The Smokeless Imagineers - Passing the Word of VOLT, One Smoker at a Time!

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He's My Everything

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ECF Veteran
Nov 30, 2011
Washington, DC
I thought I'd add my Volt PIF story to the pile.

Last year my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. The doctors said it was terminal and he wouldn't make it through the year. They still decided to remove his right lung after a PET scan. Through all of this, my dad was still smoking because he didn't see the point in quitting. He didn't want to be miserable during his last months and I didn't want to push him. But after he recovered from having his lung removed, the doctors said they made a mistake and he could go through chemo after all. He started chemo, but he still couldn't kick the cigs. The docs gave him Chantix, the patch, the gum, a nicotine inhaler... You name it, he tried it.

I decided enough was enough and I sent him a Volt starter kit in the mail. I love mine and I've been smoke free for about 5 months. It's been two months and my dad is still smoke free and using his Volt. I still order all his cartos and supplies, but I'm more than happy to do it. We just found out he's cancer free a couple of weeks ago. There's still a 50/50 chance it will come back in the next 5 years, but it's a heck of a lot better than what they first told us! So really, Smokeless Image helped save my dad's life. I think that starter kit might have been the best $40 I've ever spent. :)

I wish there was a LOVE button! That is the best news EVER! I love this so much. Thank you, Sara, for your story and THANKS DAD, for sticking with it and FIGHTING! I'm crying as I type this, because Rob's story is similar. Don't give up! Those "doom & gloom" docs don't always know what they're talking about. They're making truly exciting advances with this horrible disease every day! :wub:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 4, 2012
I thought I'd add my Volt PIF story to the pile.

Last year my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. The doctors said it was terminal and he wouldn't make it through the year. They still decided to remove his right lung after a PET scan. Through all of this, my dad was still smoking because he didn't see the point in quitting. He didn't want to be miserable during his last months and I didn't want to push him. But after he recovered from having his lung removed, the doctors said they made a mistake and he could go through chemo after all. He started chemo, but he still couldn't kick the cigs. The docs gave him Chantix, the patch, the gum, a nicotine inhaler... You name it, he tried it.

I decided enough was enough and I sent him a Volt starter kit in the mail. I love mine and I've been smoke free for about 5 months. It's been two months and my dad is still smoke free and using his Volt. I still order all his cartos and supplies, but I'm more than happy to do it. We just found out he's cancer free a couple of weeks ago. There's still a 50/50 chance it will come back in the next 5 years, but it's a heck of a lot better than what they first told us! So really, Smokeless Image helped save my dad's life. I think that starter kit might have been the best $40 I've ever spent. :)

SaraBee, I am so glad for both of you! Like TK said, it always helps to have support around you. Is your dad on the forums, too? If not, we'd love to "meet" him.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 4, 2012
Too bad the volt didn't existed years a go, i lost my mother at the age of 40 on 2004 from cancer. If the volt was there i'm sure she would stick with it.

A /hug for you, Konstantine.

I had pretty much just written this same sentiment in an email to the city council in another state regarding a ban on electronic cigarettes. Your mom was even younger than my own. I, too, am sure she could have quit with the Volt. She loved gadgetry, and would have loved that it would still allow her the ritual without the smoke and carcinogens. Her Volt would have been green, with a green led, and probably the diamond tip, too. She loved green.


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Nov 3, 2011
SaraBee, I am so glad for both of you! Like TK said, it always helps to have support around you. Is your dad on the forums, too? If not, we'd love to "meet" him.

He's a bit of a curmudgeonly old hermit, so I'm not sure if a forum would be up his alley. He loves computers and gadgets though, so I'll certainly pass it along to him when I drop off more cartos for him. It might be great for him since there isn't as much support for lung cancer as there is for other cancers. There's a lot of "you did this to yourself" mentality around it so it often gets overlooked. It's nice to see so many other people who've gone through the same thing with loved ones.

