Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Seven

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Jan 24, 2014
4 years smoke free for me today! :rickroll::rickroll::rickroll:

Yay! This munt iz tree yeerz fur me. Nope. Dunno wut day. Wuzn't dat importent two moi.


clnire & gary!!!


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May 18, 2012
Texas, near Fort Hood
Pentatonix entered da bilding. They never cease to amaze me.
I've got it recorded, but wanna watch it with my son.

Deba, re da dip, I'm willin' to bet my share of our common heritage inheritance dat ya would not only lick your lips, but mine also!
lmao! You do have a way with words darlin! If I ever make it down that way round Christmas time, I'd definitely give it a try. But I'll stick with lickin my own lips, Patty can lick yurs ;) I need to be there in the summer for the beach and key lime pie...... need to be there in the winter for 80 degrees when Tx is freezin and maybe mullet dip.... I just need to move there. Know anyone that needs a live in companion??? lol

Hah! No clue on da echo. Just got the gifts frum the states from da kidz. no klue wut to do wid it.
well that's kewl. I'm sure you'll figger it out. Even from the commercials I have no idea what it does.....haven't looked up a YT vid cuz it's not on my need to know list. The ok google one, and the other lady that does what ya tell her to, I get.......but dunno if the dot is one of them or basically just a speaker or what. Let us know when ya figger it out. :D

mornin brrrrr !!!
yur about 12 degrees colder than us right now. Just please send yur even colder front up north, not south! Stay warm.

Fun flight. Half-fast dance at the end made fast via the use of magic.

Really hate that someone went Christmas shopping in your yard!! Glad you're getting the surveillance cams. That's something I've wanted for quite awhile, even just to see who is at the door before I get anywhere near the door. We had my son's bike chained to the porch some years back.......came home from work one day, and the bike was still there...... but the wheels were gone.

Oh.......and....... the vinegar took all the unwanted white stuff off the glasses, so I am extremely pleased with it. I think it works just as well if not maybe even a lil better than jet dry.

4 years smoke free for me today! :rickroll::rickroll::rickroll:
wahooooooo!!!!!!!! That is so fantastic sweetie!!!

Yay! This munt iz tree yeerz fur me. Nope. Dunno wut day. Wuzn't dat importent two moi.
gonna wahooooooooo you too whether ya want me to or not!! :p I didn't WANT to quit either, but knew I needed to or I'd be draggin a green tank around with me too just like most others I knew were starting to do. Yes vaping did make a zillion times easier than any other method...... but I still struggled for about 8 months. In some ways I think it's even more of an accomplishment for folks who never wanted to quit. Even if vaping did put it somewhere on the "easier" scale.

You are showing a greater restraint than I would. I'd be doing a midnight recon and if I saw the bike I would be knocking on their door with a baseball bat.
me too!! Cept I don't have a bat.......but......if I give it some thought I'm certain I can come up with something I could whack em with!! ;)


Dancing in the Chaos
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Mar 20, 2011
San Antonio, TX
Somebody (a specific pathologically-dishonest immediate neighbor who can't stay out of trouble, most likely, IMO) stole my $600 bicycle from under my carport after December 8 and before yesterday morning. How do I know it was after Dec 8? Because I checked my quad copter videos, and sure enough, there it is under my carport on the 8th. My fancy-shmancy 5 gallon gas can is gone too. That really sucks, but I'm grateful to have enough good things going on not to be totally obsessed about it. Obsessed, yes, but overly obsessed, no.

For three years, I've had two Kryptolocs that I bought on Amazon sitting in my house, unused. My intent was to keep both my bike and my scooter chained up, but I wasn't done procrastinating until the bike was stolen. Tomorrow, UPS will deliver a security camera system with which I can hopefully catch the lousy SOB next time. One of the Kryptolocs now cables my scooter to one of carport posts. Stealing my scooter will now require muscle, tools and time.

So why am I not overly obsessed? Well:
I don't do much, but these days I don't get as worn out when I do something as I yewsta get. My poor back, which I broke in a single-vehicle DWI 4 years ago, has even been cuttin' me a break when I do some very mild labor.

