to get off that last cig. The ones the first thing in the morning and the ones right after meals were the hardest. The ones the first thing in the morning were the last ones that I was able to drop. I got to where only a couple of drags were needed and then just got to where I vaped through them. Easy - yes, but there was a bit of will power required...

Can you do it - of course - take it one step at a time. Maybe - even one drag at a time. Do not beat yourself up about it - it will come...

I also found it easier when I quit vaping tobacco blends, but now sometimes I do and I do not have any cravings to go back, but back then I think it reminded me of them more. WTA's would be that for me - I know many that swear by them, but the closer the similarity the harder it would of been for me to drop that last drag...

That is where it goes with each individuals differences... Think it through and you will find what will work for you - a lot of good support here also...


Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
I have to admit I have been lurking in the background of your thread and have really enjoyed it. I am hoping someone here might be able to give me some help and advise.
I tried e-cigs several years ago. Tried the blucig and joye. But just wasn't enough. I am having a lot more luck now. Truly, thanks to this forum and all the great advise I am learning from the members. You guys are really awesome. As a result of lurkng for a bit, I finally decided on a provari and Vaping 4 Life volt. Love them both. They have been incredibly helpful and I have reduced my use of analogs to 5-6 a day. That is a big improvement over the pad habit of the past. However, I just can't seem to get down under that amount. When I read thru so many of the posts, it sounds like it was so much easier for so many others. Am I doing something wrong? I have read up about WTAs and the info seems to indicate that some people might have more success if they use the WTA on those occassions when only an analog would seem to work. I am thinking I might be one of those "lucky" people.
I guess my questions are:

Has anyone else had as much difficulty?
If so, how long did it take the urge to go away?
What are your opinions about WTA? Should I use these or not?

I so appreciate whatever advise you can give me. I really want to give up these dang analogs. I am afraid that if I keep smoking the 5-6 a day, that I will just keep increasing that amount and vaping, too.

Thanks so much!

Hi and an big Welcome. You're doing fine, believe me not everyone here went from cigs to vapin' easily. Those were the lucky ones. There's folks here that took months making the switch. My wife stopped the day her 1st PV arrived. Me - not so easily. It was a couple months at least before I stopped smoking and vaping. Like you, I was struggling at the 4-6 smokes a day (down from 2+ PPD) and just couldn't get beyond that. At the time WTA was just coming on the scene and I had quite a few conversations w/ one of the vendors selling it. I finally got an order and it did help me. Very soon after getting the WTA I was finally able to stop smoking entirely. That was 15 months ago. Back then I was vaping predominately WTA juice but now I just use it a couple-few times a day and some days not at all. There are only 2 vendors I know off selling it Aroma eJuice and Vapelicious (not Vape-licious, the names are very similar). I've had both and prefer Vapelicious not only for the WTA component but the taste of his flavors too. If you have any more questions just post-away or if you feel more comfortable with it, then just PM me. If you've been following along in this thread, you should already know we're 'all' here to help each other and that includes you too.

Old Curmudgeon

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Aug 30, 2012
Kansas City, fly over country
I have to admit I have been lurking in the background of your thread and have really enjoyed it. I am hoping someone here might be able to give me some help and advise.
I tried e-cigs several years ago. Tried the blucig and joye. But just wasn't enough. I am having a lot more luck now. Truly, thanks to this forum and all the great advise I am learning from the members. You guys are really awesome. As a result of lurkng for a bit, I finally decided on a provari and Vaping 4 Life volt. Love them both. They have been incredibly helpful and I have reduced my use of analogs to 5-6 a day. That is a big improvement over the pad habit of the past. However, I just can't seem to get down under that amount. When I read thru so many of the posts, it sounds like it was so much easier for so many others. Am I doing something wrong? I have read up about WTAs and the info seems to indicate that some people might have more success if they use the WTA on those occassions when only an analog would seem to work. I am thinking I might be one of those "lucky" people.
I guess my questions are:

Has anyone else had as much difficulty?
If so, how long did it take the urge to go away?
What are your opinions about WTA? Should I use these or not?

I so appreciate whatever advise you can give me. I really want to give up these dang analogs. I am afraid that if I keep smoking the 5-6 a day, that I will just keep increasing that amount and vaping, too.

Thanks so much!

I'm down to about 5-6 also. It does take some time and yeah It's a process.


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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
Mike you really mean the Heaven's aren't going to open up when I try my RBA? What a bummer.


Call for MikeE3!

Who? Me?


