Some other addictive chemical or sensation?

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 24, 2013
Overland Park, Kansas, USA
I too find there is something I crave that I don't get from vaping, but I also find I love vaping and that cigarettes are yuck to me now taste wise and smell wise. I am a new vapor and haven't had a cigarette in just over 2.5 weeks. Some of it is psychological because I original started with greensmoke and thought of it as changing brands. Three days late while I was researching what was in them I realized I had quit smoking. To me it is a miracle. Once or twice I've wanted a cig and reached for one in my purse, but I just grab a ego and smile.

I'm not sure they put in the cigarettes, but I do think they add chemicals to make us more dependent. I hated that smoke stop stuff Obama made mandatory, and I switched brands several times during 2008 to avoid it. Once all the brands had complied I went to smoking a generic. I think the name brands have more added to them, because last year I bummed a cig from someone who smoked my old brand and it was different. I liked it better again, but I stayed with my generic. Maybe that is why vaping has been an easy transition for me, I haven't smoked name brand since 2008. Lucky me, because I am so happy to find something that makes it easy for me to give up the smoke.

I'm considering stock piling nic juice and have been reading up on how to extend its shelf life. In a basic plastic container it has a shelf life of two years. But I've read if you want keep indefinitely you can put it in glass containers and freeze it. PG and VG don't actually freeze when you put them in the freezer. VG becomes like rubber cement and PG stays a liquid according to what I've read. I think I would like a supply before BT takes over vape juice and I'm back to where I was a few weeks ago.

Vaping is a different kind of pleasure. I love the different flavors and at 2.5 weeks I feel calmer more relaxed than when I smoked. I currently vape like its a pacifier, but I hope I reach the point others have where I want it like my coffee. Right now I think I need it so I don't buy a pack of smokes. If I ran out though, I do think I would buy whatever electronic cig I could get at a convenience store. I'm loving not being a smoker. I started as a helper for my paralyzed Grandma. I was 8 and held the cigarette to her mouth and lit it, ashed it for her. I did that for 6 years before I put one in my mouth and that early start I believe made it almost (Almost) impossible for me to quit. Now 41 years later I have. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 24, 2013
Overland Park, Kansas, USA
One more thing to add to the book I wrote. I think whatever chemical gives you that rush is also in the gum like nicorette. I quit once before and when I started smoking again I missed the gum because it was stronger and I had to chain smoke to get the same intensity. The gum though caused sores in my mouth and the long term side effects are horrible according to the research I read. They include hair loss and extreme gas, just to name a few.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
Most vapers find that quitting is fairly easy if you let the vapor take over and control the desire for a cig. I went from 40 a day to 6 or 8 the first week. I held on to the last few after dinner and with coffee cigs for a couple of years thinking that if I dropped them I'd go through cravings. One day I decided not to buy another pack. The result was ... nothing ... no cravings. I never touched another one after that. It's been 13 months and I haven't even wanted a cig. My wife sits next to me and smokes every day. She vapes here and there but really hasn't found a juice she likes enough to quit smoking.

It's pretty much magical the way that vaping takes away the desire. I was a hard core smoker for decades. When I tried to quit cold turkey I was a bear to be around.


Vaping Master
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Apr 1, 2012
San Diego CA
Would you trust someone who lies to you constantly? We have had those people in our life. BT is the corporate version of that person. They will not help us. They do not in anyway shape of form have your best interest at heart. They are controlled buy some very rich people who do not want to stop making loads of money. Loads of money equals power the ultimate addiction that leads to corrupted values, and self justification to pretty much anything to keep and or obtain more power.
I do nit see any BT company's putting money in to finding new delivery systems, improving designs and function. I do see them trying to cash in on the most basic version of the beginning stage of a person who wants to switch from smoking to vaping. If you think they will help us you are disillusioned. Kind of like putting a rattle snake in your basement to get rid of mice. It will work but the snake will bit you also. Its just the nature of snakes.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
I think it is Telling of how Big the ECF is and just how much Different members are when I read a Thread like this.

The Overall felling I get from this thread is that Most Members Definitely felt addicted to Analogs but not so much to e-Cigarettes. Then I turn and read this thread and it seems that Many Members feel they are More Addicted to e-Cigarettes.

That Old saying that "One Size Doesn't Fit All" seems to be Proven by these Two Threads. LOL


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2011
I think it is Telling of how Big the ECF is and just how much Different members are when I read a Thread like this.

The Overall felling I get from this thread is that Most Members Definitely felt addicted to Analogs but not so much to e-Cigarettes. Then I turn and read this thread and it seems that Many Members feel they are More Addicted to e-Cigarettes.

