Vaping Use Prompts Trump Administration to Weigh Flavored E-Cigarettes Ban

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Too Blessed To Stress
ECF Veteran
Jul 14, 2012
Question about the President's wife was a serious question. Why is she there?
I think Barron must have got busted with a juul and she was there to make sure Trump said the words she wanted to hear. Sounds like a parenting issue?? JS


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 10, 2015
I feel ya! I hate that I have to go to a smoking area to vape. The smell is so horrible! It just stuns me that I USED to smell like that and never realized how god awful it was. There are a lot of us working hard to make sure this ban does NOT happen. Praying we win this one quickly!
Yes! It's not the law yet. I am hoping and praying it never will be.

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May 9, 2015
I am no Trump fan but that aside, I also wonder if it would have mattered, would any admin had jumped on this at some point? We all know the many factors that were leading up to this point. About the only thing I find ironic is the news is fake, unless it's conveniently not. Jumping on this without waiting for the facts to come in, because it's an immediate whim, the thing of the moment on the news, irks me..

I have less problem with the FDA looking into vaping safety, setting some safety goals, etc. if done in a methodical way. Still, personally I'd prefer the federal government lean toward less regulation until they have facts and evidence that vaping is not safe, but that's just me being idealistic. Drugs may have to go through proof of safety first, but then again cigarettes remain readily available despite the proof they are unsafe. Double standards etc. apply.


Vaping Master
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Jul 25, 2013
The Ban on Flavored E-Cigarettes May Lead to More Smoking by Teenagers As Well As Adults


According to the NYTS, the prevalence of past-month cigarette smoking among high school students fell from 8.1 percent in 2018 to 5.8 percent this year, even as the prevalence of past-month vaping rose from 20.8 percent to 27.5 percent. Since 2011, the smoking rate has fallen by 63 percent, while the vaping rate has increased more than 18-fold. Based on these data, Boston University public health professor Michael Siegel found a negative correlation of –0.89 between vaping and smoking among high school students.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2015
I got this email today. I hope they are successful, but either way it's good to see the community taking action.

We Are Suing the Federal Government
Vapor Technologies Austin <>
Thu 9/12/2019 1:06 PM
  • You

We Need Your Help in This Fight
Usually we reach out to inform you about a sale or promotional opportunities but this time we are asking for something else. This is going to be a long message and we hope you can bear with us and get through it because urgent and important.

VTA has been a small operation since we started in 2013. For almost 6 years we have operated independent from investors that might try to influence the way we do business. This is because we understand the industry, we essentially were part of building it up to what it is today. We are part of this ever-growing community that was almost entirely small businesses made up of people who were tired of giving our money to a tobacco industry that gave us nothing but sickness in return. We were successful but to our own detriment because we got the attention of corporations looking to stem their financial bleeding. The vaping industry diverted funds that were reliably going to the tobacco industry and distributed it to everyday people that would serve their local communities. This has kept our wealth within communities rather than funneling it out to wealthy investors and stock owners. Up until the emergence of the vaping industry, Tobacco related stock was the most reliable option to guarantee a return. It turns out addiction is a profitable business.

We never expected big tobacco to go quietly into the night. They have tried to destroy us for the better part of 5 years. Once their many attempts to break into the market failed, they chose a different route that could best be described as a strategy called “scorched earth” which means leaving nothing behind but destruction. It’s like a kill switch when all else has failed. They have also implemented fail-safes by investing in certain vape companies. We need not name them, but you can probably guess who they are by the bankrolls they have. If this regulation proposed yesterday goes through all the industry that will remain is the ones you have seen and heard on commercials. This means every small business from manufacturers like us to your local vape shop could be gone in less than 60 days.

Here is where you come in. We do not plan to go down without a fight. We have established a non-profit with a group of small businesses just like us called the United States Vaping Association or USVA. We ask that you help us by donating to our legal fund. The USVA, which includes us, filed a lawsuit August 19th, 2019 against the FDA and HHS for overreaching their regulatory power. The law firm representing us has sued on the grounds that these regulations are unconstitutional and a violation of the Separation of Powers of the US Constitution. As you can imagine, this is a very expensive process, but we have diverted everything we can to support this lawsuit. That is why we need your help. Anything you can spare $5, $10, $20 or $50 would be much appreciated. Thank you for supporting our company and we hope to be around to continue to offer you the service that you depend on us for. It has been an honor to do business with each and every one of you.

One more thing, please encourage your local shop and manufacturers to get in touch with the USVA. There is a possibility that USVA will be able to offer some temporary protection to members that may allow them to continue to do business while the lawsuit makes its way through the legal process.
Thank you!
Have Questions?
Please feel free to reach out on social media, our chat option, or email

Uncle Willie

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May 27, 2011
Meet Me in St Louie Louie
I got this email today. I hope they are successful, but either way it's good to see the community taking action.