Janet H

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Sep 3, 2011
I have to admit I have been lurking in the background of your thread and have really enjoyed it. I am hoping someone here might be able to give me some help and advise.
I tried e-cigs several years ago. Tried the blucig and joye. But just wasn't enough. I am having a lot more luck now. Truly, thanks to this forum and all the great advise I am learning from the members. You guys are really awesome. As a result of lurkng for a bit, I finally decided on a provari and Vaping 4 Life volt. Love them both. They have been incredibly helpful and I have reduced my use of analogs to 5-6 a day. That is a big improvement over the pad habit of the past. However, I just can't seem to get down under that amount. When I read thru so many of the posts, it sounds like it was so much easier for so many others. Am I doing something wrong? I have read up about WTAs and the info seems to indicate that some people might have more success if they use the WTA on those occassions when only an analog would seem to work. I am thinking I might be one of those "lucky" people.
I guess my questions are:

Has anyone else had as much difficulty?
If so, how long did it take the urge to go away?
What are your opinions about WTA? Should I use these or not?

I so appreciate whatever advise you can give me. I really want to give up these dang analogs. I am afraid that if I keep smoking the 5-6 a day, that I will just keep increasing that amount and vaping, too.

Thanks so much!

No, you're not doing anything wrong. Everybody finds their own way in their own time. Maybe the juice with WTA would help you over the hump, maybe not. I've used it and it did help at times. I found that it was a more satisfying vape and made the urge to have a cigarette go away, but it wasn't like an AH HA moment. I don't even use it anymore. I don't think it's something that you get hooked on like with cigarettes. You could also try sampling different flavors, even ones that you wouldn't think you'd like. I was shocked to find that I don't like the tobacco flavors and my favorites are fruit flavors. Hopefully you'll reach a point where you enjoy vaping more than smoking and that may just take time as vaping becomes second nature to you. Don't give up, concentrate on the ones you're not smoking and celebrate that victory!


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Oct 2, 2012
Arkansas Delta
When I first got my plunger kit, I apparently didn't read the directions correctly. I thought I was supposed to take a shot of vodka for each carto I cleaned. You know, as kind of a celebration. I didn't know the vodka was supposed to be for the carto. Now you tell me.:facepalm:

What a waste of perfectly good vodka .. ;)


Senior Member
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Dec 23, 2012
I'm 51, not quite an old timer but I have been smoking tobbacco since I was 17. I have quit a few times, I have also joked that quitting smoking is easy I do it every night before I go to bed. seriosly though I am currently using an 808 style rig and cartomizers. I have been refilling them with juice from HHV, but I am thinking of getting their EGO with the mophead clearomizers I was woneding if anybody has any experience with these? I have become quite enamored with the tobbacco flavored juice and the EGO reminds me of my cirgars. I find the cartos a bit of a pain to refll as mine do not have a removeable mouthpiece so refilling is a PITA as the "condom meathod" is my only option I realize I could buy blanks that would give me a removable mouthpiece but I am looking at all options. thanks in advance.


ECF Guru
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May 18, 2012
Texas, near Fort Hood
Welcome inquiring and tdavids!! Inquiring, what nic are you currently vaping at? I did stop smoking when I first got my ecigs, but it was through sheer will power, and now I wish I'd cut down rather than going cold turkey with it, I think I could have saved myself some pain, but it's all good now. I still craved smokes somewhat (at times a lot) until I found a juice that I could vape at 24 mg. The 16-18 mg juice just wasn't cutting it for me. Most 24 mg juice tastes too peppery for me to be able to vape it, but I like gotvapes 24 mg juice. Hang in there and certainly don't beat yourself up, you're doing great!! What type of juice holder are you using on the provari?

Tdavids, that's awesome that you've gone a month!! Is mophead a type of clearo, or do you just mean one with the wick at the top? I can't stand filler cartos myself, so can't help there. My personal fav is still the vivi nova. Haven't found anything yet to beat it, but each person is different.


Super Member
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Dec 2, 2011
I have to admit I have been lurking in the background of your thread and have really enjoyed it.

I so appreciate whatever advise you can give me. I really want to give up these dang analogs. I am afraid that if I keep smoking the 5-6 a day, that I will just keep increasing that amount and vaping, too.

Thanks so much!

Greetings IM and WELCOME!!!

Congrats on cutting out 3/4 of the cigs that you were smoking! You're not alone in having difficulty in dropping the cigs completely. Making the transition to vaping seems to be different for each individual. With persistence I really hope that you'll find what works for you and we'll be here cheering you on as you do. :)

Early on I personally had many frustrating/difficult vaping days (batteries all dead, juice tasted lousy, carto/clearo not working right, etc) ..but thankfully I didn't have a desire to BUY cigs again. I kept reaching for the pack & lighter for about 10 days after I ran out of them though.

Sorry, but I don't have any advice about WTA since I didn't ever use it. But Mike and others can help you there.