That Old saying that "One Size Doesn't Fit All" seems to be Proven by these Two Threads. LOL

Yea, there are a few categories of vapers as I've noticed as well. And there are also phases in the switch from analogs to electronic.
From what I've noticed and/or experienced myself, there is the

Newbie: excited with this new world of vaping with the vast array of equipment and flavors to try. Surprised by it's quick effectiveness of getting off analogs and no longer smelling like an ashtray. Probably over vapes because they are trying out new hardware or juice and haven't dialed in yet.

Avid hobbyist: The one with the latest greatest most expensive light saber PV. Possibly vapes constantly just because or is an aspiring (or already) a youtube reviewer.

"I really want to quit analogs" or the "Keep it simple and fast bcs I have other things to do": An ego is good enough and probably only vapes when needed.

Frugal: in some cases, vaping could be cheaper than analogs.

Undecided: Smokes and vapes. The body is double dipped in chemicals from both sides.

Zero-Nics: me no need nicotine or analogs. Congrats!

There are probably more categories in between.

But I think the over-doing-it hits alot of people that have just discovered and enjoy vaping. What with the vast variety and quantity of choices, it's easy to be overly enthusiastic.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B
I'm not sure they put in the cigarettes, but I do think they add chemicals to make us more dependent. I hated that smoke stop stuff Obama made mandatory, and I switched brands several times during 2008 to avoid it. Once all the brands had complied I went to smoking a generic. I think the name brands have more added to them, because last year I bummed a cig from someone who smoked my old brand and it was different. I liked it better again, but I stayed with my generic. Maybe that is why vaping has been an easy transition for me, I haven't smoked name brand since 2008. Lucky me, because I am so happy to find something that makes it easy for me to give up the smoke.

Had an ah-ha moment reading this. I had an instant and easy transition, after smoking a generic brand for over 20 years. I wonder how many of us who have found switching difficult were coming from national name brands, and if that is a factor in how easily one switches.
10 years ago, or so, 60 minutes did an expose on cig manufacturers and the nature of our addiction. One thing they focused on was the addiction to ammonia itself. Every one of them was washing their tobacco in ammonia, just for that purpose. Right after that RJR came out with their "additive free" cigarrettes. Winston , for one. PM kept up their normal routine. The "additive free" stuff still had ammonia in the smoke, byproduct of combustion, but it did have less. They said that research showed in certain quantities ammonia addiction is stronger than nicotine addiction. I switched to vaping all at once. Not more cigs. I definitely noticed some detox from something else.


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Apr 13, 2013
Phoenix, AZ. USA
Some of the "free bonus" chemicals that Big T puts in the analogs IS designed specifically to sink the hook in deeper. Once you detox all of that out, you are left with JUST the nic addiction.

Yes I agree. Every time I would quit when I had a nic urge it always came with a sensation in my chest. Sort of a gnawing feeling. I'd break down and hit a smoke and that feeling would fade quickly.

I don't get that with vaping and I'm very happy about that.

Oh and I powered through that gnawing feeling the first few days of vaping. It would hit me and I would practically keep my eGo/T3 firmly planted in my mouth.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 30, 2013
Portland, OR
Yes I agree. Every time I would quit when I had a nic urge it always came with a sensation in my chest. Sort of a gnawing feeling. I'd break down and hit a smoke and that feeling would fade quickly.

I don't get that with vaping and I'm very happy about that.

Oh and I powered through that gnawing feeling the first few days of vaping. It would hit me and I would practically keep my eGo/T3 firmly planted in my mouth.

I still get that feeling...after almost 2 months. In fact, having one now but will have to go outside to vape :(
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Vape 4 Life
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Feb 21, 2013
I smoked name brands Canadian mind yah, for over 40 years. I found the transition to Vapeing took less then a week. I also find I can go longer stretches without a thought of wanting a hit, I'll term this thought and not craving. I don't get cravings anymore, perhaps some day but not today, I enjoy the liberation of Vapeing.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
It is becoming more and more widely recognized that nicotine alone is not nearly as addictive as people think...

Nicotine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Technically, nicotine is not significantly addictive, as nicotine administered alone does not produce significant reinforcing properties. However, after coadministration with an MAOI, such as those found in tobacco, nicotine produces significant behavioral sensitization, a measure of addiction potential.
Tobacco smoke contains the monoamine oxidase inhibitors harman, norharman, anabasine, anatabine, and nornicotine. These compounds significantly decrease MAO activity in smokers. MAO enzymes break down monoaminergic neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. It is thought that the powerful interaction between the MAOI's and the nicotine is responsible for most of the addictive properties of tobacco smoking.


Senior Member
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Apr 20, 2011
Tampa Bay, FL
Both times I quit smoking I dropped them completely in favor of vaping. The first time was more necessity, I had broken my legs and it was difficult to get outside, so I ordered an ego kit and was able to smoke inside. The second time was I just got tired of smoking, but that time I felt withdrawal symptoms even though I was vaping. I was sweating, ...... off, etc. it's the ammonia, you get hooked more to the ammonia then anything else.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
So there IS a scientific reason for why I eat the whole box of See's Candy in one sitting.