We Are Suing the Federal Government
Vapor Technologies Austin <>
Thu 9/12/2019 1:06 PM
  • You

We Need Your Help in This Fight
Usually we reach out to inform you about a sale or promotional opportunities but this time we are asking for something else. This is going to be a long message and we hope you can bear with us and get through it because urgent and important.

VTA has been a small operation since we started in 2013. For almost 6 years we have operated independent from investors that might try to influence the way we do business. This is because we understand the industry, we essentially were part of building it up to what it is today. We are part of this ever-growing community that was almost entirely small businesses made up of people who were tired of giving our money to a tobacco industry that gave us nothing but sickness in return. We were successful but to our own detriment because we got the attention of corporations looking to stem their financial bleeding. The vaping industry diverted funds that were reliably going to the tobacco industry and distributed it to everyday people that would serve their local communities. This has kept our wealth within communities rather than funneling it out to wealthy investors and stock owners. Up until the emergence of the vaping industry, Tobacco related stock was the most reliable option to guarantee a return. It turns out addiction is a profitable business.

We never expected big tobacco to go quietly into the night. They have tried to destroy us for the better part of 5 years. Once their many attempts to break into the market failed, they chose a different route that could best be described as a strategy called “scorched earth” which means leaving nothing behind but destruction. It’s like a kill switch when all else has failed. They have also implemented fail-safes by investing in certain vape companies. We need not name them, but you can probably guess who they are by the bankrolls they have. If this regulation proposed yesterday goes through all the industry that will remain is the ones you have seen and heard on commercials. This means every small business from manufacturers like us to your local vape shop could be gone in less than 60 days.

Here is where you come in. We do not plan to go down without a fight. We have established a non-profit with a group of small businesses just like us called the United States Vaping Association or USVA. We ask that you help us by donating to our legal fund. The USVA, which includes us, filed a lawsuit August 19th, 2019 against the FDA and HHS for overreaching their regulatory power. The law firm representing us has sued on the grounds that these regulations are unconstitutional and a violation of the Separation of Powers of the US Constitution. As you can imagine, this is a very expensive process, but we have diverted everything we can to support this lawsuit. That is why we need your help. Anything you can spare $5, $10, $20 or $50 would be much appreciated. Thank you for supporting our company and we hope to be around to continue to offer you the service that you depend on us for. It has been an honor to do business with each and every one of you.

One more thing, please encourage your local shop and manufacturers to get in touch with the USVA. There is a possibility that USVA will be able to offer some temporary protection to members that may allow them to continue to do business while the lawsuit makes its way through the legal process.
Thank you!
Have Questions?
Please feel free to reach out on social media, our chat option, or email

Pretty tough to find any Credentials / etc on that site ..
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2015
Pretty tough to find any Credentials / etc on that site ..

I've never bought anything there, but they are an established shop. I've been on their mailing list for a number of years. Back a few years ago, when it looked like the government was going to halt online vape sales, I made an effort to get on mailing lists for several Texas vape shops. I'm not suggesting anyone donate to them. I'm just happy to see the community fighting back.


Vaping Master
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Jul 25, 2013
Barron got busted? So much for fancy private school.

This is running around Instagram. Both Grimm and Mike posted it
View attachment 837895

Thought they were fries from McDonald's at first
It's noted in this article:

Hours after Trump announced the plans for a ban on Wednesday, a meme started circulating among vaping enthusiasts. It shows Trump with his hands up, holding two bouquets of cigarettes in each fist. Underneath, in bolded text, is the phrase, “MAKE AMERICA SMOKE AGAIN.”

Professional vapers have shared this meme widely, some using the hashtag #Resist and others writing long captions vowing to fight the ban. Vaping enthusiasts who connect online or meet at conferences held across the country every year belong to a tightknit community, in part because many bond over the experience of quitting regular cigarettes for e-cigarettes, Culley said.

“We feel like these products saved our lives,” he said. “People are super passionate about vaping, and I don’t think people outside vaping understand that.”

Elliot said just hours after the announcement that he had heard of “many people in the industry who were die-hard supporters of President Trump who have now denounced their support of him.


ECF Guru
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May 6, 2016
It's noted in this article:

Hours after Trump announced the plans for a ban on Wednesday, a meme started circulating among vaping enthusiasts. It shows Trump with his hands up, holding two bouquets of cigarettes in each fist. Underneath, in bolded text, is the phrase, “MAKE AMERICA SMOKE AGAIN.”

Professional vapers have shared this meme widely, some using the hashtag #Resist and others writing long captions vowing to fight the ban. Vaping enthusiasts who connect online or meet at conferences held across the country every year belong to a tightknit community, in part because many bond over the experience of quitting regular cigarettes for e-cigarettes, Culley said.

