How do you handle those people who....

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
as soon as i hear the words "i quit cold turkey" i put on my best smile and shake their hand in
congratulation's.good deal!that's great.
blows their attitude right out of the water.
most of the people who quit cold turkey probably were not even addicted.
like any addictive drug about 1/3 of the people who use or try it have no reaction to it.
a lot of people do it to look cool.some one they want to get to know does it.
peer pressure.youthful experimentation. lots of reasons i suppose.
some were not heavy smokers to begin with.1 to 1 and 1/2 packs a week i do
not consider heavy smoking.
so when some one tells me i quit cold turkey no problem i think ya good for you.
there just trying to rattle your cage.dont let em.
on the other hand i've had people come up to me and say,hi mike i see your doing that ecig thing.
good for you.i quit cold turkey and it was ruff,took months to get over it.
wish those were around when i quit.
you will find as you get older there are a lot of i use to do that (insert your vice here)people
that never had a problem any way lording it over.they suffer from another addiction where they
cant keep there head out of there,errr,well ya know.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2013
It depends on the person. If it's someone I care about (like a close friend), I just smile and tell them that's great, but I have no desire to give up nicotine, just like I have no desire to give up my coffee. Once I bring up the coffee, they usually start to get it. If not, I remind them that it's my life, I'm an adult, and it's my choice. If they're not ok with that, too bad.

If it's just a random person being a jerk, the southern sassiness I picked up when I was younger comes out a bit and I end up saying something like, "Well! Bless your heart darlin', isn't that just great? Gosh, you must be SO prouda yourself. Good job!" in an overly enthusiastic, sarcastic kind of way, complete with a big fake grin and rapid eye blinking. Then I just leave them staring after me, wondering if I was mocking them or complimenting them.


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ECF Veteran
May 21, 2013
used to smoke and quit??? They look down on those of us who have started vaping by saying, "I quit cold turkey," or "What do you need that for?"
They seem to have that "superior" attitude because they didn't rely on anything to help them quit smoking. How do you handle them??

I tell them to mind their own business if they feel like talking down to me...

Alternatively you can always say... Sure you did but i still got the biggest wiener... Shuts them up every time

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