A coupla times this month I've gotten up to do something and ended up doing more than I'd planned to do, without getting totally worn out and without paying a price in pain. It's wonderfully surprising!

For the first time in 7 months, my joose supply was running low enough that I needed to mix up a batch day before yesterday. I've been at 18 mg/ml nic for a long time now, and made this at 16 mg/ml. I'm vaping noticeably more with the slightly lower nic but I'm enjoying the heck out of it.

Coffee: for no known reason, and without intent, I'd only had maybe 10 cups of coffee in the past 6 months, all of which were obtained when I was travelling. That changed too, a few days ago, and I've apparently resumed my previous gargantuan consumption of my own home-roasted coffee, which is the best coffee in this solar system. I need to roast another pound today because I don't have enough already roasted for the next pot. I ought to do a roastathon for Xmas-giving porpoises... I might.

Thank you vaping!
May be time fer some drone reconnaissance!!!
I'm with Gary!

Sounds like you're doing great otherwise!
4 years smoke free for me today! :rickroll::rickroll::rickroll:
Yay! This munt iz tree yeerz fur me. Nope. Dunno wut day. Wuzn't dat importent two moi.
Congrats to both of you! Happy Vapeversary!


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well that's kewl. I'm sure you'll figger it out. Even from the commercials I have no idea what it does.....haven't looked up a YT vid cuz it's not on my need to know list. The ok google one, and the other lady that does what ya tell her to, I get.......but dunno if the dot is one of them or basically just a speaker or what. Let us know when ya figger it out. :D
Kinda sorta got it. It'z reeelly kinda neet. Even tho itz kinda crippled here. The app goes on your phone so wouldn't werk with a Cad IP. Lotta fun. (NOT) Chewing gum n bailing wire (aka mcgyver) got it rolling. But not completely since I can't reaally get it on my fone.
Some of the things it can do...
Amazon Echo Series – Part 3: Cool Amazon Echo Commands, Tips, Tricks and Things to Try
Hay, fur $39 bux... lotta fun. And should be practically plug n play if yer in da states gettin the app on yer fone.


ECF Guru
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May 18, 2012
Texas, near Fort Hood
Kinda sorta got it. It'z reeelly kinda neet. Even tho itz kinda crippled here. The app goes on your phone so wouldn't werk with a Cad IP. Lotta fun. (NOT) Chewing gum n bailing wire (aka mcgyver) got it rolling. But not completely since I can't reaally get it on my fone.
Some of the things it can do...
Amazon Echo Series – Part 3: Cool Amazon Echo Commands, Tips, Tricks and Things to Try
Hay, fur $39 bux... lotta fun. And should be practically plug n play if yer in da states gettin the app on yer fone.
ok........well........Alexa was what I referred to as "the woman on the commercials that does what ya tell her" (cuz I forgot her name) But I didn't realize that she lived in the echo dot lol yeah, on the commercial that thing does sound purdy kewl! However.........Alexa is wrong about how much a Blue whale typically weighs and so is the google or whatever on the net that she copied her answer from. They can get to 300,000 lbs.......but that is very much on the large end. They typically weight closer to 200,000 lbs. :D

Zen Knitter

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Sep 27, 2016
Gold country, Calif.
I've been in contact with the doc who whacked my legs and pulled me thru my bout of malnutrition/coma. He has agreed to do the revision surgery on my stomach if I decide to go that route. He is in Rapid City, SDak now and the head of their bariatric unit there. It is 880miles but the UW is 350 and no one in this town even wants to deal with it that I have found. I figure a 2 day drive easy especially if we get the new car we are thinking of. Toyota dealer in Spokane Valley has a 2016 Camry LE with 3K miles on it I am definately thinking of. Has 2 years remaining on the new car warranty plus a 7 year 70000 mile power train warranty cause it is a Toyota Certified car. Our is a 2006 Ford Fusion with 80000 miles that if it were a Toyota would be good to go but it has a leaking rear main seal. I'll never buy Ford again.

