Vaping Use Prompts Trump Administration to Weigh Flavored E-Cigarettes Ban

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  • Jan 1, 2010

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    Ultra Member
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    Aug 17, 2018
    Ooooooooh, once enough campaign contributions have occured……suddenly the virtues of vaping will be touted by many-a politician.

    vaping product manufacturers have largely escaped contributing to the preverbial secret policemans ball for a decade and now the day has arrived to pay up or face extinction. That whole recent phenomenom of death by vaping was the final straw.

    A bit of arm twisting through donating to the right causes has kept a whole lot of industries from facing the wrath of the mighty US government. Now it's the juice producers turn.…


    Senior Member
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    Sep 1, 2017
    Toronto, Canada
    I think Barron must have got busted with a Juul and she was there to make sure Trump said the words she wanted to hear. Sounds like a parenting issue?? JS

    Trump tells son Barron 'don't vape' after moving to ban flavored e-cigarette products

    When asked about what he’s told his son Barron, 13, about vaping, the president told reporters on the South Lawn, “We haven’t told him anything but ‘don’t vape, don’t vape.’”


    Chances of a wishy-washy pivot are getting slim.
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    ECF Guru
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    Sep 6, 2011
    Somewhere out there
    Retired Public Employees Council

    "At the end of 2017, Congress passed a $1.5 trillion tax cut for big corporations and the superrich. Now leaders in the Senate want to pay for their tax cuts by cutting Social Security & Medicare."

    Retired Public Employees Council of WA
    Grrrrrrr......... they always do this, every last one of them, I've been keeping track.


    Ultra Member
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    May 26, 2012
    Round N Round the Mulberry Bush
    Human beings are so stupid (especially the one in the White House).
    None of those idiots will even consider what happens when you ban something so widely used.
    Creeping Volstead Act 2.0 anyone?
    Criminal enterprises popping up out of nowhere to fill the void (and the crime that is precipitated as a result).
    If they think Flavours are dangerous now (they aren't), just wait.
    If they thing things are unregulated now, just wait.
    If they bothered to look, they would see that Vape Juice Manufacturers are one the the best Self - Regulated groups out there.
    Folks losing their Businesses and the Folks employed by them losing their Jobs - I do hope they remember that when 2020 rolls around.
    As for these Kids.....Parents need to stop expecting everyone else (the Schools, the Cops, the Celebrities, the Neighbors, the Internet ect.) to instill Morality and Common Sense into their Kids - THAT IS THEIR JOB AS PARENTS.
    I'm so sick of Parents that use their Kids to bludgeon everyone else.
    And they wonder why Kids are increasingly becoming unwelcome here and there.

    And for goodness' sakes, get out EARLY the day of the 2020 Presidential Election and Vote out that Maniac out of Office, because it doesn't just depend on who gets 270, it depends on who gets to 270 FIRST.


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 12, 2014
    joshua tree, ca


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 12, 2014
    joshua tree, ca
    Human beings are so stupid (especially the one in the White House).
    None of those idiots will even consider what happens when you ban something so widely used.
    Creeping Volstead Act 2.0 anyone?
    Criminal enterprises popping up out of nowhere to fill the void (and the crime that is precipitated as a result).
    If they think Flavours are dangerous now (they aren't), just wait.
    If they thing things are unregulated now, just wait.
    If they bothered to look, they would see that Vape Juice Manufacturers are one the the best Self - Regulated groups out there.
    Folks losing their Businesses and the Folks employed by them losing their Jobs - I do hope they remember that when 2020 rolls around.
    As for these Kids.....Parents need to stop expecting everyone else (the Schools, the Cops, the Celebrities, the Neighbors, the Internet ect.) to instill Morality and Common Sense into their Kids - THAT IS THEIR JOB AS PARENTS.
    I'm so sick of Parents that use their Kids to bludgeon everyone else.
    And they wonder why Kids are increasingly becoming unwelcome here and there.

    And for goodness' sakes, get out EARLY the day of the 2020 Presidential Election and Vote out that Maniac out of Office, because it doesn't just depend on who gets 270, it depends on who gets to 270 FIRST.
    You really don't understand what's at stake in any way do you? You obviously didn't watch the clown show called the Democrat debate tonight.

    I also hate to tell you that vapers don't have any friends on either side of the aisle be it demonrats or republicants.