I also think the Volt is perfect for the over 55 crowd. I refill my own cartos and sometimes use a big battery mod, but the Volt is so simple and easy. There's no way my dad would have stuck with an e-cig if it was more fiddly. He just screws on a fresh carto and he's good to go. I gave him an orange battery that I got by mistake with one of my orders so when I call him up and ask how he's doing he's always talking about "puffing on his pumpkin." It's awesome. :laugh:
I agree with you a million %. This has worked so well for me and I'm so excited to let everyone know about it. I sat in my cardiologist's exam room last week and went on and on about it. He's convinced and said he will recommend it to his patients that smoke!!! I haven't even thought about smoking since getting my first e cig 5 weeks ago, and for me that's a miracle!!! I'm seriously considering buying my friend a starter kit.


Ultra Member
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Nov 7, 2011
Southern Wisconsin
That's great news, SaraBee!

I thought I'd add my Volt PIF story to the pile.

Last year my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. The doctors said it was terminal and he wouldn't make it through the year. They still decided to remove his right lung after a PET scan. Through all of this, my dad was still smoking because he didn't see the point in quitting. He didn't want to be miserable during his last months and I didn't want to push him. But after he recovered from having his lung removed, the doctors said they made a mistake and he could go through chemo after all. He started chemo, but he still couldn't kick the cigs. The docs gave him Chantix, the patch, the gum, a nicotine inhaler... You name it, he tried it.

I decided enough was enough and I sent him a Volt starter kit in the mail. I love mine and I've been smoke free for about 5 months. It's been two months and my dad is still smoke free and using his Volt. I still order all his cartos and supplies, but I'm more than happy to do it. We just found out he's cancer free a couple of weeks ago. There's still a 50/50 chance it will come back in the next 5 years, but it's a heck of a lot better than what they first told us! So really, Smokeless Image helped save my dad's life. I think that starter kit might have been the best $40 I've ever spent. :)


Ultra Member
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Nov 7, 2011
Southern Wisconsin
I'm sorry about your mothers, Konstantine and Kia2! I lost mine in 2000, due to complications with diabetes.

SaraBee, I agree, the 2-piece system is so much easier! I hate cleaning atomizers, as I used to have a 510 setup! No more doing that!

Georgia Jo, glad to hear that the Volt has helped you and that your doctor will be recommending it! It's a great ecig and Smokeless Image is a great company!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Nov 28, 2011
East Tennessee
I thought I'd add my Volt PIF story to the pile.

Last year my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. The doctors said it was terminal and he wouldn't make it through the year. They still decided to remove his right lung after a PET scan. Through all of this, my dad was still smoking because he didn't see the point in quitting. He didn't want to be miserable during his last months and I didn't want to push him. But after he recovered from having his lung removed, the doctors said they made a mistake and he could go through chemo after all. He started chemo, but he still couldn't kick the cigs. The docs gave him Chantix, the patch, the gum, a nicotine inhaler... You name it, he tried it.

I decided enough was enough and I sent him a Volt starter kit in the mail. I love mine and I've been smoke free for about 5 months. It's been two months and my dad is still smoke free and using his Volt. I still order all his cartos and supplies, but I'm more than happy to do it. We just found out he's cancer free a couple of weeks ago. There's still a 50/50 chance it will come back in the next 5 years, but it's a heck of a lot better than what they first told us! So really, Smokeless Image helped save my dad's life. I think that starter kit might have been the best $40 I've ever spent. :)

SaraBee, what a wonderful story. My best wishes to your Dad.

He's My Everything

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 30, 2011
Washington, DC
I started my day with a smile after going over this combined thread.

Ain't it GREAT!?! I love the goodness of people. It helps me keep faith that the world may just NOT be going to hell in a handbasket (whatever that means). :) You're one of the good guys, Hoosier! I will never forget how overwhelmed I was by the generosity of the people of ECF when I came onboard. You were cheif among the generous souls who reached out to help me. I will forever be grateful.