Hi, just sticking my nose in here. Had you looked at Subarus, all their cars come with all wheel drive, no extra charge! And they have great resale value, and most folks keep them for years. It took me a few times walking up the hill in the snow to smarten up, trade in my hot little sports car and buy the best, most commen sense car I've ever owned. Sorry if this was unwanted suggestions.


ECF Guru
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May 18, 2012
Texas, near Fort Hood
Hi, just sticking my nose in here. Had you looked at Subarus, all their cars come with all wheel drive, no extra charge! And they have great resale value, and most folks keep them for years. It took me a few times walking up the hill in the snow to smarten up, trade in my hot little sports car and buy the best, most commen sense car I've ever owned. Sorry if this was unwanted suggestions.
howdy Zen and welcome to the porch! Yur not buttin in at all. Have they kicked up the power on Subarus? Only time I ever drove one was 88 when I was fixin to buy a new car. I wanted a small wagon.....don't recall which Subaru it was now, but I nearly got killed tryin to get up on the hwy cuz it had no oomph. May have just been that model, or maybe an issue with them around that time.


Vaping Master
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Jan 15, 2013
My sweetest dear Cathy, what a liberating and healthful milestone!!!!


And so you have all that lung capacity do do all that boogying around:D

Yay! This munt iz tree yeerz fur me. Nope. Dunno wut day. Wuzn't dat importent two moi.
:wub: And congratulations to you Gary! I did mean to quit for good after several, what turned out to be temporary, attempts, so the day is special to me. You are doing great!
Wayda go, Cathy with a C!
I'm 2 months and 1 day behind ya. Recently, I passed 2 million minutes without a smoke. :cool:

View attachment 621549
Wow, a cupcake and chocolate! You are gonna spoil me :wub:

Hi, just sticking my nose in here. Had you looked at Subarus, all their cars come with all wheel drive, no extra charge! And they have great resale value, and most folks keep them for years. It took me a few times walking up the hill in the snow to smarten up, trade in my hot little sports car and buy the best, most commen sense car I've ever owned. Sorry if this was unwanted suggestions.
Welcome! Never butting in around here. Hope ya stick around and tell us about your journey.

Oh, and @Debadoo and @DancingHeretik, :wub: To you, too!

Janet H

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Sep 3, 2011
A bit of seasonal music

That was really nice! Never heard of them before.

Fun flight. Half-fast dance at the end made fast via the use of magic.

That was funny! Good job Bells!

Somebody (a specific pathologically-dishonest immediate neighbor who can't stay out of trouble, most likely, IMO) stole my $600 bicycle from under my carport after December 8 and before yesterday morning. How do I know it was after Dec 8? Because I checked my quad copter videos, and sure enough, there it is under my carport on the 8th. My fancy-shmancy 5 gallon gas can is gone too. That really sucks, but I'm grateful to have enough good things going on not to be totally obsessed about it. Obsessed, yes, but overly obsessed, no.

For three years, I've had two Kryptolocs that I bought on Amazon sitting in my house, unused. My intent was to keep both my bike and my scooter chained up, but I wasn't done procrastinating until the bike was stolen. Tomorrow, UPS will deliver a security camera system with which I can hopefully catch the lousy SOB next time. One of the Kryptolocs now cables my scooter to one of carport posts. Stealing my scooter will now require muscle, tools and time.

So why am I not overly obsessed? Well:
I don't do much, but these days I don't get as worn out when I do something as I yewsta get. My poor back, which I broke in a single-vehicle DWI 4 years ago, has even been cuttin' me a break when I do some very mild labor.

A coupla times this month I've gotten up to do something and ended up doing more than I'd planned to do, without getting totally worn out and without paying a price in pain. It's wonderfully surprising!

For the first time in 7 months, my joose supply was running low enough that I needed to mix up a batch day before yesterday. I've been at 18 mg/ml nic for a long time now, and made this at 16 mg/ml. I'm vaping noticeably more with the slightly lower nic but I'm enjoying the heck out of it.

