The Lurker Thread


ECF Guru
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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    Good afternoon Dale and lurkers :wub:

    I have some things to get done around the house since it is going to rain all day. 3 day weekend, last one until thanksgiving.
    Hi Joey :wub:
    ‘Gosh Thanksgiving is quite a ways away :( Glad you’ve got this weekend anyway :)


    ECF Guru
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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    Good morning :)

    Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
    Good morning Sara :wub:


    Sara Love

    Super Member
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    May 31, 2014
    Good morning, Dale :wub:

    We took some cans back today, got $26 and there are still some in the garage. :lol: We are bad about returning them. Apparently there is a limit now on how many you can return. So we will go back with the rest Wed morning.

    Sure glad we had our picnic yesterday. Today is gloomy and very windy with scattered showers.

    Hope you are having a nice day!


    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    Hey everyone. Happy Memorial Day to you!

    It was a busy weekend but very pleasant. Spent all weekend with Perry. I did a lot of weed eating and tree trimming there. He is so appreciative and I will have to agree his yard is looking nice. He is getting his floor replaced today on one room. We worked on all the demolition to save him money.

    He brought over some ribeye steaks and grilled them out Saturday night. Yum! He also brought me some cubed steak and a deer roast. I threw them both in the crockpot and they turned out rather well if I say so myself. Perry also brought some of his canned green beans and some frozen corn. It was a great meal also. I was surprised that the deer did not taste gamey or anything. It was actually pretty good. It is good as long as I don't think about Bambi!

    Perry took out my motorcycle yesterday and we had a wonderful ride. I needed that relaxation. I am not sure where all he took me but it was a beautiful ride.

    I think I told you that Perry had given me some double-yoked eggs. Well, he took a truckload of them to the Moose Lodge and I doubt they will have to buy eggs for the next six-eight months. They are really good. I hard boiled 3 dozen this morning for Perry because he said he wanted to make some pickled eggs. I have never eaten one of those but I would try it. I love me some eggs. The ones he makes are not pink like i have seen in the store. I will try anything one time.

    Washed a load of clothes and caught up on stuff around the house that I have been ignoring. Not sure what I am going to do the rest of the day. Perry asked me to come over there but I am worried that we are spending too much time together. I have reminded him several times that we have a non-relationship relationship. I just enjoy being with someone who likes to talk and do different things. And he is so smart and interesting. He keeps saying places he would like to go and all I can say is tell me when I need to be packed.
    Even if it never goes any farther, I think I have made a good friend.

    Hope everyone has a nice day! :wub:


    Supporting Member
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    Apr 5, 2013
    I have never eaten one of those but I would try it.

    What?! Pickled eggs are AWESOME!

    What's even more awesome is they're one half of one of the deadliest combinations known to mankind. Gimme a half dozen pickled eggs and a pint of Guinness and I'll peel paint, kill small children, and clear entire apartment complexes within 4 hours.


    ECF Guru
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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    What?! Pickled eggs are AWESOME!

    What's even more awesome is they're one half of one of the deadliest combinations known to mankind. Gimme a half dozen pickled eggs and a pint of Guinness and I'll peel paint, kill small children, and clear entire apartment complexes within 4 hours.
    Hi retired! That sounds painful :lol:


    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    What a beautiful sunny day we had here. I got the trim work and edging done so I can do the riding part tomorrow or the next day. I cleaned some in the garage to make more room for the two motorcycles.

    I know this is going to sound crazy but I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I know I have poison oak and I think I may have a UTI. I'm not sure. I just know something is off. Well, that is pretty normal for me.



    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    Gimme a half dozen pickled eggs and a pint of Guinness and I'll peel paint, kill small children, and clear entire apartment complexes within 4 hours.
    That is so funny. Disgusting. . . but funny!

    I love eggs so I am looking forward to trying them. I have only seen the pink ones in the store. My friend says his are not pink. I boiled him 3 dozen eggs yesterday. And they were the double-yoked ones. They are huge. I feel sorry for the chicken.

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