New Kayfun Lite 24mm and 22mm

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Vaping Master
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Jan 14, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
Damn Origin sold out instantly. Is this still around for any US vendors still or are we waiting for batch 2?

HHV is showing in stock...

Kayfun Lite 2019 by Svoemesto (24mm) - $84.99 : Heather’s Heavenly Vapes, Premium E-Liquids Hand-Crafted in the USA

I’m still on the fence, over the last couple of years I’ve really learned to appreciate a good fairly restrictive lung hit after going wide open for a long time. I’m thinking this is just going to be too tight of a draw for me. :unsure:

Edit: I Shoulda kept reading :blush:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2019
New Orleans
I'm still waiting to find out if it has JFC? I cannot seem to find info on that. I want one, but only if it does not.


No JFC. That is my biggest gripe with the Prime. If you forget to close it and try to fill up, instant flooding.

You better hurry if you want one. Vaping Art sold out in 1 hour. Placed my order at noon and went back after lunch to see if they had any info on when the longer tank Fire series would be in and noticed that the 24mm was already sold out.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Thank you. Also, I think it says something about my personality that I am, perhaps, WILLING to buy the darn thing but NOT willing to comb through the thread for the answer.

To be fair, it is super LONG and I think there was conflicting information at the beginning.

JFC is my most hated of all things, so I'm strongly considering reading that thread and all, but I am afraid HHV may be SOLD OUT by the time I do.

It's so cute and I'd love a Kayfun I could truly LOVE.

Yeah, I better read the thread. I think I just said No New RTAs on a thread recently.

I'm incorrigible. I can do my homework.

I mean, I have completed ALL my Spanish per day by a LONG shot.

I told the husband, Adios, mi esposo… and he was all CONFUSED, and I was like, "Think, spouse, that's the root, and now you need to say "Adios mi esposa bonita" and then he was MORE confused and I had to explain the whole male/female bit.

I think I may wind up HIS translator.

Spanish... Yo esto muy intelligente when it comes to Espaniol. Everyone's like "You can learn in 3 months and I was like I speak French some German and I took a lot of Latin. I have just been lazy before." LOL.



ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2012
Thank you. Also, I think it says something about my personality that I am, perhaps, WILLING to buy the darn thing but NOT willing to comb through the thread for the answer.

To be fair, it is super LONG and I think there was conflicting information at the beginning.

JFC is my most hated of all things, so I'm strongly considering reading that thread and all, but I am afraid HHV may be SOLD OUT by the time I do.

It's so cute and I'd love a Kayfun I could truly LOVE.

Yeah, I better read the thread. I think I just said No New RTAs on a thread recently.

I'm incorrigible. I can do my homework.

I mean, I have completed ALL my Spanish per day by a LONG shot.

I told the husband, Adios, mi esposo… and he was all CONFUSED, and I was like, "Think, spouse, that's the root, and now you need to say "Adios mi esposa bonita" and then he was MORE confused and I had to explain the whole male/female bit.

I think I may wind up HIS translator.

Spanish... Yo esto muy intelligente when it comes to Espaniol. Everyone's like "You can learn in 3 months and I was like I speak French some German and I took a lot of Latin. I have just been lazy before." LOL.

There is no juice control. Bottom fill you can use any bottle. The air flow adjustment is inside the center pin. Set it once and forget it. This is one of the simplest attys made and probably the most compact. Basically four parts. Make sure you know if you need the 22mm or 24mn before ordering.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
"Need?" I mean I like the 24 mm version actually because I do have some large mods.

I think you are confusing "need" and "want" but I now "want" this atomizer it sounds pretty terrific and I am part Russian ancestry and I never found the nesting dolls all that great and I LOVED vodka but that became a problem so I would love to have something Russian around the house, especially if it doesn't require the user manual of the new VW bug, which is at best misleading and at worst, out and out confusing.

So yeah, I WANT one just fine. Thank you for the info though it does make my sweeping tide ow WANT much greater. LOL.



ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2012
"Need?" I mean I like the 24 mm version actually because I do have some large mods.