Coffee: for no known reason, and without intent, I'd only had maybe 10 cups of coffee in the past 6 months, all of which were obtained when I was travelling. That changed too, a few days ago, and I've apparently resumed my previous gargantuan consumption of my own home-roasted coffee, which is the best coffee in this solar system. I need to roast another pound today because I don't have enough already roasted for the next pot. I ought to do a roastathon for Xmas-giving porpoises... I might.

Thank you vaping!

Arrrrgh! I hate thieves!! Yes,I agree with Gary, maybe you could put your drone to some investigative use!

Glad to hear you're feeling better. Must be doing something right!

4 years smoke free for me today! :rickroll::rickroll::rickroll:

CONGRATULATIONS! Isn't it shocking to be able to say that!

Yay! This munt iz tree yeerz fur me. Nope. Dunno wut day. Wuzn't dat importent two moi.



Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
4 years smoke free for me today! :rickroll::rickroll::rickroll:

Yay! This munt iz tree yeerz fur me. Nope. Dunno wut day. Wuzn't dat importent two moi.

Congrats to you both (yeah, you're getting one anyways Gary).

Hi, just sticking my nose in here. Had you looked at Subarus, all their cars come with all wheel drive, no extra charge! And they have great resale value, and most folks keep them for years. It took me a few times walking up the hill in the snow to smarten up, trade in my hot little sports car and buy the best, most commen sense car I've ever owned. Sorry if this was unwanted suggestions.

Welcome to the porch Zen ... now where's a picture of your totally blinged out Provari?


Vaping Master
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Mar 20, 2009
NE Florida
I feel so empowered and good! I just walked all the way to the mailbox and back and feel great! "Course it was only about a block round trip...but i did it! I think using my cane is what helped cuz I could rest for a min. while sorta leaning on it.
Using my trike wasn't an option cuz the maintenance guy didn't bother with putting down salt...I've watched cars slippin n sliding:eek:

As I'm typing, the snow and wind has started ..whew...good timing....
So glad that you're getting out and walking, but, and a big but, don't have to tell you to be extra careful!

Mah new boyfran.....

OY; just OY!!

I like the Pentatonix, but in small doses. A whole concert would be too much for me. And....my all time favorite version of Little Drummer Boy is the one done by David Bowie and Bing Crosby. I guess maybe it's because I'm a much bigger fan of Bowie ? ...;)
Omgoodness, that duet with David Bowie and Bing Crosby is absolutely one of my favorites, for so many reasons.

Somebody (a specific pathologically-dishonest immediate neighbor who can't stay out of trouble, most likely, IMO) stole my $600 bicycle from under my carport after December 8 and before yesterday morning. How do I know it was after Dec 8? Because I checked my quad copter videos, and sure enough, there it is under my carport on the 8th. My fancy-shmancy 5 gallon gas can is gone too. That really sucks, but I'm grateful to have enough good things going on not to be totally obsessed about it. Obsessed, yes, but overly obsessed, no.

For three years, I've had two Kryptolocs that I bought on Amazon sitting in my house, unused. My intent was to keep both my bike and my scooter chained up, but I wasn't done procrastinating until the bike was stolen. Tomorrow, UPS will deliver a security camera system with which I can hopefully catch the lousy SOB next time. One of the Kryptolocs now cables my scooter to one of carport posts. Stealing my scooter will now require muscle, tools and time.

So why am I not overly obsessed? Well:
I don't do much, but these days I don't get as worn out when I do something as I yewsta get. My poor back, which I broke in a single-vehicle DWI 4 years ago, has even been cuttin' me a break when I do some very mild labor.

A coupla times this month I've gotten up to do something and ended up doing more than I'd planned to do, without getting totally worn out and without paying a price in pain. It's wonderfully surprising!

For the first time in 7 months, my joose supply was running low enough that I needed to mix up a batch day before yesterday. I've been at 18 mg/ml nic for a long time now, and made this at 16 mg/ml. I'm vaping noticeably more with the slightly lower nic but I'm enjoying the heck out of it.

