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Jan 30, 2013
Auburn, OH
I know I'm not special and I may be out of line and the moderators may not like this post but I'm getting a little freaked out every time I go to the forum home page and I see the post title about bloody stool in the Ask the Veterans forum category. Now I know I may sound insensitive an uncaring toward a fellow vaper but if you have something medically wrong with you that is manifesting itself by way of blood being where it shouldn't..... CALL or VISIT a DOCTOR. There is this wonderful thing online thing called WebMD, USE IT. New people coming on this forum who may be seeking support to quit smoking could possibly see that and head for the hills. If I were new I know I would. Thank you and I apologize if I have offended anyone.


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Dec 30, 2012
I don't think you're out of line at all... I have seen that post these last couple of days and have thought to myself, surely someone doesn't have a bleeding booty as a result of vaping? I can definitely see your point...

We DO have a health / medical subforum that probably would have been the better place to ask about whatever that thread is about (I haven't read it)

But regardless... If you have a bloody booty, you need to take a trip to the ER, pronto!


Ultra Member
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Sep 7, 2012
Sweet Home, Oregon USA
Er visit could be costly and I agree md online google bloody stool etc.. A lot of suggestions can help relieve anxiety no matter where they come from. Could just be a broken hemroid. Emergency visits to ER should be taken in to consideration if you are extremely anxious, and something seems life threatening to you or needs immediate attention because could get worse quickly. Who ends up in emergency depends on the person and how panicky they get. I'd hate to think my going to emergency just might cause someone else to die or feel awful longer than if I had waited to see a doctor. I realize they prioritize cases and do good with that. Just saying ER is a little too much and not really appropriate as I see it. Kinda like asking question about it on a ecig forum doesn't seem really appropriate. Whatever


Senior Member
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Jan 2, 2013
Chicago, IL
I agree that it seems foolish to ask for medical advice for bloody stool on this forum. That being said, the same thing happened to me a couple years ago and it really freaked me out. I won't go into graphic detail but my issue was worse that just bloody stool and I was in a lot of pain. That night I was turning to whatever info I could find online to reassure myself that I would be ok, but I did end up going to the hospital and a week or two later I got scoped. It turned out that I had severe food poisoning and all was well within about 48 hours.

I feel for whoever it was that made the post and I can understand why they would post here considering how freaked out they likely were about it. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment and try to empathize with what must have been going through their head at the time. Plus, going to the hospital isn't an option for everyone. Speaking from experience, I was uninsured for a LONG time after high school and I wouldn't go to the hospital unless it was absolutely necessary for fear of massive medical bills that I could never pay off.

In terms of a connection to vaping, I could see it happening if someone vaped too much without drinking enough water and was badly dehydrated. Our digestive system needs hydration just like every other part of our bodies and it could rupture/tear under the right (err, wrong) conditions - again, won't go into graphic detail but I think you will all get the point. I am not saying that vaping would cause this problem, but it could a contributing factor (a bit of a stretch - playing Devil's advocate here).


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Feb 5, 2013
United States
..but if you have something medically wrong with you that is manifesting itself by way of blood being where it shouldn't..... CALL or VISIT a DOCTOR...

Absolutely! If you've got blood showing up where it shouldn't be it's nothing to play around with -- get to a Doctor ASAP and have the appropriate tests run while there's still (hopefully) time left to do something about it!!


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Jan 15, 2011
I always wonder why people always assume the person never thought of going to a doctor.

I don't know what the health care system is like in Manila, perhaps someone can fill us in. This type of thing really isn't unique to this board. I've seen it on tons of boards. The worst are the fitness boards. I don't tend to be a 'sharer' and wonder at half the things some people seem to share on the internet.

I imagine when I see posts like this that maybe they can't afford to go or have some kind of fear or phobia about doctors and want a little reassurance.

Definitely not the place to be asking this, but I do feel a bit badly for those that do.


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Jan 15, 2011
I see this with several medical related questions. Its really no different than just walking up to random houses, knocking on the door and asking a medical question. Im glad people usually answer with see a doctor at some point in their answer.

I take my mom shopping and you'd be surprised at some of the conversations that go on between her and her senior friends while I'm freezing my buns off in the frozen food section. They don't care what they say and love to give medical advice.

I agree with you as long as it's done in a semi-nice way.


Force of Nature
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Dec 23, 2012
Washington, DC
I have this problem where my skin is cracking and scabbing over, puss is oozing out from between my fingers and toes, I can't move my tongue, my vomit is green and purple, my eyes are swollen shut, I have a nasty genital discharge, and this comment totally nauseates my wife. Am I vaping wrong?
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 7, 2012
Northern Nevada, astride the "49er trail
In the case of bleeding from the nether regions, seeing a doctor is a great idea. Looking up your symptoms on a medical oriented forum is a great idea.

The only problem I have is with people who say that for any concerns you ever had about your body and vaping you should run to see the doctor. Hubby has done that for the flu or a cold two or three times now in the last couple of years, even though he wasn't that sick. The meds he was given sure did make him sick as a dog. Meds he didn't need but the doctors seem to feel that they have to write a scrip if you walk in the door.

Yeah, if it looks like he's getting pneumonia or something, fine, I'll tell him to see the doctor but for minor stuff, I'll go with home remedies.

There is a place and a time for going to see the doctor, that is for sure, but going to see the doctor over every minor thing isn't going to help you. People who take the time to look up their symptoms and find ways to relieve stress are trying to help themselves. People who are quitting smoking, even by vaping, are going through an anxious time and should be treated nicely and encouraged to go to the doctor if symptoms are severe or persist or if they seem to be of a dangerous nature.
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