Heather's Heavenly Vapes - THE BIG THREAD (Part 6)


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May 9, 2010
Wesley Chapel, Florida
I went through Mammoth Cave when I was about 8 - early 60's
I remember the bottomless pit and the rickety stairs and railings.

....and then when they did the Total Dark demo

Seemed like we were in there all day !


ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2012
I went through Mammoth Cave when I was about 8 - early 60's
I remember the bottomless pit and the rickety stairs and railings.

....and then when they did the Total Dark demo

Seemed like we were in there all day !
Yep, I remember that.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2013
New Orleans , Louisiana
I also used Netscape, then Opera, then Firefox. (Sea Monkey was also used for a while) I stayed with Firefox for umpteen years. Now I have been using Opera more. Retic, I did look at that add on for Firefox. I was going to install it, but as you download it, it starts letting you know all the permissions it needs, and I canceled for now. I am not sure I like what all they say about permissions. Maybe it is completely legit, maybe not. I will have to explore more when I have time.
Purevpn is legit , it's one of the most popular Vpn providers out there . I'm no fool when it comes to what I install on my system .


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2013
New Orleans , Louisiana
I'll have to check that out. Not sure it's necessary to pay if they think you're in Stockholm though, no? Or are you in Stockholm?
Somedays I might as well be in Stockholm . :) The other locations available through the pay service allow you to skirt around the new EU data protection law , there are sites that I use that are now blocked to a European location because of the law . It's a matter of convenience , right now I just switch to Opera and use their Vpn to change my IP address to Asia to get around it .


Ultra Member
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Nov 3, 2014
I haven't been to Mammoth Cave. I have been to Howe Caverns (NY), it was the biggest I've seen. I also went to a much smaller one. I'm not going looking through pictures to find it, but it was used during the Civil War to hide troops, and they made gunpowder there. The original cast iron pots were still there. (they made the gunpowder in those) This was probably in North Arkansas or possibly southern Missouri. I went on a road trip with the kids to Missouri. It was the furthest we ever went together on vacation. We all enjoyed that trip so much, it was awesome.

Oh, I found it. It was Bull Shoals Caverns. It was small, but the kids enjoyed it and that was the main thing. I told them about Howe Caverns. I was in my mid 20's went I went to that one in NY. Those caves were enough for me. I don't need to see any more. I did enjoy seeing them though.
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Vaping Master
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May 6, 2012
Waikiki Hawaii
If you want to block Google, Facebook, Twitter and other trackers, Privacy Badger works well, you might consider it. It is an "add on" under the "Tools" tab. It is very easy to turn and off because it is very effective at privacy protection and can prevent some things from loading.
I have used it for quite a while but I am a paranoid old man who just wants kids off his grass.
lawn....you want kids off your lawn.....



ECF Guru
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Nov 17, 2013
New Orleans La.
I think it was the 7 mile tour. Dad, doing his best Clark Griswold impression, was determined to see the whole cave. All we got was charlie horses. I wonder why a dad would want to walk 7 miles in a cave with three snot-nosed kids...whining and fighting the entire way, no doubt. I'm sure my mom warned him. She'd go nuts just walking us thru the supermarket. And my dad had way less patience than my mom. I declare...moms are the bestest!!

hmmm 3.5 miles into a cave ... " ummm honey?? where are the kids??" the answer..
" ohhh dont worry, they are okay :evil:"


ECF Guru
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Nov 17, 2013
New Orleans La.
wonders why we didnt have 6 months to a years, it would have been easier... 61 days for 5 months and 60 for the last month, and on leap year all 6 months would be 61 days....
and the months would be based of the seasons...

winter would be Decenuary, early spring Febarch, spring Apray, early summer Junly, summer Augtember, fall Octvember...
and an added bonus... 2 full moons per month with an occasional 3 full moons.


ECF Guru
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Nov 17, 2013
New Orleans La.
just got back from a run... had to go to the warehouse to get the part and when I walked in :shock:.... the place was immaculate, tidy, well organized, clean... but then again the general manager came by today too.... all this time ( several months) the place was in a shambles and it took a visit from the GM to get the place shipshape o_O... amazing how things get done when the GM decides to show up... now, lets see if they can keep it as clean and tidy as it is as of now...
( seriously doubt it tho) I'll give it 3 weeks and things will start to decay back to how it was 5 days ago...

think I need to send the GM those pictures I took a couple of weeks back and show him what he saw today was a lie....o_O


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2014
wonders why we didnt have 6 months to a years, it would have been easier... 61 days for 5 months and 60 for the last month, and on leap year all 6 months would be 61 days....
and the months would be based of the seasons...

winter would be Decenuary, early spring Febarch, spring Apray, early summer Junly, summer Augtember, fall Octvember...
and an added bonus... 2 full moons per month with an occasional 3 full moons.

This reminds me of an old notepaper I saved since the 70’s. My Pawpaw loved to tease. He told me he had a prediction that was guaranteed to come true. By whatever year he said (I think it was 2000) there would be 13 months to a year and the name of the 13th month would be Salt. I said, “You guarantee it?” He said, “Guaranteed!” I said I needed him to write it down and sign it. He did, with that wonderful twinkle in his eyes that he always got when he was teasing.

I kept that paper all these years. It was a sweet memory.

Much better than the Christmas he decided it would be hilarious to wrap up an old umbrella for my cousin. For me, it was an onion. He kept a straight face during the unwrapping too. I hated onions, but I was taught to be polite. I thanked him sincerely. THAT’S when he cracked up. :lol:


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 17, 2013
New Orleans La.
I haven't been to Mammoth Cave. I have been to Howe Caverns (NY), it was the biggest I've seen. I also went to a much smaller one. I'm not going looking through pictures to find it, but it was used during the Civil War to hide troops, and they made gunpowder there. The original cast iron pots were still there. (they made the gunpowder in those) This was probably in North Arkansas or possibly southern Missouri. I went on a road trip with the kids to Missouri. It was the furthest we ever went together on vacation. We all enjoyed that trip so much, it was awesome.

Oh, I found it. It was Bull Shoals Caverns. It was small, but the kids enjoyed it and that was the main thing. I told them about Howe Caverns. I was in my mid 20's went I went to that one in NY. Those caves were enough for me. I don't need to see any more. I did enjoy seeing them though.

38ish yrs ago when I was working offshore, one of the deckhands had thrown a party at his place ( NE Ark. Leachville),
there were plans to go and re-find a cave he had stumbled across while hunting... when he found it the first time he came across a "mini storage" of Confederate supplies... handguns, rifles, uniforms, small cannons, ammunition etc all wrapped in "oil skins" (pretty much 18th century ziplock bags) ... he did manage to retrieve 2 handguns and a rifle in almost perfect condition.
When he found the cave he planned to return to retrieve more of the booty with help... so about a dozen of us ( "party invitees", actually his work crew to carry the stuff out of the woods) were tromping thru the woods for 2 days trying to find the cave again, but to no avail ... he never did find the cave again either.... so, somewhere in the woods 30ish miles east of Leachville, there is a small cave with a buttload of Confederate goodies waiting to be found.... too bad there wasnt civilian type GPS then... would have been a awesome find...
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