“We feel like these products saved our lives,” he said. “People are super passionate about vaping, and I don’t think people outside vaping understand that.”

Elliot said just hours after the announcement that he had heard of “many people in the industry who were die-hard supporters of President Trump who have now denounced their support of him.

This is the central part of the story that's at the root of the problem.

"In recent weeks, this community has been rocked by the national discussion around vaping, driven in part by the federal investigation of more than 450 cases of lung disease linked to e-cigarettes, including six deaths. Many of these patients have reported using cannabis cartridges, but health officials say it is too early to eliminate other types of vaping."

Sure, being conservative, that's fine. No one wants to jump the gun and miss something that might result in more deaths. That's how science and medicine work. You test to be sure. Which is why these decisions are being made with NO SCIENCE to back them up. But God forbid anyone let's the facts develop and act in the public's best interest, just jump on in because BT has been just waiting for this chance to muddy the waters and finally got a break they could exploit. I mean, if BT lobbyists tell politicians "this stuff is dangerous" you think they worry about being misled? After all, when did BT ever say a tobacco product was bad before, right?

By the time the health officials do rule out all the other types of vaping (big surprise) it'll be after the fact and by then, you think any of those politicians will care? Maybe a little when Medicare costs go up for the resurgence of lung cancer cases (especially now you can treat it with $100,000 worth of new drugs), more cases of worsening COPD, and the ever ubiquitous heart attacks (also more expensive to treat with the new meds available these days). But hey, just raise the Medicare tax and blame it on the other political party that its their fault taxes went up. Because they will go up, and the public won't ever see the connection. Because there will be quite the die off in vapers going back to smokes because they were unprepared to continue on their own over the next 10 years.


14 years and counting
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  • Jan 1, 2010
    Well, according to the letter I received today...medicare, social security and retirement is likely to be cut due to the tax cuts earlier for big biz and wealthy. So medicare may not be taking such good care of smokers and illnesses related to it in the future. Perhaps the idea is to actually allow more people to die, good for the economy and all. No, I am not a conspiracy theorist but I am starting to wonder about all this.


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 12, 2014
    joshua tree, ca
    Well, according to the letter I received today...medicare, social security and retirement is likely to be cut due to the tax cuts earlier for big biz and wealthy. So medicare may not be taking such good care of smokers and illnesses related to it in the future. Perhaps the idea is to actually allow more people to die, good for the economy and all. No, I am not a conspiracy theorist but I am starting to wonder about all this.
    Where is that letter from?


    Vaping Master
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    Jul 25, 2013
    Juul Debates Pushing Back on E-Cigarette Ban

    Juul Labs Inc. is debating internally whether to embrace or push back on part of the Trump administration’s plan to pull most e-cigarettes from the market, according to people familiar with the matter.

    The policy—affecting sweet and fruity vaping products along with mint and menthol—would be a crippling hit to the startup, which generates more than 80% of its sales from flavors that would be banned. But Juul insiders agree that the move could help curb underage vaping and avert an even bigger threat to the market-leading e-cigarette maker: the possibility that the Food and Drug Administration could take Juul off the market altogether.

    Though the company has decided to support a ban on most flavors, there remains a point of disagreement around menthol and mint. Some inside the company want to lobby the Trump administration to make an exception for one or both of those flavors, arguing that if Juul’s goal is to convert cigarette smokers, it should offer an option for smokers of menthols, according to one of the people.....


    ECF Guru
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    May 6, 2016
    Well, according to the letter I received today...medicare, social security and retirement is likely to be cut due to the tax cuts earlier for big biz and wealthy. So medicare may not be taking such good care of smokers and illnesses related to it in the future. Perhaps the idea is to actually allow more people to die, good for the economy and all. No, I am not a conspiracy theorist but I am starting to wonder about all this.

    Medical costs are 18% of US GDP. Can't cut Medicare as it would damage the economy. And dead people can't pay any more medical bills so that's also bad for such a big chunk of the economy.

    Social Security, well, the Social Security Trust is already bust from revenue raids, and the number of workers paying FICA is too small to continue SS payments short of doubling that payroll tax, which will cause a revolt. And SS is the ultimate third rail of politics. With elections coming up do you think anyone will dare propose that? Nah, instead we'll just run up more deficits and get the Chinese to send us more US dollars to buy treasury notes. They've been funding our deficits and national debt for well over a decade, so why should they stop now, unless they want to collapse the US economy. The only motivation for that would be if we stopped Chinese imports, but that's not about to happen, right?

    Put's the whole trade war in a different light, doesn't it? I wonder if Trump ever even considered that pressure point when this all started, or whether any of the government economists dared even mention it. Certainly not Munchin, he likes his job too much.


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    Feb 23, 2010


    Vaping Master
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    Jul 25, 2013
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