Ummm.... Bordeaux



PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
I think one of the reasons that we get a quick rush from tobacco smoke is particle size and the medium that carries the nic. Smoke is microscopic particles of tobacco ash that get through the pores in the filter. Those particles are tiny and covered with tar and nicotine. They are small enough to make it completely through the protective functions of the bronchial tubes (Cilia) and they travel all the way to the air sacs (Alveoli) in the lungs. Once smoke filled air is absorbed to that level, the next destination is the heart and out through the arteries to the brain.

Vapor is a water mist in which the droplets are huge compared to tobacco smoke particles. These droplets don't actually make it to the Alveoli and little nic is absorbed through the lungs. It's absorbed quite readily through the mucous membranes in our throat, gums, cheeks, and sinuses. Still, the nic takes a longer path to get to the pleasure centers of the brain, so you experience less of that Ahh! feeling when you vape. I've read that we get somewhere between 10% and 30% of the nic from vaping that we received from smoking tobacco. Some around here refer to their ecigs as Pacifiers since we constantly have them in our mouths. When you vape, you are introducing a lower level of nic into your system a little at a time and doing that more often than when you smoked.

I thought I'd never be able to enjoy my ecig with coffee or after a meal because of the slow absorption rates. Once I got rid of the cigarettes I found that vaping became a natural thing to do with a cup of coffee or after a meal.

If you don't feel like you are getting a nic rush from vaping try doing a French Inhale from time to time. Draw in a large mouthful of vapor, hold it for a few seconds, exhale through your nose, and then inhale through the nose while letting the vapor slowly escape from your mouth. You will feel a slight rush. The sinuses are the nearest mucous membrane to the brain. Do this too much and you might feel a little dizziness.
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Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I think one of the reasons that we get a quick rush from tobacco smoke is particle size and the medium that carries the nic. Smoke is microscopic particles of tobacco ash that get through the pores in the filter. Those particles are tiny and covered with tar and nicotine. They are small enough to make it completely through the protective functions of the bronchial tubes (Cilia) and they travel all the way to the air sacs (Alveoli) in the lungs. Once smoked filled air is absorbed to that level, the next destination is the heart and out through the arteries to the brain.

Vapor is a water mist in which the droplets are huge compared to tobacco smoke particles. These droplets don't actually make it to the Alveoli and little nic is absorbed through the lungs. It's absorbed quite readily through the mucous membranes in our throat, gums, cheeks, and sinuses. Still, the nic takes a longer path to get to the pleasure centers of the brain, so you experience less of that Ahh! feeling when you vape. I've read that we get somewhere between 10% and 30% of the nic from vaping that we received from smoking tobacco. Some around here refer to their ecigs as Pacifiers since we constantly have them in our mouths. When you vape, you are introducing a lower level of nic into your system a little at a time and doing that more often than when you smoked.

I thought I'd never be able to enjoy my ecig with coffee or after a meal because of the slow absorption rates. Once I got rid of the cigarettes I found that vaping became a natural thing to do with a cup of coffee or after a meal.

If you don't feel like you are getting a nic rush from vaping try doing a French Inhale from time to time. Draw in a large mouthful of vapor, hold it for a few seconds, exhale through your nose, and then inhale through the nose while letting the vapor slowly escape from your mouth. You will feel a slight rush. The sinuses are the nearest mucous membrane to the brain. Do this too much and you might feel a little dizziness.
With all the random speculation going on in this thread, your post is a breath of fresh air.
You have clearly shown that you have a solid grasp of the science we currently have available as it applies to vaping.


Ultra Member
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Mar 20, 2011
I completely disagree with this statement, not arguing or saying you're wrong because I have no proof that I am right, but I could not disagree with your statement any more. I personally get an INSTANT feel from the nic delivered from my mods.

I believe that "bigger rush" is NOT from nicotine, but from nicotine AND all the other crap big tobacco puts in there to keep you buying their product.

Big tobacco is our mortal enemy and I PROMISE you they will infiltrate our industry and do EVERYTHING in their power (which is far more powerful than many of us even imagine) to put the same crap in e-juice as is in analogs.

If you do not believe me you are completely delusional.

Money = Greed and greed will make a man sacrifice his children for more money and more power.

I certainly don't feel delusional and I do stand by my statement


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 13, 2013
New Joisey (aka NJ)
................If you don't feel like you are getting a nic rush from vaping try doing a French Inhale from time to time. Draw in a large mouthful of vapor, hold it for a few seconds, exhale through your nose, and then inhale through the nose while letting the vapor slowly escape from your mouth. You will feel a slight rush. The sinuses are the nearest mucous membrane to the brain. Do this too much and you might feel a little dizziness.

Yes........this seems to increase or maximize the nicotine absorbed by 'recycling' ;). Works like a charm.
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