I think you are confusing "need" and "want" but I now "want" this atomizer it sounds pretty terrific and I am part Russian ancestry and I never found the nesting dolls all that great and I LOVED vodka but that became a problem so I would love to have something Russian around the house, especially if it doesn't require the user manual of the new VW bug, which is at best misleading and at worst, out and out confusing.

So yeah, I WANT one just fine. Thank you for the info though it does make my sweeping tide ow WANT much greater. LOL.



Full Member
Aug 11, 2016
Well, keep in mind I have only been vaping on it for a couple of hours, but I can't stop smiling. For anyone who owned the original this is exactly what you'd expect it to be (right down to the familiar sound it makes as it vapes), only with the convenience of the modern and safer deck, open bottom fill and easier to use (IMO) AFC. The only people I can see being unhappy with this new version are the dwarfs as there is absolutely no whistling.

It arrived completely clean (Svoe ultra' clean them all apparently before they leave the warehouse) but I still rinsed the parts under the tap as they suggest.

I have the 22 version and have added the tank extension kit (3.5ml) and it ends up just a few millimeters taller than the Doggy, but as much as I love my doggy's this tank looks stunning in comparison (especially on my black/silver Pico).

It's beautiful made, simple to use, and vapes like a dream with not even a hint of a gurgle so far. Flavour is about on par with the Doggy I'd say, no better, no worse, although it may improve yet further as I vape through this tank and the coil settles in.

It's an absolute joy to finally have an AFC that can be restricted from 1.8mm all the way down to nil and it took me only a few moments to dial in on my preference. Better yet I shouldn't have to touch the AFC ever again unless I strip it down to clean it.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 2, 2014
Well, keep in mind I have only been vaping on it for a couple of hours, but I can't stop smiling. For anyone who owned the original this is exactly what you'd expect it to be (right down to the familiar sound it makes as it vapes), only with the convenience of the modern and safer deck, open bottom fill and easier to use (IMO) AFC. The only people I can see being unhappy with this new version are the dwarfs as there is absolutely no whistling.

It arrived completely clean (Svoe ultra' clean them all apparently before they leave the warehouse) but I still rinsed the parts under the tap as they suggest.

I have the 22 version and have added the tank extension kit (3.5ml) and it ends up just a few millimeters taller than the Doggy, but as much as I love my doggy's this tank looks stunning in comparison (especially on my black/silver Pico).

It's beautiful made, simple to use, and vapes like a dream with not even a hint of a gurgle so far. Flavour is about on par with the Doggy I'd say, no better, no worse, although it may improve yet further as I vape through this tank and the coil settles in.

It's an absolute joy to finally have an AFC that can be restricted from 1.8mm all the way down to nil and it took me only a few moments to dial in on my preference. Better yet I shouldn't have to touch the AFC ever again unless I strip it down to clean it.
This is what we need... Some real experience from vaping it.


Full Member
Aug 11, 2016
Vaping well into my third tank now. Little hint of a low whistle this morning before I re-wicked. I chuckled, but I probably shouldn't have :shock: I removed the AFC screw and a little condensation/juice had built up above it, so once removed with a little tissue the low whistle was gone again. I raised my coil a bit to see if that helps.

I'm not going to say too much more but I will just say this. It's an extremely well made tank that oozes quality and looks amazing and it will definitely replace one of my six Doggys currently in rotation, but I probably wont buy any more of them, clone or otherwise.

As great as it is, it is still just a Kayfun Lite at the end of the day. It vapes just like the original, no more or less. If you loved the original (and especially if you are still using one) then of course you will love this updated version and appreciate the "quality of life" improvements, but it doesn't bring anything new to the table when it comes to flavour and vape quality, not that it ever intended too.

So, if money is tight and you have a Kayfun Lite (+) sitting in a box in your cupboard then maybe do yourself a favour and dig that out first instead. If you still enjoy vaping with it and think you'll appreciate the quality of life updates then you wont be disappointed. For anyone new to Kayfun Lites then this is definitely the version to buy!
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