Coffee: for no known reason, and without intent, I'd only had maybe 10 cups of coffee in the past 6 months, all of which were obtained when I was travelling. That changed too, a few days ago, and I've apparently resumed my previous gargantuan consumption of my own home-roasted coffee, which is the best coffee in this solar system. I need to roast another pound today because I don't have enough already roasted for the next pot. I ought to do a roastathon for Xmas-giving porpoises... I might.

Thank you vaping!
Ah Bells, I so enjoyed reading your post! Your bike being stolen downright sucks, but your positive attitude in being grateful for what you do have i.e., your improved health, is something we all should emulate.

4 years smoke free for me today! :rickroll::rickroll::rickroll:
Doesn't it just make you feel so accomplished and grateful?


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Apr 28, 2009
Georgia, USA
I've been totally awed by da rapid advancements in almost every aspect of our daily digital lives!

I've been totally awed by your rapid advancements in your daily digital life! Programming a Firestick ain't easy... much less several of 'em. I've looked into Kodi a little, but haven't taken the plunge yet.

Acupeler. Completely. AKA not a musical instrument anywhere.

That's so good it gave me chilly bumps... very good stuff.

Fun flight. Half-fast dance at the end made fast via the use of magic.

'Most everything I do turns out half-fast...


Ultra Member
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Oct 2, 2013
Sharon, ND, USA
Congratulations, clnire and Gary. I'm one of the ones that can't remember my last cigarette date, so I've been counting from when I got my first setup. I immediately dropped from 2 PAD to 3 or 4 cigarettes a day, and down to 2, but I couldn't seem to get rid of that last couple. Then one day I ran out of smokes, and it was -20 out with blowing snow, and I said nope, not going out in that for 1 pack. Haven't had one since.:D

Hi, just sticking my nose in here. Had you looked at Subarus, all their cars come with all wheel drive, no extra charge!
:thumbs: Absolutely Subarus. The stupidest thing I've ever done regarding cars was when my last Subaru broke down and I decided to get a Ford, since no one locally would work on a Subaru. But the Subarus I've had have been the absolutely best winter driving vehicles ever, while still feeling like cars, not trucks. And repairs may not have been locally available, but they also weren't needed very often.

I still have the blasted Ford, since its value dropped fast, and can't afford a Subaru, because their value stays high forever.

And, I have a totally non-vape battery question. If an 18V ni-cad battery gets left out in an unheated garage for a week when the still air temps have been mostly below 0 - as in -10 to -20, will the battery be okay after a slow thaw, or is it shot?

I'm very grateful to my daughter for all the help she's been, but being neat and organized about tools is not one of her strong points. It wasn't until I needed the drill today that I realized where it must have been left.

It could be worse since it goes on a drill for which I have another battery. But there was a reason I got the one with 2 batteries. I'm not working up on ladders any more, but getting up or down stairs is kind of a big deal now, and I still don't like waiting around while a battery charges. Or :censored: thaws. I'm assuming I ought to let the drill thaw for a while before putting the other battery on it.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2009
Hi, just sticking my nose in here. Had you looked at Subarus, all their cars come with all wheel drive, no extra charge! And they have great resale value, and most folks keep them for years. It took me a few times walking up the hill in the snow to smarten up, trade in my hot little sports car and buy the best, most commen sense car I've ever owned. Sorry if this was unwanted suggestions.
Not sticking your nose in as far as I'm concerned. Only thing about Subarus are they are a little more pricey but will definately have a look thanks.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 24, 2011
Middle Georgia
Back when I smoked I used to get a cold twice a year in spring and fall. Almost like clockwork. They lasted about 3 days on average and maybe 5 on the outside.

Since I started vaping I have not had a cold of any kind... I always figured it had to do with the anit-bacterial properties of our juice. It was great...

Well, all good things must come to an end - I now have the worst cold/flue/whatever that I have had in how many years... Going on 5 days now and no end in sight. I guess it's payback for all the years I did not get one...
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