FDA may soon propose regulation that could ban many/most e-cigarette products, eliminate many/most companies

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Aug 23, 2011
In the Market
Thank you Agorizer :toast::vapor::rickroll::rickroll::rickroll::rickroll:
You are most welcome.

Someone else (don't remember who) said people can be divided into 2 basic political groups, those who want to control others and those who don't.


That may have been Mencken....
My fave version of this idea (and very apropos to vapeing ; or anything else one does with the ULTIMATE property-ones body),
goes: "There are those who just want to be left alone; and those who JUST WON'T LEAVE THEM ALONE!!....Which one are you?"
Courtesy of Ernest Hancock/FreedomsPhoenix


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Aug 23, 2011
In the Market
for Mrrochi

From others here who seem to know: ALL commercially available nicotine (patches, gum, inhalers, and vapor) comes FROM tobacco; that is their hook. Although it is an expensive process to extract it from the leaf, it is cheaper than synthesizing it.
I asked, but didn't receive feedback on the question of whether it would be feasible to do so once the "sin tax" is applied. (not like they would roll over and say "drat those chemists; getting Nic from a non-tobacco source".... )
Still, I wonder.....
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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Letter signed by 37 State Ags urges FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg to quickly propose e-cig regulations, falsely claims e-cigs are unsafe and as addictive as cigarettes, falsely accuses companies of marketing to youth, fails to reveal that the “deeming” regulation would threaten the lives of vapers and smokers by banning all e-cigs and that other proposed regulations would ban 99% of e-cig products and give the e-cig industry to Big Tobacco.
http://www.naag.org/assets/files/pdf/E Cigarette Final Letter (5)(1).pdf


Full Member
Feb 12, 2011
ONLY because e-cigs appeal to the youth, they will now be regulated. Mention given about looking sleek and flavors that the kids like. Damn it, I like the sweet flavors also. Make it so they cant buy due to flavors? ok Stop selling pop as it may lead to alcoholism drinking beer. both are sold in can and bottle form, both have some form of carbonation.

Lisa Belle

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 26, 2010
Sylvania, OH
So just when it looks like Europe is about to vote sensiblly on electronic cigarettes and tobacco. Now, a UK spokesperson has made it clear that lobbying, powerful interest groups such as WHO? are not going to obscure the facts that electronic cigarettes should remain available and unsanctioned, because they are helping smokers quit smoking. Meanwhile in Gotham States of America, in our berg.... the lobbying interests here BIG PHARMA and BIG TOBACCO too, are thinking(sic?) that they are winning using politicians like marionettes, who carry out these and other deadly, devious plots behind the backs of their constituents, trickery and lies hidden from the citizenry who they tax to give themselves huge salaries Treating all voting Americans as though they are mis-guided children, (even though we are adults), but of course NOT during PRE-ELECTION time....oh no.... Denying the most critically important health concern, the real health risk that smoking is. That it is marketed to the tune of Billions every year, and 1.? billion in Federal taxes too! Here in a so called free country with so called Democracy is what American Attorneys Generals are doing because someone(s) powerful enough to fund their campaign contributions that give these idiot politicians the rationale(?)to commit genocidal pergury!:vapor:
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Lisa Belle

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Apr 26, 2010
Sylvania, OH
Okay I have had my ANGRY MOMENT!
The letter to the president that CASAA.ORG 's President Elaine Keller has written is profound and so well written, we have representation and if we stick together we will succeed. :vapor:


Below is just a small portion of this masterfully crafted document of CASAA.ORG
"Had these organizations succeeded in their efforts to prevent the sale of e-cigarettes in the U.S.," stated CASAA president, Elaine Keller, "hundreds of thousands of former smokers would still be lighting up. Almost all e-cigarette consumers are former smokers who tried to quit by using some or all of the products and methods these organizations tout and kept relapsing. The option to switch to a low-risk product that is a satisfying substitute for smoking has made a smoke-free life possible for those who had almost given up all hope of ever being able to quit smoking."

In their letter to the president, the organizations cite the recent report on youth use of e-cigarettes by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as proof that students in grades 6 through 12 are taking up use of e-cigarettes at an alarming rate. This misrepresents the findings.

Only 2.1% of the youth had taken so much as one puff from an e-cigarette recently. As far as we know from that survey, none of them are using e-cigarettes daily, in contrast with the millions of youth who are known to smoke. The CDC did not report the daily use statistics for e-cigarettes, or even whether the e-cigarettes being tried contain nicotine.
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Full Member
Aug 21, 2013
People want to talk about a slippery slope, this is one right here. I've heard countless people say that "it leads kids to want to smoke" and every time I want to punch someone in the face. The only real slippery slope in this issue is letting governments regulate what adults choose to do for pleasure. Outlaw mikes hard lemonade, it tastes fruity and it'll lead kids to drink. Outlaw colors on cigarette boxes because pretty colors entice kids to smoke. It's all the same bs made up by people who are too lazy to sit down and raise their kids. I know my parents did a crap job of that, so I'm positive more young adults like myself have similar sentiments. So much butthurt from both sides of the cluster....... we call the government, it's hard to even pick someone to represent you anymore. They're mostly a bunch of ...... who get fed money and crap agendas. The problem is that there is little way to change this. Stan Marsh from South Park put it perfectly. It's a contest between a douche and a turd. Petitioning gets us practically nowhere, proven by the "we the people" website joke. These politicians dot care what their constituents say, they care about the source of their money, and that's being in office and passing laws based corporate agendas.

Lisa Belle

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 26, 2010
Sylvania, OH
On further reading from a link The Europeans are demanding their privacy rights and they are going up against the same .... n bull we are with the medical pharmaceutical establishment. They have an initiative and coalition that says: This is not anyone elses business, medical, pharma, the state anyones, what a person does for (pleasure) that is not harming anyone including the user themselves. It's a slightly different tact. I am in favor of us being more pro-active in the same manner, and maybe just maybe, the majority of Americans are fed up with an over reaching controlling government too. We may as well face it, until we re-establish our constitutional rights to the pursuit of happiness and prosperity, we are having it taken from us. Join Casaa.org now, do yourself and other vapers some good. If it all flies in our faces after a real good FIGHT! Then we go into the next phase, hopefully, helping each other with that as well. It's time to stand together!


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Aug 23, 2011
In the Market
The only real slippery slope in this issue is letting governments regulate what adults choose to do for pleasure. .......... Petitioning gets us practically nowhere, proven by the "we the people" website joke. These politicians dot care what their constituents say, they care about the source of their money, and that's being in office and passing laws based corporate agendas.

The very definition of fascism, or corporatism. Are we done yet?!?
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