Your concern about increasing the number of cigarettes is understandable. To help us help you maybe you could provide a little more info about the hard times.
---Are there certain times of day or certain activities that prompt you to reach for the cigarette rather than your Provari or Volt?
---Do you have a juice or two that you really like?

I think what I bolded in your post above is the key for you. Your desire to quit, along with the support here and a commitment to stick with vaping even when it gets frustrating should help you reach your goal.

Hang around...I'm sure that others in this thread will offer some great advice and support.
HI Debadoo, Thanks for your reply and encouragement. I use cartomizers that I fill with 24 mg. e-juice. I have tried a lot. Right now I really like Mt. Bakery and I prefer the tobacco and coffee flavors. I use the prefilled carts on the volt. Both do such a better job than the original e-cigs I bought. But dang those urges.
Hi Gloria, thank you, too. Everyone is so nice and helpful here. My hardest times are just when I wake and before bed and when I am driving in the car. The rest of the time my willpower seems to be stronger. I prefer the tobacco and coffee flavors. THe sweet ones are just too sweet for me. Never liked sweets in real life, anyways.


ECF Guru
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May 18, 2012
Texas, near Fort Hood
Well phooey, I was hoping just upping your nic might solve your problems. There are some places that have 36 mg, but I can't even imagine the taste of that. lol (I really hate black pepper). I would probably give wta a try then, but just for those times that the cravings won't go away. I've never tried it, so can't really say. Like Gloria said, you really want to quit and that is so important! I can certainly understand being afraid those few cigs will increase, but hopefully not. Hang in there, and just know you're not alone!


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Dec 2, 2011
Hi Gloria, thank you, too. Everyone is so nice and helpful here. My hardest times are just when I wake and before bed and when I am driving in the car. The rest of the time my willpower seems to be stronger. I prefer the tobacco and coffee flavors. THe sweet ones are just too sweet for me. Never liked sweets in real life, anyways.

Ok...well...smoking in the car was really easy for me to give up. I drive a 6 speed manual convertible...not very conducive to smoking. So...all you have to do is trade in your car for one like mine. Walla!!! No more smoking in the car. :)

I'm sure that others will chime in with help for you with the morning and bedtime smokes.

ETA: Just so you know, before I got the little sporty car, I smoked like a chimney while driving. But smoking while shifting a 6 speed is not for those who don't want burn holes in their clothes... and with the top down....ashes in your eyes, up your nose. It quickly broke me of the habit of smoking in the car before I ever started vaping. AND as a bonus, zipping around corners in it just puts a grin on my face.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 2, 2011
LOL Gloria........I drove a stick shift all my life and smoked like crazy at the same time :D

Too funny Yiddle!!! :D

Hmmm....I guess if "inquiring mind" is like you and can shift and smoke without a problem, then maybe the convertible part would help. Depending on weather where he lives of course. But shoot, I drive with the top down and heater on when it's in the 50's. :)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Nov 26, 2012
South Carolina
I drive a truck for a living so driving for me is a high stress time that did make the urge alot harder to fight what I found to help greatly was to have the pv VERY easly accessible... Ie cup holder, a lanyard around my neck.... And just vape like crazy in a few days the urges subsided greatly.
The same for the morning, right on the night stand.
I found cold turkey with a coffee flavor finally was the trick, the tobacco flavor just seemed to increase the urge for a analog.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2


Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
When I first got my plunger kit, I apparently didn't read the directions correctly. I thought I was supposed to take a shot of vodka for each carto I cleaned. You know, as kind of a celebration. I didn't know the vodka was supposed to be for the carto. Now you tell me.:facepalm:

Carto cleaning party at flint's place this Friday night. Everyone welcome. :toast:

I forgot to mention I haven't smokied in over a month :)

Welcome aboard td, and congrats on hitting the 1 months anniversary.:vapor:

Hi Gloria, thank you, too. Everyone is so nice and helpful here. My hardest times are just when I wake and before bed and when I am driving in the car. The rest of the time my willpower seems to be stronger. I prefer the tobacco and coffee flavors. THe sweet ones are just too sweet for me. Never liked sweets in real life, anyways.

I would be reaching for the pack of cigs and my zippo before my feet where on the ground. The morning cigs were a strong habbit to break. I set time limit's to wean myself. No cig for 5 min's, then 15 min's, the 30 minutes after waking. I went a few days to a week at each. But when I got to 30 minutes it lasted for weeks. I was telling myself I smoked for 45 years, don't pressure yourself to totally quit cold turkey. But I remained committed in my mind to stop. Then one day a few months after I started vaping - I just said 'no more' - you went 8 hours w/o a smoke, you can do this now. And thankfully I did.
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