OK, more stories, folks! I know you have them!! :D


Ultra Member
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Nov 7, 2011
Southern Wisconsin
I don't have a story, except that I might have converted another to Volt. I'm hoping she tries them out. She's been using the Halo, after trying V2. I gave her the link to the website thru FB and she loved the battery colors! She's the one that turned me on to ecigs, actually! :)

He's My Everything

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 30, 2011
Washington, DC
I don't have a story, except that I might have converted another to Volt. I'm hoping she tries them out. She's been using the Halo, after trying V2. I gave her the link to the website thru FB and she loved the battery colors! She's the one that turned me on to ecigs, actually! :)

That's GREAT, Tina!!! It's perfect story! She got you started on vaping and you returned the favor by turning her on to this great company! WIN-WIN!! Love it. :D


Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
The heck with that! I still want them to adopt me so I can get some goodies too. :D

Hey, Uncle, ever give any thought to changing your name to Emoti-King? Seems rather fitting.

First . . . Nope - No Adoptions allowed here . . . especially once anyone enters "Voltville" they are already supposed to be "Family" and that is why I call you "Our Own Little Rodent" . . . :D
(Hey - You're the one who chose the "Squirrle" as your Avatar . . . :lol: :lol: :lol:)

As for a "New Title" - another NOPE ! ! ! Already got "My" Title and I'm Stickin' To It * That's Mr. "FLUFF" * . . . All you have to do is go though the old thread or read "My" one blog entry to understand and know why . . . :D

Hey - as for being the Emoticons/Smiley "King" - NA . . . I could never ever compete, especially since there are so many more people here on the SI thread and ECF that can and do out do me so well too . . . :)


Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
Uncle, my Dear Uncle... Thanks for the sweet thought. I do get points for every kit I personally purchase, just like everyone else. It's a beautiful thing that SI even offers such a great point system. :) I think I remember Imagine mentioning something about revamping the referral system or somesuch, but I haven't even looked into the one they have. My motivations are simple - cigarettes are deadly and difficult (nearly impossible) to quit. This system works. I want to help people that want help quitting. I'm a simple soul. :) :wub:

Just for clarification . . . . Oh - I know that you get points already for your purchases and that you are doing what you do because you want to and not because you have to - both from reading the post throughout the threads and communicating with YOU personally . . . :D

Which is OUTSTANDING ! ! ! :thumbs:

AND - Not just only You, but so many others are doing the same thing . . . :headbang:

However, I truly believe given your and so many others "tenacity" to convert others to the "Volt" for whatever reason(s) or "motivations" you may have - until the New SI Referral Program is implemented :) - that maybe there could be some kinda of retroactive consideration given for the outstanding and wonderful generosity everyone is showing . . . ;)

Again - It was Just "My" Opinion and a suggestion . . . :D


Resting In Peace
Supporting Member
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Jun 15, 2011
Ain't it GREAT!?! I love the goodness of people. It helps me keep faith that the world may just NOT be going to hell in a handbasket (whatever that means). :) You're one of the good guys, Hoosier! I will never forget how overwhelmed I was by the generosity of the people of ECF when I came onboard. You were cheif among the generous souls who reached out to help me. I will forever be grateful.

OK, more stories, folks! I know you have them!! :D

YEP - "Hoosier" - is without a doubt - One of the Best People Out There . . . :D

"Hoosier" - helped "Me" too when I was just as overwhelemed as so many people get when they first get here . . . :thumbs:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 14, 2012
Outer Space
Someone at work convinced me to try a Volt, which I credit with killing my 30 year, 1.5 PAD bad habit.


Since I successfully quit, I've got five co-workers on Volts now, and two more procrastinators who will be ordering soon.

Of the five who have ordered Volts, three have quit smoking, two are in that in-between stage of sometimes smoking and sometimes vaping.

I keep a bunch of spare batts, chargers, cartos, and juice in my desk, and a standing order to use them if anyone runs out or forget to bring their Volts to work. I don't want any of them buying cigs for a temporary situation.

I show them what to order for SI, sit them all down when they get their orders, show them how to fill carts, introduce them my desk stash, etc.

In addition, there are at least four other vapers who have non-Volt PVs. There were five, but one gave up. He bought his ecig at the mall kiosk late last year.

We have quite a little vape club going. I'm running out of smokers to convert. :)
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Super Member
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Jun 1, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
What an inspiring thread He's my everything!!! And what a wonderful inspiring person you are too. I often wonder how Rob is going on his journey and you touch my heart maybe a lil more because of you being a non smoker helping your family!!! So many wonderful people here helping others WELL DONE.

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