    Ultra Member
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    May 26, 2012
    Round N Round the Mulberry Bush
    You really don't understand what's at stake in any way do you? You obviously didn't watch the clown show called the Democrat debate tonight.

    I also hate to tell you that vapers don't have any friends on either side of the aisle be it demonrats or republicants.
    What I see is a slow roll towards Prohibition by a bunch of knee-jerk Politicans (regardless of Affiliation).
    I see Parents who are apparently not taking too much an active role in how their Kids are being raised and figure that the World should be made idiot - proof for their little darlings.
    I don't recall mentioning Democrats or Republicans either in my Post.
    So enlighten me since you feel I do not understand.


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    No, the politicians seem to have banded together on this one.

    I will be preparing for the worst case. However, I am going to make a prediction, how true it will be, I am uncertain. I think there will be a (starting slowly) fairly in the end draconian vaping ban.

    I don't believe it will last; I do think pendulum swings. How long it will take, I'm not sure. But, I do think this type of thing can be so reactionary to start, it sort of gently sways backwards.

    In case I am entirely wrong I will prepare for the worst to the best of my ability. Thanks to ECF I am in a LOT better shape than many and will be "doing my worst" until the time comes, whenever that actually will be.

    I will say that when it comes to achieving things that I need and at this point, well, vaping is a NEED, I have been fairly lucky and pretty good at it. I just hate the black/grey market-- it's expensive, there IS an element of danger involved, no matter HOW much research you do and precautions you take and it's usually 3--4 times more expensive.

    Which is why I am so grateful to ECF.



    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    Also, is that kid on the plane BARON? Good grief, last pic I saw of him he looked like he was wearing a powdered wig and like, mildly to profoundly autistic!

    GEEZ time flies. The good news is he looks like a semi-normal halfway decent teen the bad news for AMERICA is he wasn't smart enough to HIDE his mango Juul from the Secret Service.

    For shame, Baron for shame. Being the kid of a president is like a hefty weight, although my favorite president of all time for his irony plus he reminds me of my dad, W, apparently could kill someone off in a drunken driving accident in his youth and STILL be president?

    So Baron you could have tried HARDER is all I'm saying and we all would have THANKED you. Or, just remained profoundly autistic enough to barely speak, let alone covet the Juul.

    Dang it.

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    Vaping Master
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    Sep 25, 2014
    Naptown, Indiana
    Trump tells son Barron 'don't vape' after moving to ban flavored e-cigarette products

    When asked about what he’s told his son Barron, 13, about vaping, the president told reporters on the South Lawn, “We haven’t told him anything but ‘don’t vape, don’t vape.’”


    Probably something along the lines of "if we catch you with that stuff again your **s is toast you little ****. I've had your mother up my **s for 3 weeks about it, I had to ban an entire industry and p*** off 7M voters over this"
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    Senior Member
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    May 9, 2015
    Sure, being conservative, that's fine. No one wants to jump the gun and miss something that might result in more deaths. That's how science and medicine work. You test to be sure. ...

    That all seems well and good to me. Makes sense.

    It's just this typical reaction of let's regulate non tobacco flavors is screwy in various ways. To be really pessimistic, I could read it as it's okay if you vape, and we actually don't care in that case if you get sick (if I believed vaping traditional freebase e-liquid is the cause, which I don't), as long as you choose a tobacco flavor, it's all good.

    Okay I am purposely being a bit sinister there ;)

    I purposely left out the valid counter arguments, but I am going to go out on a limb and suggest most of us who took up smoking as younger people didn't do it because it tasted particularly good, we did it for social reasons, because the nicotine high provided us with some sense of stress relief, etc. I am doubtful that flavors are the real deciding factor, but I could be wrong about that.


    Runs with scissors
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    Mar 25, 2013

    This grab is from Labworks (Aussie)
    From Dr. F (Greece)
    I dunno which timezone the timestamp indicates.

    My take on 45's latest distraction is:

    Step 1 - Piss off vapers
    Step 2 - Take it back
    result = more votes from the triggered
    also result = States still fighting bans - SSDD



    ECF Guru
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    May 6, 2016
    As someone mentioned somewhere, “who will be determining what’s tobacco flavored?”. How are they even going to regulate this ridiculousness?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    It'll be like the legal standard for porn. I'll know it when I, err, taste it.

    (OK, the taste thing isn't a legal porn thing exactly, but you can't really look at a tobacco flavored juice and know the same way)
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